var $buoop = {
vs: {i:6,f:2,o:9.63,s:2,c:10}, // browser versions to notify
reminder: 0, // atfer how many hours should the message reappear
// 0 = show all the time
reminderClosed: 0, // if the u,ser closes message it reappears after x hours
onshow: function(infos){}, // callback function after the bar has appeared
onclick: function(infos){}, // callback function if bar was clicked
onclose: function(infos){}, //
l: false, // set a language for the message, e.g. "en"
// overrides the default detection
test: true, // true = always show the bar (for testing)
text: "test me now what", // custom notification html text
// Optionally include up to two placeholders "%s" which will be replaced with the browser version and contents of the link tag. Example: "Your browser (%s) is old. Please <a%s>update</a>"
text_xx: "", // custom notification text for language "xx"
// e.g. text_de for german and text_it for italian
newwindow: true, // open link in new window/tab
url: 'http://google.com', // the url to go to after clicking the notification
show: function(){
console.log('show fired')
window.location = "http://google.com"
function $buo_f(){
var e = document.createElement("script");
e.src = "//browser-update.org/update.min.js";
try {document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", $buo_f,false)}
catch(e){window.attachEvent("onload", $buo_f)}