在Class TelltaleCycle
首次在Public Property Let TimestampCh(value2let)
中进行了修改,然后在Public Property Get HowManyPeriods
中进行了访问。虽然此变量应保留Public Property Let TimestampCh(value2let)
中写入的值,但在Public Property Get HowManyPeriods
在Class BeltminderCycle
Option Explicit 'Forces the explicit declaration of all the variables in a script.
Dim oUDI : Set oUDI = CreateUDI
Class BeltminderCycle
Private p_Index
Private p_FunctionType
Private p_OrderOfThisType
Private p_StartTime
Private p_EndTime
Private p_Duration
Private p_TelltaleObjIndex
Private p_ChimeObjIndex
Dim timestamp_channel_number, amplitude_channel_number
Private Sub Class_Initialize
p_Index = 0
p_FunctionType = ""
p_OrderOfThisType = 0
p_StartTime = 0
p_EndTime = 0
p_Duration = 0
p_ChimeObjIndex = 0
p_TelltaleObjIndex = 0
End Sub
Public Property Get Index
Index = p_Index
End Property
Public Property Let Index(value2let)
p_Index = value2let
End Property
Public Property Get FunctionType
FunctionType = p_FunctionType
End Property
Public Property Let FunctionType(value2let)
p_FunctionType = value2let
End Property
Public Property Get OrderOfThisType
OrderOfThisType = p_OrderOfThisType
End Property
Public Property Let OrderOfThisType(value2let)
p_OrderOfThisType = value2let
End Property
Public Property Get StartTime
StartTime = p_StartTime
End Property
Public Property Let StartTime(value2let)
p_StartTime = value2let
End Property
Public Property Get EndTime
EndTime = p_EndTime
End Property
Public Property Let EndTime(value2let)
p_EndTime = value2let
End Property
Public Property Get Duration
Duration = p_EndTime - p_StartTime
End Property
Public Property Get TelltaleObjIndex
TelltaleObjIndex = p_TelltaleObjIndex
End Property
Public Property Let TelltaleObjIndex(value2let)
p_TelltaleObjIndex = value2let
End Property
Public Property Get ChimeObjIndex
ChimeObjIndex = p_ChimeObjIndex
End Property
Public Property Let ChimeObjIndex(value2let)
p_ChimeObjIndex = value2let
End Property
Public Sub Reinitialize
p_Index = null
p_TimestampCh = null
p_AmplitudeCh = null
p_FunctionType = null
p_OrderOfThisType = null
p_StartTime = null
p_EndTime = null
p_Duration = null
p_ChimeObjIndex = null
p_TelltaleObjIndex = null
End Sub
End Class
Class TelltaleCycle
Private p_Index
Private p_TimestampCh
Private p_AmplitudeCh
Private p_FunctionType
Private p_OrderOfThisType
Private p_StartTime
Private p_EndTime
Private p_Duration
Private p_HowManyPeriods
Dim Size
Dim timestamp_channel_number, amplitude_channel_number, PeriodBeginningsTime, PeriodBeginningsAmplitude
Private Sub Class_Initialize
p_Index = 0
p_TimestampCh = ""
p_AmplitudeCh = ""
p_FunctionType = ""
p_OrderOfThisType = 0
p_StartTime = 0
p_EndTime = 0
p_Duration = 0
p_HowManyPeriods = 0
End Sub
Public Property Get Index
Index = p_Index
End Property
Public Property Let Index(value2let)
p_Index = value2let
End Property
Public Property Get TimestampCh
TimestampCh = p_TimestampCh
End Property
Public Property Let TimestampCh(value2let)
Dim oMyChn, aString
p_TimestampCh = value2let
Set oMyChn = Data.GetChannel(value2let)
p_TimestampCh = oMyChn.Name
aString = Split(oMyChn.Name, "_", -1, 1)
p_FunctionType = aString(2) & "_" & aString(3)
p_OrderOfThisType = aString(4)
p_StartTime = CHDx(1,CNo(value2let))
p_EndTime = CHDx(ChnLength(value2let),CNo(value2let))
p_Duration = p_EndTime - p_StartTime
End Property
Public Property Get AmplitudeCh
AmplitudeCh = p_AmplitudeCh
End Property
Public Property Let AmplitudeCh(value2let)
Dim oMyChn
p_AmplitudeCh = value2let
Set oMyChn = Data.GetChannel(value2let)
p_AmplitudeCh = oMyChn.Name
End Property
Public Property Get FunctionType
FunctionType = p_FunctionType
End Property
Public Property Get OrderOfThisType
OrderOfThisType = p_OrderOfThisType
End Property
Public Property Get StartTime
StartTime = p_StartTime
End Property
Public Property Get EndTime
EndTime = p_EndTime
End Property
Public Property Get Duration
Duration = p_Duration
End Property
Public Property Get HowManyPeriods
Dim iLoop, TimeChnLength,PBT,PBA
Call LogFileWrite("p_FunctionType: " & p_FunctionType)
If ((p_FunctionType <> "NotFlashing_NA")) Then
Call ChnDifferentiate("ProcessedChannels/Telltale_Timestamp_" & p_FunctionType & "_" & p_OrderOfThisType,"ProcessedChannels/Telltale_Amplitude_" & p_FunctionType & "_" & p_OrderOfThisType,"ProcessedChannels/DifferentiatedX","ProcessedChannels/DifferentiatedY")
Call ChnPeakFind("ProcessedChannels/DifferentiatedX","ProcessedChannels/DifferentiatedY","ProcessedChannels/PeakX","ProcessedChannels/PeakY",10000,"Max.Peaks","Amplitude")
TimeChnLength = ChnLength(CNo("ProcessedChannels/PeakX"))
Dim temp
reDim PBT(TimeChnLength), PBA(TimeChnLength)
For iLoop = 1 to TimeChnLength
PBT(iLoop - 1) = CHDx(iLoop,CNo("ProcessedChannels/PeakX"))
PBA(iLoop - 1) = PNo(p_TimestampCh,PBT(iLoop - 1))
temp = PBA(iLoop - 1)
PBA(iLoop - 1) = CHDx(PBA(iLoop - 1),CNo(p_AmplitudeCh))
PeriodBeginningsTime = PBT
PeriodBeginningsAmplitude = PBA
HowManyPeriods = Ubound(PeriodBeginningsTime)
Call ChnDel("ProcessedChannels/DifferentiatedX")
Call ChnDel("ProcessedChannels/DifferentiatedY")
Call ChnDel("ProcessedChannels/PeakX")
Call ChnDel("ProcessedChannels/PeakY")
End If
End Property
Public Sub Reinitialize
p_Index = 0
p_TimestampCh = ""
p_AmplitudeCh = ""
p_FunctionType = ""
p_OrderOfThisType = 0
p_StartTime = 0
p_EndTime = 0
p_Duration = 0
p_HowManyPeriods = 0
End Sub
End Class
Class ChimeCycle
Private p_Index
Private p_TimestampCh
Private p_AmplitudeCh
Private p_FunctionType
Private p_OrderOfThisType
Private p_StartTime
Private p_EndTime
Private p_Duration
Private p_HowManyPeriods
Dim timestamp_channel_number, amplitude_channel_number, Periods
Private Sub Class_Initialize
p_Index = 0
p_TimestampCh = ""
p_AmplitudeCh = ""
p_FunctionType = ""
p_OrderOfThisType = 0
p_StartTime = 0
p_EndTime = 0
p_Duration = 0
p_HowManyPeriods = 0
End Sub
Public Property Get Index
Index = p_Index
End Property
Public Property Let Index(value2let)
p_Index = value2let
End Property
Public Property Get TimestampCh
TimestampCh = p_TimestampCh
End Property
Public Property Let TimestampCh(value2let)
Dim oMyChn, aString, iLoop
p_TimestampCh = value2let
Set oMyChn = Data.GetChannel(value2let)
p_TimestampCh = oMyChn.Name
aString = Split(oMyChn.Name, "_", -1, 1)
p_FunctionType = aString(2) & "_" & aString(3)
p_OrderOfThisType = aString(4)
p_StartTime = CHDx(1,CNO(value2let))
p_EndTime = CHDx(ChnLength(value2let),CNo(value2let))
p_Duration = p_EndTime - p_StartTime + 0.030
Periods = p_Duration/1
End Property
Public Property Get AmplitudeCh
AmplitudeCh = p_AmplitudeCh
End Property
Public Property Let AmplitudeCh(value2let)
Dim oMyChn
p_AmplitudeCh = value2let
Set oMyChn = Data.GetChannel(value2let)
p_AmplitudeCh = oMyChn.Name
End Property
Public Property Get FunctionType
FunctionType = p_FunctionType
End Property
Public Property Get OrderOfThisType
OrderOfThisType = p_OrderOfThisType
End Property
Public Property Get StartTime
StartTime = p_StartTime
End Property
Public Property Get EndTime
EndTime = p_EndTime
End Property
Public Property Get Duration
Duration = p_Duration
End Property
Public Property Get HowManyPeriods
HowManyPeriods = Periods
End Property
Public Sub Reinitialize
p_Index = 0
p_TimestampCh = ""
p_AmplitudeCh = ""
p_FunctionType = ""
p_OrderOfThisType = 0
p_StartTime = 0
p_EndTime = 0
p_Duration = 0
p_HowManyPeriods = 0
End Sub
End Class
Function GenerateTimestampChn(TimestampChnName,AmplitudeChn,Fs,NewGrp)
Dim ChannelLength, ret, iLoop
ChannelLength = ChnLength(AmplitudeChn)
ret = ChnAlloc(TimestampChnName, ChannelLength, 1, DataTypeFloat64,"Numeric",NewGrp)
For iLoop = 1 to ChannelLength
CHD(iLoop,CNo(ret(0))) = iLoop/Fs
GenerateTimestampChn = ret(0)
End Function
Function ProcessNoise(AmplitudeChn,TimestampChn,Threshold,NewGrp)
Dim iLoop, NewChn, L_TimestampChn, L_AmplitudeChn, L_Threshold
L_TimestampChn = TimestampChn
L_AmplitudeChn = AmplitudeChn
L_Threshold = Threshold
NewChn=ChnAlloc(ChnName(L_AmplitudeChn) & "_Processed", ChnLength(L_AmplitudeChn), 1, ChnValueDataType(L_AmplitudeChn),"Numeric",NewGrp)
L_AmplitudeChn = ChnCopy(L_AmplitudeChn,NewChn(0))
NewChn=ChnAlloc(ChnName(L_TimestampChn) & "_Processed", ChnLength(L_TimestampChn), 1, ChnValueDataType(L_TimestampChn),"Numeric",NewGrp)
L_TimestampChn = ChnCopy(L_TimestampChn,NewChn(0))
For iLoop = 1 to ChnLength(L_AmplitudeChn)
If (CHDx(iLoop,CNo(L_AmplitudeChn))<L_Threshold) Then
CHDx(iLoop,CNo(L_AmplitudeChn)) = NULL
CHDx(iLoop,CNo(L_TimestampChn)) = NULL
End If
CHD(iLoop-1,L_AmplitudeChn) = 0
CHD(iLoop-1,L_TimestampChn) = 0
Call Portal.Refresh
Call oUDI.Sleep(100)
Call ChnNovHandle(L_TimestampChn,L_AmplitudeChn,"Delete","XY",1,0,0)
NewChn = array(L_TimestampChn,L_AmplitudeChn)
ProcessNoise = NewChn
End Function
Function IdentifyChime(TimestampChn, AmplitudeChn, ChimesThreshold,NewGrp)
Dim ChimesCounter, InitialWarningCounter, BeltminderACounter, BeltminderBCounter, UndefinedChimeCounter
Dim iLoop, iLoop2, max, I
Dim MyChannels(1), elements(), aux2(), ChnNumber
Dim Timestamp, Amplitude, AmplitudeChnLength
Dim InitialWarningThreshold, BeltminderAThreshold, BeltminderBThreshold
TimestampChn = CNo(TimestampChn)
AmplitudeChn = CNo(AmplitudeChn)
InitialWarningCounter = 0
BeltminderACounter = 0
BeltminderBCounter = 0
UndefinedChimeCounter = 0
InitialWarningThreshold = ChimesThreshold(0)
BeltminderAThreshold = ChimesThreshold(1)
BeltminderBThreshold = ChimesThreshold(2)
AmplitudeChnLength = ChnLength(AmplitudeChn)
reDim chime(1,AmplitudeChnLength)
reDim aux(AmplitudeChnLength,1)
For iLoop = 1 to AmplitudeChnLength
Call oUDI.Sleep(100)
max = 0
If (iLoop<AmplitudeChnLength) Then
Timestamp = CHDx(iLoop,TimestampChn)
Amplitude = CHDx(iLoop,AmplitudeChn)
If (Amplitude <> 0) Then
chime(0,iLoop2) = Timestamp
chime(1,iLoop2) = Amplitude
If (Amplitude>max) Then
End If
End If
Loop While((iLoop<AmplitudeChnLength) AND ((CHDx(iLoop,TimestampChn)-chime(0,iLoop2-1))<2))
End If
If(max>BeltminderBThreshold) Then
MyChannels(0) = "Chime_Timestamp_InitialWarning_NA_" & InitialWarningCounter
MyChannels(1) = "Chime_Amplitude_InitialWarning_NA_" & InitialWarningCounter
ElseIf((max<BeltminderBThreshold) AND (max>BeltminderAThreshold)) Then
MyChannels(0) = "Chime_Timestamp_Beltminder_B_" & BeltminderBCounter
MyChannels(1) = "Chime_Amplitude_Beltminder_B_" & BeltminderBCounter
ElseIf(max<BeltminderAThreshold) Then
MyChannels(0) = "Chime_Timestamp_Beltminder_A_" & BeltminderACounter
MyChannels(1) = "Chime_Amplitude_Beltminder_A_" & BeltminderACounter
MyChannels(0) = "Chime_Timestamp_UndefinedChimeThreshold_NA_" & UndefinedChimeCounter
MyChannels(1) = "Chime_Amplitude_UndefinedChimeThreshold_NA_" & UndefinedChimeCounter
End If
reDim aux2(1,iLoop2-1)
For I=0 to Ubound(aux2,2)
aux2(0,I) = chime(0,I)
aux2(1,I) = chime(1,I)
Erase chime
reDim chime(1,AmplitudeChnLength)
ChnNumber = ArrayToChannels(aux2,MyChannels)
Call ChnMove(ChnNumber(0), NewGrp)
Call ChnMove(ChnNumber(1), NewGrp)
ChnNumber(0) = "[" & NewGrp & "]/" & MyChannels(0)
ChnNumber(1) = "[" & NewGrp & "]/" & MyChannels(1)
Erase aux2
ChimesCounter = InitialWarningCounter + BeltminderACounter + BeltminderBCounter + UndefinedChimeCounter
aux(ChimesCounter-1,0) = ChnNumber(0)
aux(ChimesCounter-1,1) = ChnNumber(1)
reDim elements(ChimesCounter-1,1)
For I=0 to Ubound(elements)
elements(I,0) = aux(I,0)
elements(I,1) = aux(I,1)
IdentifyChime = elements 'Returns a channel list as a vector. The return are numbers.
Erase aux
Erase elements
End Function
Function IdentifyTelltale(TimestampChn, AmplitudeChn, TelltaleBeltminderAMinPeriodOn, TelltaleBeltminderABMaxPeriodOn,NewGrp)
Dim TelltalesCounter, NotFlashingCounter, BeltminderACounter, BeltminderBCounter, UndefinedTelltaleCounter
Dim iLoop, iLoop2, iLoop3, NoChangeLength, diff, I
Dim Change, NoChange, LastValley, aux2, LastValley2
Dim MyChannels(1), elements(), ChnNumber, TelltaleLength, Falling, Rising
Dim Timestamp, Amplitude, AmplitudeChnLength, NoChangeLengthMax
TimestampChn = CNo(TimestampChn)
AmplitudeChn = CNo(AmplitudeChn)
NotFlashingCounter = 0
BeltminderACounter = 0
BeltminderBCounter = 0
UndefinedTelltaleCounter = 0
NoChangeLengthMax = 0
AmplitudeChnLength = ChnLength(AmplitudeChn)
reDim Telltale(1,AmplitudeChnLength)
reDim cycle(1,AmplitudeChnLength)
reDim aux(AmplitudeChnLength,1)
for iLoop3 = 1 to AmplitudeChnLength
Telltale(0,iLoop3 - 1) = CHDx(iLoop3,TimestampChn)
Telltale(1,iLoop3 - 1) = CHDx(iLoop3,AmplitudeChn)
TelltaleLength = Ubound(telltale,2)
iLoop3 = 0
Do While (Telltale(1,iLoop3)=0)
For iLoop = iLoop3 to TelltaleLength
Call oUDI.Sleep(100)
NoChangeLength = 0
NoChangeLengthMax = 0
Change = 0
iLoop2 = 0
If (iLoop < AmplitudeChnLength) Then
Do While((iLoop < AmplitudeChnLength) AND (Telltale(1,iLoop) = 0))
iLoop = iLoop + 1
End If
If (iLoop < AmplitudeChnLength) Then
Do While((iLoop < AmplitudeChnLength) AND (NoChangeLength < (1+0.4)*TelltaleBeltminderABMaxPeriodOn))
cycle(0,iLoop2) = Telltale(0,iLoop)
cycle(1,iLoop2) = Telltale(1,iLoop)
If (iLoop <> 0) Then
If (Telltale(1,iLoop - 1) <> Telltale(1,iLoop)) Then
Change = Telltale(0,iLoop)
LastValley = iLoop2
LastValley2 = iLoop
If (Telltale(1,iLoop) = 1) Then
Rising = Telltale(0,iLoop)
Falling = Telltale(0,iLoop)
If (NoChangeLengthMax < (Falling - Rising)) Then
NoChangeLengthMax = Falling - Rising
End If
End If
ElseIf ((Change <> 0) AND (Telltale(1,iLoop - 1) = Telltale(1,iLoop))) Then
NoChange = Telltale(0,iLoop)
NoChangeLength = NoChange - Change
End If
End If
iLoop = iLoop + 1
iLoop2 = iLoop2 + 1
aux2 = cycle
redim preserve aux2(1,LastValley-1)
iLoop = LastValley2
If(NoChangeLengthMax > (1+0.4)*TelltaleBeltminderABMaxPeriodOn) Then 'Above 40% of Beltminder A or B maximum period it is considered not flashing state
NotFlashingCounter = NotFlashingCounter + 1
MyChannels(0) = "Telltale_Timestamp_NotFlashing_NA_" & NotFlashingCounter
MyChannels(1) = "Telltale_Amplitude_NotFlashing_NA_" & NotFlashingCounter
ElseIf((NoChangeLengthMax > (1-0.1)*TelltaleBeltminderAMinPeriodOn)) Then '10% of error is acceptable
BeltminderACounter = BeltminderACounter + 1
MyChannels(0) = "Telltale_Timestamp_Beltminder_A_" & BeltminderACounter
MyChannels(1) = "Telltale_Amplitude_Beltminder_A_" & BeltminderACounter
ElseIf(NoChangeLengthMax < (1-0.1)*TelltaleBeltminderAMinPeriodOn) Then '10% of error is acceptable
BeltminderBCounter = BeltminderBCounter + 1
MyChannels(0) = "Telltale_Timestamp_Beltminder_B_" & BeltminderBCounter
MyChannels(1) = "Telltale_Amplitude_Beltminder_B_" & BeltminderBCounter
UndefinedTelltaleCounter = UndefinedTelltaleCounter + 1
MyChannels(0) = "Telltale_Timestamp_UndefinedTelltaleThreshold_NA_" & UndefinedTelltaleCounter
MyChannels(1) = "Telltale_Amplitude_UndefinedTelltaleThreshold_NA_" & UndefinedTelltaleCounter
End If
aux2(1,0) = 0
aux2(1,Ubound(aux2)) = 0
ChnNumber = ArrayToChannels(aux2,MyChannels,true)
Call ChnMove(ChnNumber(0), NewGrp)
Call ChnMove(ChnNumber(1), NewGrp)
ChnNumber(0) = "[" & NewGrp & "]/" & MyChannels(0)
ChnNumber(1) = "[" & NewGrp & "]/" & MyChannels(1)
TelltalesCounter = NotFlashingCounter + BeltminderACounter + BeltminderBCounter + UndefinedTelltaleCounter
aux(TelltalesCounter - 1,0) = ChnNumber(0)
aux(TelltalesCounter - 1,1) = ChnNumber(1)
End If
reDim elements(TelltalesCounter - 1,1)
For I = 0 to Ubound(elements)
elements(I,0) = aux(I,0)
elements(I,1) = aux(I,1)
IdentifyTelltale = elements 'Returns a channel list as a vector. The return are numbers.
Erase aux
Erase elements
End Function
Function BeltminderFunction(Arg)
Dim ret, iLoop, iLoop2, BeltminderCounter
Dim Fs 'Sample rate (log sample rate = 100Hz)
Dim Threshold 'NoChangeLengthimum noise amplitude
Dim TimestampChn, TimestampChn2, ChimeAmplitudeChn, ProcessedTimestampChn, ProcessedChimeAmplitudeChn, GeneratedChns, NewGrp
Dim TelltaleAmplitudeChn
Dim chime1, telltale
Dim TelltaleBeltminderAMinPeriodOn, TelltaleBeltminderABMaxPeriodOn
Dim ChimesThreshold(3)
Fs = BeltminderFunctionArgs(0)
TimestampChn = BeltminderFunctionArgs(1)
ChimeAmplitudeChn = BeltminderFunctionArgs(2)
NewGrp = GroupIndexGet(GroupCreate("ProcessedChannels"))
TimestampChn = GenerateTimestampChn(TimestampChn,ChimeAmplitudeChn,Fs,NewGrp)
TimestampChn2 = TimestampChn
Threshold = BeltminderFunctionArgs(3)
ret = ProcessNoise(ChimeAmplitudeChn,TimestampChn,Threshold,NewGrp)
ProcessedTimestampChn = ret(0)
ProcessedChimeAmplitudeChn = ret(1)
Call oUDI.Sleep(100)
ChimesThreshold(0) = BeltminderFunctionArgs(7) 'Initial warning chime threshold
ChimesThreshold(1) = BeltminderFunctionArgs(8) 'Beltminder A chime threshold
ChimesThreshold(2) = BeltminderFunctionArgs(9) 'Beltminder B chime threshold
GeneratedChns = IdentifyChime(ProcessedTimestampChn,ProcessedChimeAmplitudeChn, ChimesThreshold,NewGrp)
ReDim chime1 (Ubound(GeneratedChns,1))
For iLoop = 0 to Ubound(chime1)
Set chime1(iLoop) = New ChimeCycle
chime1(iLoop).Index = iLoop
chime1(iLoop).TimestampCh = GeneratedChns(iLoop,0)
chime1(iLoop).AmplitudeCh = GeneratedChns(iLoop,1)
TelltaleAmplitudeChn = BeltminderFunctionArgs(4)
TelltaleBeltminderAMinPeriodOn = BeltminderFunctionArgs(5)
TelltaleBeltminderABMaxPeriodOn = BeltminderFunctionArgs(6)
GeneratedChns = IdentifyTelltale(TimestampChn,TelltaleAmplitudeChn, TelltaleBeltminderAMinPeriodOn, TelltaleBeltminderABMaxPeriodOn,NewGrp)
ReDim telltale1 (Ubound(GeneratedChns,1))
For iLoop = 0 to Ubound(telltale1)
Set telltale1(iLoop) = New TelltaleCycle
telltale1(iLoop).Index = iLoop
telltale1(iLoop).TimestampCh = GeneratedChns(iLoop,0)
telltale1(iLoop).AmplitudeCh = GeneratedChns(iLoop,1)
Dim telltale1_Temp, chime1_Temp, NoFlashingNoChimeOrder
telltale1_Temp = telltale1
chime1_Temp = chime1
BeltminderCounter = 0
NoFlashingNoChimeOrder = 1
For iLoop = 0 to Ubound(telltale1_Temp)
For iLoop2 = 0 to Ubound(chime1_Temp)
If((chime1_Temp(iLoop2).FunctionType <> "InitialWarning_NA") AND (telltale1_Temp(iLoop).FunctionType = "NotFlashing_NA")) Then
ReDim Preserve beltminder1(BeltminderCounter)
Set beltminder1(BeltminderCounter) = New BeltminderCycle
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).Index = BeltminderCounter
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).FunctionType = telltale1_Temp(iLoop).FunctionType
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).OrderOfThisType = NoFlashingNoChimeOrder
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).StartTime = telltale1_Temp(iLoop).StartTime
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).EndTime = telltale1_Temp(iLoop).EndTime
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).ChimeObjIndex = "N/A"
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).TelltaleObjIndex = telltale1_Temp(iLoop).Index
BeltminderCounter = BeltminderCounter + 1
NoFlashingNoChimeOrder = NoFlashingNoChimeOrder + 1
End If
If((chime1_Temp(iLoop2).FunctionType = "InitialWarning_NA") AND (telltale1_Temp(iLoop).FunctionType = "NotFlashing_NA")) Then
ReDim Preserve beltminder1(BeltminderCounter)
Set beltminder1(BeltminderCounter) = New BeltminderCycle
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).Index = BeltminderCounter
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).FunctionType = chime1_Temp(iLoop2).FunctionType
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).OrderOfThisType = chime1_Temp(iLoop2).OrderOfThisType
If(telltale1_Temp(iLoop).StartTime < chime1_Temp(iLoop2).StartTime) Then
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).StartTime = telltale1_Temp(iLoop).StartTime
Else beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).StartTime = chime1_Temp(iLoop2).StartTime
End If
If(telltale1_Temp(iLoop).EndTime > chime1_Temp(iLoop2).EndTime) Then
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).EndTime = telltale1_Temp(iLoop).EndTime
Else beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).EndTime = chime1_Temp(iLoop2).EndTime
End If
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).ChimeObjIndex = chime1_Temp(iLoop2).Index
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).TelltaleObjIndex = telltale1_Temp(iLoop).Index
BeltminderCounter = BeltminderCounter + 1
End If
If((telltale1_Temp(iLoop).FunctionType <> "") AND (telltale1_Temp(iLoop).FunctionType = chime1_Temp(iLoop2).FunctionType) AND (telltale1_Temp(iLoop).OrderOfThisType = chime1_Temp(iLoop2).OrderOfThisType)) Then
ReDim Preserve beltminder1(BeltminderCounter)
Set beltminder1(BeltminderCounter) = New BeltminderCycle
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).Index = BeltminderCounter
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).FunctionType = chime1_Temp(iLoop2).FunctionType
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).OrderOfThisType = chime1_Temp(iLoop2).OrderOfThisType
If(telltale1_Temp(iLoop).StartTime < chime1_Temp(iLoop2).StartTime) Then
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).StartTime = telltale1_Temp(iLoop).StartTime
Else beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).StartTime = chime1_Temp(iLoop2).StartTime
End If
If(telltale1_Temp(iLoop).EndTime > chime1_Temp(iLoop2).EndTime) Then
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).EndTime = telltale1_Temp(iLoop).EndTime
Else beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).EndTime = chime1_Temp(iLoop2).EndTime
End If
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).ChimeObjIndex = chime1_Temp(iLoop2).Index
beltminder1(BeltminderCounter).TelltaleObjIndex = telltale1_Temp(iLoop).Index
BeltminderCounter = BeltminderCounter + 1
End IF
Erase telltale1_Temp
Erase chime1_Temp
'For iLoop2 = 0 to Ubound(beltminder1)
' Call LogFileWrite( "Index: " & beltminder1(iLoop2).Index & vbCrLf &"FunctionType: " & beltminder1(iLoop2).FunctionType & vbCrLf & "OrderOfThisType: " & beltminder1(iLoop2).OrderOfThisType & vbCrLf & "StartTime: " & beltminder1(iLoop2).StartTime & vbCrLf & "EndTime: " & beltminder1(iLoop2).EndTime & vbCrLf & "Duration: " & beltminder1(iLoop2).Duration & vbCrLf & "ChimeObjIndex: " & beltminder1(iLoop2).ChimeObjIndex & vbCrLf & "TelltaleObjIndex: " & beltminder1(iLoop2).TelltaleObjIndex)
BeltminderFunction = Array (chime1, telltale1, beltminder1,TimestampChn2)
End Function