Python 3而True:循环

时间:2016-05-26 00:37:25

标签: python loops while-loop python-3.4

我正在努力在我的代码中实现while True:循环。

if file_removed in bs:点,如果存在int,我需要从提供的链接列表中请求用户提供新的which_link = input(lb + "\n|Which vodlocker link should we use?\n|\n| --> ")(返回file_removed)在页面上。

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from GoogleScraper import scrape_with_config, GoogleSearchError
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from urllib.request import URLError
from urllib.request import urlopen
from hurry.filesize import size
from sys import getsizeof
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS
import subprocess as sp
import requests as r
import pandas as pd
from pyprind import ProgBar
import psutil
import string
import tqdm
import time
import sys
import re
import os    

def the_link():
    lb = "+--------------------------------------------------------------+"
    site = " " # prefix of search term
    keywords = site + input(lb + "\n|Film to search\n|\n| --> ") # ask user for search term
    config = {
    'use_own_ip': True,
    'keyword': keywords,
    'search_engines': ['google'],           # various configuration settings
    'num_pages_for_keyword': 1,
    'scrape_method': 'http',
    #'sel_browser': 'phantomjs',            # this makes scraping with browsers headless and quite fast.
    'do_caching': True,
    'num_results_per_page': 50,
    'log_level': 'CRITICAL',
    'output_filename': 'results.csv'        # file to save links to 
        search = scrape_with_config(config)
    except GoogleSearchError as e:
    csv_file = "results.csv" # create an instance of the file
    df = pd.read_csv(csv_file) # read said file
    vodlocker_link = df['link'] # get the vodlocker links from the file (note: you can also use df.column_name
    link_id = df['title']
    results = df['num_results_for_query']
    results_lower = results[0].lower()
    print(lb + "\nWe have found " + results_lower + "\n") # print the link we will use
    title_dict = [
    "HDTV","hdtv", "BDRip","BRrip", "HDRip", "HDTS", "hdts",  # disc type
    "720p", "1080p",                                          # dimensions
    "XviD", "Watch",
    "mp4", "MP4", "X264",                      
    "mkv", "MKV",                                             # video types
    "avi", "AVI", 
    "-LOL", "LOL",
    "ac3", "AC3",
    "-playnow", "playnow", "VoDLocker", "-", "_"
    "EVO", "evo",
    "GECKOS", "FASTSUB",                                      # tags 
    "REPACK", "Vostfr",
    "VOSTFR", "libre",
    "fum", "-fum",
    "on 4vid tv online", "(", ")"
    regex_title = r"|".join(title_dict)
    s = r.Session() # create an instance of a requests session
    headers = {"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_1_2 like Mac OS X) Safari/9537.53", "Accept":"text/q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Language":"en-US,en"} # set the user agent and stuff in the header 
    which_link = input(lb + "\n|Which vodlocker link should we use?\n|\n| --> ")
    req = s.get(vodlocker_link[int(which_link)], headers=headers) # get the page from link
    bs = BS(req.text, "lxml") # create a soup object
    file_removed = "<h3>The file was removed by administrator</h3>"
    if file_removed in bs:
        print("The file was removed by administrator")
        film = bs.find(type="video/mp4") # find the film link
        film_link = film["src"] # get the actual film link
        title = bs.find(id="file_title").get_text()
        fixed_title = re.sub(regex_title, "",title, flags=re.I)
        title_lower = fixed_title.lower()
        title_strip = title_lower.strip()
        title_hyphen = title_strip.replace(" ", "-")
        print(lb + "\n|The title of the film is:\n|" + fixed_title)
        print(lb + "\n|We found a video link on the vodlocker page:\n|" + film_link)
        prfx = "/home/jack/server.files/mp4/films/" # prefix for file_name location
    #    file_name = input("Please name the file:\n--> ") # ask user for file name
        ext = film_link[-4:]
        file_name = title_hyphen + ext
        print(lb + "\n|We will name the file:\n|\n|" + file_name)
        file_name_ok = input(lb + "\n|We have attempted to name the file from the title. Is our guess O.K?\n|\n|[Any key to cotinue]--> ") #TODO prompt user for name if we cant guess it
        u = s.get(film_link, headers=headers, stream=True) # create an instance of the file stream
        file_size = int(u.headers["content-length"]) # get meta info -- file size
        print(lb + "\n|File Path and name:\n|\n|" + prfx + file_name) # print the file name and path
        print(lb + "\n|File Size: " + size(file_size)) # print the file size
        bar = ProgBar(file_size / 1024, title=lb + "\n|Downloading:\n|\n|" + file_name + "\n" + lb, stream=sys.stdout, bar_char='█', update_interval=1)
        with open(prfx + file_name, 'wb') as f:
            dl = 0
            if file_size is None: # no content length header
                f.write(r.content) #TODO print error if size is none!
                for chunk in u.iter_content(1024):
                    dl += len(chunk)
                    bar.update(item_id = file_name)
        print("\n|Finished downloading " + file_name)



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


headers = {"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_1_2 like Mac OS X) Safari/9537.53", "Accept":"text/q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Language":"en-US,en"} # set the user agent and stuff in the header 
while True:
    which_link = input(lb + "\n|Which vodlocker link should we use?\n|\n| --> ")
    req = s.get(vodlocker_link[int(which_link)], headers=headers) # get the page from link
    bs = BS(req.text, "lxml") # create a soup object
    file_removed = "<h3>The file was removed by administrator</h3>"
    if file_removed in bs:
        print("The file was removed by administrator")
film = bs.find(type="video/mp4") # find the film link
film_link = film["src"] # get the actual film link