
时间:2016-05-25 13:27:04

标签: javascript nativescript



  <ListView items="{{ connections }}"  loaded="" itemLoading="" itemTap="">
          <StackLayout class='connection-li'>
                <GridLayout class="connection-info" rows="" columns="auto, *, *" tap="goToMeasurements">
                    <Image col="0" src="res://ic_person_black_36dp" stretch ="none" />                        
                    <Label col="1" class="connection-name" text="{{ PatientFirstName + ' ' + PatientLastName }}" textWrap="false" />
                    <Image col="2" verticalAlignment="middle" horizontalAlignment="right" src="res://ic_cancel_black_18dp" stretch ="none" />                        

编辑: 根据文档,我发现了以下可以挂钩的事件来获取索引数据,但是它引用了ListView,我如何能够对我感兴趣的那个具体引用,我可以给它一个类吗?并以这种方式访问​​它?

listView.on(listViewModule.ListView.itemTapEvent, function (args: listViewModule.ItemEventData) {
    var tappedItemIndex = args.index;
    var tappedItemView = args.view;
    //// Do someting

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


<ListView items="{{ connections }}" itemTap="onConnectionTapped">


export function onConnectionTapped(args) {
    var tappedView = args.view,
        //the View will have a bindingContext 
        // set to the individual item from the list
        tappedItem = tappedView.bindingContext;

    //or, if you need the entire list as well, 
    // get it from the Page's bindingContext
    // as each View has a ref to the Page it's on
    var pageBindingContext = tappedView.page.bindingContext,
        fullItemsList = pageBindingContext.connections,
        itemForTap = fullItemsList[args.index];

答案 1 :(得分:2)

"ProjectB": "1.0.0" 处理程序class Widget { private: char* pDataText { NULL }; int idNumber { 0 }; public: void Setup() { pDataText = new char[100]; } ~Widget() { delete pDataText; } void Reset() { Widget blankWidget; this->~Widget(); // Manually delete the current object using the dtor *this = blankObject; // Copy a blank object to the this-object. } }; goToMeasurements。其args.object属性将是GridLayout数组中的数据项。如果您需要索引,.bindingContext将返回此数据项的索引。