
时间:2016-05-24 05:13:10

标签: captcha phpfox



我想在我的phpfox网站中使验证码不区分大小写。请帮我。 我无法在phpfox验证码模块中找到更改区分大小写的代码,并且phpfox后端中没有任何设置可以帮助我。 这是




defined('PHPFOX') or exit('NO DICE!');

 * @copyright       [PHPFOX_COPYRIGHT]
 * @author          Raymond Benc
 * @package         Module_Captcha
 * @version         $Id: captcha.class.php 6005 2013-06-06 14:12:12Z Raymond_Benc $
class Captcha_Service_Captcha extends Phpfox_Service 
    private $_oSession;

     * Class constructor
    public function __construct()
        $this->_oSession = Phpfox::getService('log.session');

    public function checkHash($sCode = null)

        if (Phpfox::getParam('captcha.recaptcha'))

            require_once(PHPFOX_DIR_LIB . 'recaptcha' . PHPFOX_DS . 'recaptchalib.php');        
            if (isset($_POST["recaptcha_response_field"])) 
                $oResp = recaptcha_check_answer(Phpfox::getParam('captcha.recaptcha_private_key'), $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);

                if ($oResp->is_valid){          
                    return true;
                    return false;

            return false;

        if (Phpfox::getParam('core.store_only_users_in_session'))

            $oSession = Phpfox::getLib('session');

            $sSessionHash = $oSession->get('sessionhash');

            $aRow = $this->database()->select('*')
                ->where('session_hash = \'' . $this->database()->escape($sSessionHash) . '\'')

            if (isset($aRow['session_hash']) && $this->_getHash(strtolower($sCode), $aRow['session_hash']) == $aRow['captcha_hash'])
                return true;

            if ($this->_getHash(strtolower($sCode), $this->_oSession->getSessionId()) == $this->_oSession->get('captcha_hash'))
                return true;

        return false;

    public function setHash($sCode)
        if (Phpfox::getParam('core.store_only_users_in_session'))
            $oRequest = Phpfox_Request::instance();
            $oSession = Phpfox::getLib('session');

            $sSessionHash = $oSession->get('sessionhash');
            $bCreate = true;

            if (!empty($sSessionHash))
                $bCreate = false;
                $aRow = $this->database()->select('*')
                    ->where('session_hash = \'' . $this->database()->escape($sSessionHash) . '\'')

                if (isset($aRow['session_hash']))
                    $this->database()->update(Phpfox::getT('log_session'), array('captcha_hash' => $this->_getHash($sCode, $sSessionHash)), "session_hash = '" . $sSessionHash . "'");
                    $bCreate = true;

            if ($bCreate)
                $sSessionHash = $oRequest->getSessionHash();
                $this->database()->insert(Phpfox::getT('log_session'), array(
                        'session_hash' => $sSessionHash,
                        'id_hash' => $oRequest->getIdHash(),
                        'captcha_hash' => $this->_getHash($sCode, $sSessionHash),
                        'user_id' => Phpfox::getUserId(),
                        'last_activity' => PHPFOX_TIME,
                        'location' => '',
                        'is_forum' => '0',
                        'forum_id' => 0,
                        'im_hide' => 0,
                        'ip_address' => '',
                        'user_agent' => ''
                $oSession->set('sessionhash', $sSessionHash);
            $iId = $this->_oSession->getSessionId();

            $this->database()->update(Phpfox::getT('log_session'), array('captcha_hash' => $this->_getHash($sCode, $iId)), "session_hash = '" . $iId . "'");

    public function displayCaptcha($sText)
        ((Phpfox::getParam('captcha.captcha_use_font') && function_exists('imagettftext')) ? $this->_writeFromFont($sText) : $this->_writeFromString($sText));


        header("X-Content-Encoded-By: phpFox " . PhpFox::getVersion());
        header("Pragma: no-cache");
        header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); 
        header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');


    public function generateCode($sCharacters) 
        $sPossible = Phpfox::getParam('captcha.captcha_code');
        $sCode = '';
        $i = 0;
        while ($i < $sCharacters) 
            $sCode .= substr($sPossible, mt_rand(0, strlen($sPossible)-1), 1);
        return strtolower($sCode);

     * If a call is made to an unknown method attempt to connect
     * it to a specific plug-in with the same name thus allowing 
     * plug-in developers the ability to extend classes.
     * @param string $sMethod is the name of the method
     * @param array $aArguments is the array of arguments of being passed
    public function __call($sMethod, $aArguments)
         * Check if such a plug-in exists and if it does call it.
        if ($sPlugin = Phpfox_Plugin::get('captcha.service_captcha__call'))
            return eval($sPlugin);

         * No method or plug-in found we must throw a error.
        Phpfox_Error::trigger('Call to undefined method ' . __CLASS__ . '::' . $sMethod . '()', E_USER_ERROR);

    private function _getHash($sCode, $sSalt)
        return md5(md5($sCode) . $sSalt);

    private function _writeFromFont($sText)
        $iString = strlen($sText);
        $iWidth = (($iString + 5) * 10 * 2);
        $iHeight = 45;
        $iTextSize = 20;
        $sFont = Phpfox::getParam('core.dir_static') . 'image/font/' . Phpfox::getParam('captcha.captcha_font');

        if (!file_exists($sFont))
            return $this->_writeFromString($sText);

        $this->_imageCreate($iWidth, $iHeight);

        $nBgColor  = imageColorAllocate($this->_hImg, 255, 255, 255);
        $nTxtColor = imageColorAllocate($this->_hImg, 0, 0, 0);     

        if (!($aBox = @imagettfbbox($iTextSize, 0, $sFont, $sText)))
            return $this->_writeFromString($sText);

        //Find out the width and height of the text box
        $iTextW = $aBox[2] - $aBox[0];
        $iTextH = $aBox[5] - $aBox[3];        

        if (function_exists('imagefilledellipse'))
            $nNoiseColor = imagecolorallocate($this->_hImg, 207, 181, 181);
            for ($i = 0; $i < ($iWidth*$iHeight) / 3; $i++)
                imagefilledellipse($this->_hImg, mt_rand(0, $iWidth), mt_rand(0, $iHeight), 1, 1, $nNoiseColor);

        $iImageLineColor = imagecolorallocate($this->_hImg, 207, 181, 181);
        for ($i = 0; $i < ($iWidth*$iHeight) / 150; $i++)
            imageline($this->_hImg, mt_rand(0, $iWidth), mt_rand(0, $iHeight), mt_rand(0, $iWidth), mt_rand(0, $iHeight), $iImageLineColor);

        // Calculate the positions
        $positionLeft = (($iWidth - $iTextW) / 2) - (20 + $iString);
        $positionTop = (($iHeight - $iTextH) / 2);

        for ($i = 0; $i < $iString; $i++) 
            if (!@imagettftext($this->_hImg, $iTextSize, 0, $positionLeft, 30, $nTxtColor, $sFont, $sText[$i]))
                return $this->_writeFromString($sText);

            $positionLeft += 20;

    private function _writeFromString($sText)
        $iString = strlen($sText);
        $iWidth = (($iString + 5) * 6.4 * 2);
        $iHeight = 40;

        $this->_imageCreate($iWidth, $iHeight);

        $nBgColor  = imageColorAllocate($this->_hImg, 255, 255, 255);
        $nTxtColor = imageColorAllocate($this->_hImg, 0, 0, 0);        

        $positionLeft = 20;

        for ($i = 0; $i < $iString; $i++) 
            imagestring($this->_hImg, 5, $positionLeft, 12,  $sText[$i], $nTxtColor);

            $positionLeft += 15;

    private function _imageCreate($iWidth, $iHeight)
        $this->_hImg = imageCreate($iWidth, $iHeight);


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




defined('PHPFOX') or exit('NO DICE!');

 * @copyright       [PHPFOX_COPYRIGHT]
 * @author          Raymond Benc
 * @package         Module_Captcha
 * @version         $Id: captcha.class.php 6005 2013-06-06 14:12:12Z Raymond_Benc $
class Captcha_Service_Captcha extends Phpfox_Service 
    private $_oSession;

     * Class constructor
    public function __construct()
        $this->_oSession = Phpfox::getService('log.session');

    public function checkHash($sCode = null)

        if (Phpfox::getParam('captcha.recaptcha'))

            require_once(PHPFOX_DIR_LIB . 'recaptcha' . PHPFOX_DS . 'recaptchalib.php');        
            if (isset($_POST["recaptcha_response_field"])) 
                $oResp = recaptcha_check_answer(Phpfox::getParam('captcha.recaptcha_private_key'), $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);

                if ($oResp->is_valid){          
                    return true;
                    return false;

            return false;

        if (Phpfox::getParam('core.store_only_users_in_session'))

            $oSession = Phpfox::getLib('session');

            $sSessionHash = $oSession->get('sessionhash');

            $aRow = $this->database()->select('*')
                ->where('session_hash = \'' . $this->database()->escape($sSessionHash) . '\'')

            if (isset($aRow['session_hash']) && $this->_getHash($sCode, $aRow['session_hash']) == $aRow['captcha_hash'])
                return true;

            if ($this->_getHash($sCode, $this->_oSession->getSessionId()) == $this->_oSession->get('captcha_hash'))
                return true;

        return false;

    public function setHash($sCode)
        if (Phpfox::getParam('core.store_only_users_in_session'))
            $oRequest = Phpfox_Request::instance();
            $oSession = Phpfox::getLib('session');

            $sSessionHash = $oSession->get('sessionhash');
            $bCreate = true;

            if (!empty($sSessionHash))
                $bCreate = false;
                $aRow = $this->database()->select('*')
                    ->where('session_hash = \'' . $this->database()->escape($sSessionHash) . '\'')

                if (isset($aRow['session_hash']))
                    $this->database()->update(Phpfox::getT('log_session'), array('captcha_hash' => $this->_getHash($sCode, $sSessionHash)), "session_hash = '" . $sSessionHash . "'");
                    $bCreate = true;

            if ($bCreate)
                $sSessionHash = $oRequest->getSessionHash();
                $this->database()->insert(Phpfox::getT('log_session'), array(
                        'session_hash' => $sSessionHash,
                        'id_hash' => $oRequest->getIdHash(),
                        'captcha_hash' => $this->_getHash($sCode, $sSessionHash),
                        'user_id' => Phpfox::getUserId(),
                        'last_activity' => PHPFOX_TIME,
                        'location' => '',
                        'is_forum' => '0',
                        'forum_id' => 0,
                        'im_hide' => 0,
                        'ip_address' => '',
                        'user_agent' => ''
                $oSession->set('sessionhash', $sSessionHash);
            $iId = $this->_oSession->getSessionId();

            $this->database()->update(Phpfox::getT('log_session'), array('captcha_hash' => $this->_getHash($sCode, $iId)), "session_hash = '" . $iId . "'");

    public function displayCaptcha($sText)
        ((Phpfox::getParam('captcha.captcha_use_font') && function_exists('imagettftext')) ? $this->_writeFromFont($sText) : $this->_writeFromString($sText));


        header("X-Content-Encoded-By: phpFox " . PhpFox::getVersion());
        header("Pragma: no-cache");
        header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); 
        header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');


    public function generateCode($sCharacters) 
        $sPossible = Phpfox::getParam('captcha.captcha_code');
        $sCode = '';
        $i = 0;
        while ($i < $sCharacters) 
            $sCode .= substr($sPossible, mt_rand(0, strlen($sPossible)-1), 1);
        return $sCode;

     * If a call is made to an unknown method attempt to connect
     * it to a specific plug-in with the same name thus allowing 
     * plug-in developers the ability to extend classes.
     * @param string $sMethod is the name of the method
     * @param array $aArguments is the array of arguments of being passed
    public function __call($sMethod, $aArguments)
         * Check if such a plug-in exists and if it does call it.
        if ($sPlugin = Phpfox_Plugin::get('captcha.service_captcha__call'))
            return eval($sPlugin);

         * No method or plug-in found we must throw a error.
        Phpfox_Error::trigger('Call to undefined method ' . __CLASS__ . '::' . $sMethod . '()', E_USER_ERROR);

    private function _getHash($sCode, $sSalt)
        return md5(md5($sCode) . $sSalt);

    private function _writeFromFont($sText)
        $iString = strlen($sText);
        $iWidth = (($iString + 5) * 10 * 2);
        $iHeight = 45;
        $iTextSize = 20;
        $sFont = Phpfox::getParam('core.dir_static') . 'image/font/' . Phpfox::getParam('captcha.captcha_font');

        if (!file_exists($sFont))
            return $this->_writeFromString($sText);

        $this->_imageCreate($iWidth, $iHeight);

        $nBgColor  = imageColorAllocate($this->_hImg, 255, 255, 255);
        $nTxtColor = imageColorAllocate($this->_hImg, 0, 0, 0);     

        if (!($aBox = @imagettfbbox($iTextSize, 0, $sFont, $sText)))
            return $this->_writeFromString($sText);

        //Find out the width and height of the text box
        $iTextW = $aBox[2] - $aBox[0];
        $iTextH = $aBox[5] - $aBox[3];        

        if (function_exists('imagefilledellipse'))
            $nNoiseColor = imagecolorallocate($this->_hImg, 207, 181, 181);
            for ($i = 0; $i < ($iWidth*$iHeight) / 3; $i++)
                imagefilledellipse($this->_hImg, mt_rand(0, $iWidth), mt_rand(0, $iHeight), 1, 1, $nNoiseColor);

        $iImageLineColor = imagecolorallocate($this->_hImg, 207, 181, 181);
        for ($i = 0; $i < ($iWidth*$iHeight) / 150; $i++)
            imageline($this->_hImg, mt_rand(0, $iWidth), mt_rand(0, $iHeight), mt_rand(0, $iWidth), mt_rand(0, $iHeight), $iImageLineColor);

        // Calculate the positions
        $positionLeft = (($iWidth - $iTextW) / 2) - (20 + $iString);
        $positionTop = (($iHeight - $iTextH) / 2);

        for ($i = 0; $i < $iString; $i++) 
            if (!@imagettftext($this->_hImg, $iTextSize, 0, $positionLeft, 30, $nTxtColor, $sFont, $sText[$i]))
                return $this->_writeFromString($sText);

            $positionLeft += 20;

    private function _writeFromString($sText)
        $iString = strlen($sText);
        $iWidth = (($iString + 5) * 6.4 * 2);
        $iHeight = 40;

        $this->_imageCreate($iWidth, $iHeight);

        $nBgColor  = imageColorAllocate($this->_hImg, 255, 255, 255);
        $nTxtColor = imageColorAllocate($this->_hImg, 0, 0, 0);        

        $positionLeft = 20;

        for ($i = 0; $i < $iString; $i++) 
            imagestring($this->_hImg, 5, $positionLeft, 12,  $sText[$i], $nTxtColor);

            $positionLeft += 15;

    private function _imageCreate($iWidth, $iHeight)
        $this->_hImg = imageCreate($iWidth, $iHeight);


答案 1 :(得分:-1)

您可能会遇到问题,也可能是您的解决方案。请记住,还需要考虑数据库上的排序规则。如果您使用的是 utf8_general_ci ,则ci表示它是case insensitive,因此无论您在代码端进行什么操作,数据库都不会在乎其大小写。测试一下,在搜索栏上查找一些字符串,假设一个用户 John Smith ,然后搜索与 john smith相同的字符串 ...如果搜索产生相同的结果,则您的数据库不关心区分大小写的搜索。我不知道您的验证码将答案保存在何处,但是如果确实将答案保存在数据库中,并且匹配了您的问题,那么它可能不在乎是大写还是小写。
