如何使我的功能按计划工作?我的逻辑错了吗? (长)

时间:2016-05-24 02:34:56

标签: javascript jquery function



function addition()  { //addition function

 function generateNumber() { //generateNumber is a function that creates 2 numbers based on the user's input from cookies
 var n1= Math.floor(Math.random() * (cookiearray[2] - cookiearray[1]) + cookiearray[1]);  //n1 is equal to a random number between the user input. It grabs values from the cookie array.
 var n2= Math.floor(Math.random() * (cookiearray[2] - cookiearray[1]) + cookiearray[1]); //n2 is also a random number.
 document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = n1 + " + " + n2 + "=" ; //this asks the user the question
 window.answer = n1+n2;

 } //end of generateNumber function

 generateNumber(); //calls the generateNumber function.




$("#input").keyup(function(event){ //targets the input box
if(event.keyCode == 13){ //when enter is pressed

    if(answer == $('#input').val()){ //evaluate if the input value was equal to the global variable answer (from game.js)

     //if it is the correct answer...

     score += 1; //add score by 1
     document.getElementById("score").innerHTML = "Score: " + score ; //print score

     $('#input').val('') //clears text box for next question


  else {
     //if the input answer was incorrect...

  document.getElementById("incorrect").innerHTML +=  "<br />" + "The answer to " + display1 + " was " + answer + " not " + $('#input').val();
  $('#input').val('') //clears text box for next question


} //end if statement (with keycode)



function requiz() {
var i = 0;
window.answer = requizAnswers[i];
document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = requizQuestions[i];

 $("#input").keyup(function(event){ //targets the input box
if(event.keyCode == 13){ //when enter is pressed

  if(answer === $('#input').val()){ //evaluate if the input value was equal to the global variable answer (from game.js)

  window.answer = requizAnswers[i];
  document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = requizQuestions[i];   

  } else {
//didn't know what to put here  

} //end if statement (with keycode)



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我认为我采取了略微不同的方法。预先生成所有问题和答案,并存储在一个数组中。然后,从数组中删除一个问题并将其显示给用户 - 如果他们回答错误,则将问题添加到列表的后面。一旦数组为空,则测验结束。这是一个工作样本:

var questions = [];
var question = null;
var min, max;

function startGame() {
  min = Number(prompt("Enter your min value", 0));
  max = Number(prompt("Enter your max value", 10));
  let numberOfQuestions = Number(prompt("Enter number of questions", 5));

  //pre-create all questions
  for(let i = 0; i < numberOfQuestions; i++) {


function askNext() {
  //clear the answer box

  //update the question
  if (questions.length > 0) {
    //get the next question out of the array
    question = questions.shift();
  } else {

function generateNumber() { //generateNumber is a function that creates 2 numbers based on the user's input from cookies
  var n1= Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);  //n1 is equal to a random number between the user input. It grabs values from the cookie array.
  var n2= Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min); //n2 is also a random number.
  var question = n1 + " + " + n2 + " = " ; //this asks the user the question
  var answer = n1+n2;
  return {
    question : question,
    answer : answer

$(function() {
  $("#answer").on("keyup", function(e) {
    if (e.keyCode === 13) {
      //get the number the user entered
      let answer = Number(this.value);

      //if it's wrong, add to the end of the question list
      if (answer !== question.answer)

      //continue with the next question
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<span id="question">
<input id="answer" />