* Auto Generated Java Class.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class WereWolfenstein2D {
GameWorld gameOne = new GameWorld(true);
private boolean tracing = false;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
String input, answer, restart;
int walk, current;
char area;
public void explain() {
System.out.print("You are a hunter, defend the village and capture the Werewolf by shooting it three times. ");
System.out.println("If you get bitten visit the village to be cured. " +
"If you get bitten twice you'll turn." +
"If none of the town folk survive, you lose. " +
"Now choose how what circumstances you're willing to work in.");
public void pickDifficulity(){
System.out.println("Easy, Normal or Hard?");
input = sc.nextLine();
input = input.toUpperCase();
if (input.equals("EASY")){
else if (input.equals("NORMAL")) {
else if (input.equals("HARD")) {
public void preMove(){
System.out.println("current stats");
// no. of actions until dawn
// current population
// if they can hear village
// if not bitten:
// current area no.
// number of connecting areas
// gameOne.nextArea(char direction);
//gameOne.areasConnected(int s1, int s2);
// no of times werewolf shot
// no. of bullets left
// if the player can smell the wolf
public void pickMove(){
System.out.print("walk shoot, quit or reset?");
answer = sc.nextLine();
//if area not connected: alert
//if into village: alert that they are healed
//if containing wolf: altert they are bitten, if already bitten game ends
switch(answer) {
case "walk": System.out.println("Pick a direction to walk in south(s), east(e), north(n), west(w)");
current = gameOne.getCurrentArea(); //current area they are in
char direction = sc.next().charAt(current); //direction they wish to travel
// char area = sc.next().charAt(current);
char area1 = 's';
char area2 = 'e';
char area3 = 'n';
char area4 = 'w';
System.out.println("the area to the south is: " + gameOne.nextArea(area1));
System.out.println("the area to the east is: " + gameOne.nextArea(area2));
System.out.println("the area to the north is: " + gameOne.nextArea(area3));
System.out.println("the area to the west is: " + gameOne.nextArea(area4));
System.out.println(current +"<< >>" + direction);
System.out.println("pick again");
int newcurrent = direction;
direction = sc.next().charAt(newcurrent);
System.out.println(newcurrent + "<< new >>" + direction);
case "shoot":
case "quit": System.out.print("would you like to start again? (yes/no)");
restart = sc.nextLine();
if (restart.equals("yes")) {
else {
System.out.println("Thanks for playing");
case "reset": //gameOne.reset();
public void play() {
// gameOne.reset();
public void setTracing(boolean onOff) {
tracing = onOff;
public void trace(String message) {
if (tracing) {
System.out.println("WereWolfenstein2D: " + message);
GAMEWORLD CLASS&gt;&gt;&gt; 公共类GameWorld {
// Final instance variables
public final int NIGHT_LENGTH = 3; // three actions until dawn arrives (day is instantaneous)
private final int MAX_SHOTS_NEEDED = 3; // successful hits required to subdue werewolf
//This map is _deliberately_ confusing, although it actually a regular layout
private int[] east = {1,2,0,4,5,3,7,8,6}; // areas to east of current location (index)
private int[] west = {2,0,1,5,3,4,8,6,7}; // areas to west of current location (index)
private int[] north = {6,7,8,0,1,2,3,4,5}; // areas to north of current location (index)
private int[] south = {3,4,5,6,7,8,0,1,2}; // areas to south of current location (index)
private int numAreas = south.length; // number of areas in the "world"
// Non-final instance variables
private int currentArea; // current location of player
private int villagePos; // area where the village is located
private int wolfPos; // area where the werewolf can be found
private Difficulty level; // difficulty level of the game
private int villagerCount; // number of villagers remaining
private int stepsUntilDawn; // number of actions until night falls
private boolean isBitten; // is the player currently bitten and in need of treatment?
private int hitsRemaining; // number of shots still needed to subdue the werewolf
private Random generator; // to use for random placement in areas
private boolean tracing; // switch for tracing messages
* Creates a game world for the WereWolfenstein 2D game.
* @param traceOnOff whether or not tracing output should be shown
public GameWorld(boolean traceOnOff) {
trace("GameWorld() starts...");
generator = new Random();
generator.setSeed(101); //this default setting makes the game more predictable, for testing
setTracing(traceOnOff); //this may replace random number generator
trace("...GameWorld() ends");
* Returns the number of the current area.
* @return which area number player is within
public int getCurrentArea() {
trace("getCurrentArea() starts... ...and ends with value " + currentArea);
return currentArea;
* Returns the number of shot attempts, formatted as "total hits/total required"
* @return the fraction of shots that have hit the werewolf (out of the required number of hits)
public String getShotCount() {
String count; // formatted total
trace("getShotCount() starts...");
count = (MAX_SHOTS_NEEDED - hitsRemaining) + "/" + MAX_SHOTS_NEEDED;
trace("getShotCount() ...ends with value " + count);
return count;
* Returns the current number of villagers.
* @return the villager count, >= 0
public int getVillagePopulation() {
return villagerCount;
* Returns the number of actions remaining until dawn arrives.
* @return actions remaining until dawn event
public int getActionsUntilNight() {
return stepsUntilDawn;
* Randomly determines a unique starting location (currentArea), village
* position (villagePos) and werewolf position (wolfPos).
* @param difficulty - the difficulty level of the game
* @return the starting location (area)
public int newGame(Difficulty difficulty) {
trace("newGame() starts...");
level = difficulty;
//determine village location and initialise villagers and night length
villagePos = generator.nextInt(numAreas);
stepsUntilDawn = NIGHT_LENGTH;
villagerCount = level.getVillagerCount();
// determine player's position
if (level.getPlayerStartsInVillage()) {
//place player in village
currentArea = villagePos;
} else {
//pick a random location for player away from the village
do {
currentArea = generator.nextInt(numAreas);
} while (currentArea == villagePos);
trace("player starts at " + currentArea);
// determine werewolf's position
trace("calling resetTargetPosition()");
// define player's status
trace("player is not bitten");
isBitten = false;
trace("werewolf is not hit");
hitsRemaining = MAX_SHOTS_NEEDED;
trace("...newGame() ends with value " + currentArea);
return currentArea;
/** Randomly determines a unique location for werewolf (wolfPos). */
private void resetWolfPosition() {
int pos; // werewolf position
trace("resetWolfPosition() starts...");
pos = generator.nextInt(numAreas);
while (pos == currentArea || pos == villagePos) {
trace("clash detected");
// avoid clash with current location
pos = generator.nextInt(numAreas);
wolfPos = pos;
trace("werewolf position is " + wolfPos);
trace("...resetWolfPosition() ends");
* Returns the nearness of the werewolf.
* @return Status of werewolf's location
* BITTEN: if player is currently bitten (and delirious)
* NEAR: if werewolf is in a connected area
* FAR: if werewolf is elsewhere
public Result werewolfNear() {
trace("werewolfNear() starts");
if (isBitten) {
trace("werewolfNear(): player is still delirious from a bite so cannot sense nearness of werewolf");
return Result.BITTEN;
trace("werewolfNear() returning result of nearnessTo(" + wolfPos + ")");
return nearnessTo(wolfPos);
* Returns true if the village is near the player (in an adjacent area),
* false otherwise.
* @return true if the player is near (but not in) the village, false otherwise.
public boolean isVillageNear() {
trace("villageNear() starts and returns result of nearnessTo(" + villagePos + ") == Result.NEAR");
return nearnessTo(villagePos) == Result.NEAR;
* Returns the nearness of the player to the nominated area.
* @param area the area (werewolf or village) to assess
* @return Nearness of player to nominated area
* NEAR: if player is adjacent to area
* FAR: if player is not adjacent to the area
private Result nearnessTo(int area) {
Result closeness; // closeness of player to area
trace("nearnessTo() starts...");
if ((east[currentArea] == area) ||
(west[currentArea] == area) ||
(north[currentArea] == area) ||
(south[currentArea] == area))
// player is close to area
closeness = Result.NEAR;
trace("area is close");
} else {
// player is not adjacent to area
closeness = Result.FAR;
trace("area is far");
trace("...nearnessTo() ends with value " + closeness);
return closeness;
* Try to move the player to another area. If the move is not IMPOSSIBLE
* then the number of actions remaining before dawn arrives is decremented.
* @param into the area to try to move into
* @return Result of the movement attempt
* SUCCESS: move was successful (current position changed)
* VILLAGE: move was successful and player has arrived in the village (and is not longer bitten)
* BITTEN: move was successful but player encountered the werewolf
* FAILURE: move was successful but already bitten player encountered the werewolf again
* IMPOSSIBLE: move was impossible (current position not changed)
public Result tryWalk(int into) {
Result result; // outcome of walk attempt
trace("tryWalk() starts...");
if (areasConnected(currentArea, into)) {
trace("move into area " + into );
currentArea = into;
if (currentArea != wolfPos) {
// werewolf not found
trace("werewolf not encountered");
result = Result.SUCCESS;
if (currentArea == villagePos) {
isBitten = false;
result = Result.VILLAGE;
} else {
// werewolf encountered
if (isBitten) {
trace("werewolf encountered again");
result = Result.FAILURE;
} else {
// not bitten
trace("werewolf encountered");
result = Result.BITTEN;
isBitten = true;
stepsUntilDawn--; //one more action taken
} else { // area not connected
trace("move not possible");
result = Result.IMPOSSIBLE;
trace("...tryWalk() ends with value " + result);
return result;
* Try to shoot a silver bullet at the werewolf from the current area.
* If the shot is not IMPOSSIBLE then the number of actions remaining
* before dawn arrives is decremented.
* @param into the area to attempt to shoot into
* @return status of attempt
* CAPTURED: werewolf has been subdued and captured
* SUCCESS: werewolf has been hit but is not yet captured
* VILLAGE: the shot went into the village and a villager has died
* FAILURE: werewolf not present
* IMPOSSIBLE: area not connected
public Result shoot(int into) {
Result result; // outcome of shooting attempt
trace("shoot() starts...");
if (areasConnected(currentArea, into)) {
// area connected
trace("shoot into area " + into );
if (into == villagePos) {
result = Result.VILLAGE;
trace("shot into village");
} else if (into != wolfPos) {
// not at werewolf location (but at least didn't shoot into the village!)
result = Result.FAILURE;
trace("werewolf not present");
} else {
// at werewolf location
if (hitsRemaining == 0) {
// last hit required to subdue the werewolf
trace("werewolf subdued and captured");
result = Result.CAPTURED;
} else {
// not the last shot
result = Result.SUCCESS;
if (level.getWolfMovesWhenShot()) {
trace("werewolf found but not yet captured");
stepsUntilDawn--; //one more action taken
} else {
// not at valid location
result = Result.IMPOSSIBLE;
trace("area not present");
trace("...shoot() ends with value " + result);
return result;
* Checks if there are no more actions left until dawn arrives. If dawn is
* here then decrements the number of villagers, repositions the werewolf
* and resets the number of actions until dawn arrives again. Returns true
* if dawn occurred, false if it did not.
* @return true if dawn just happened, false if has not yet arrived
public boolean checkForDawn() {
if (stepsUntilDawn == 0) {
if (villagerCount > 0) { //dawn may arrive after shooting the last villager
stepsUntilDawn = NIGHT_LENGTH;
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if areas s1 and s2 are connected, false otherwise.
* Also returns false if either area is an invalid area identifier.
* @param s1 the first area
* @param s2 the second area
* @return true if areas are connected, false otherwise
private boolean areasConnected(int s1, int s2) {
if (Math.min(s1, s2) >= 0 && Math.max(s1, s2) < numAreas) { //valid areas...
//...but are they connected?
return east[s1] == s2 || north[s1] == s2 || west[s1] == s2 || south[s1] == s2;
//Either s1 or s2 is not a valid area identifier
return false;
* Determine ID number of an adjacent area given its direction from the
* current area.
* @param direction the direction to look (n for north, e for east, s for south, w for west)
* @return number of the area in that direction
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if direction is null
public int nextArea(char direction) {
int nextIs; // area number of area in indicated direction
//Valid values
final char N = 'n', E = 'e', S = 's', W = 'w';
trace("nextArea() starts...");
// examine adjacent areas
switch (direction) {
case N: trace("determining number of area to the north");
nextIs = north[currentArea];
case E: trace("determining number of area to the east");
nextIs = east[currentArea];
case S: trace("determining number of area to the south");
nextIs = south[currentArea];
case W: trace("determining number of area to the west");
nextIs = west[currentArea];
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Direction must be one of " + N + ", " + E + ", " + S + " or " + W);
trace("...nextArea() ends with value for '" + direction + "' of " + nextIs);
return nextIs;
/** Resets all game values. */
public void reset() {
trace("reset() starts...");
// reset all game values
trace("resetting all game values");
newGame(level); //start a new game with the same difficulty
trace("...reset() ends");
* Turn tracing messages on or off. If off then it is assumed that
* debugging is not occurring and so a new (unseeded) random number
* generator is created so the game is unpredictable.
* @param shouldTrace indicates if tracing messages should be displayed or not
public void setTracing(boolean shouldTrace) {
if (! shouldTrace) { // not tracing so get an unseeded RNG
generator = new Random();
tracing = shouldTrace;
* Prints the given tracing message if tracing is enabled.
* @param message the message to be displayed
public void trace(String message) {
if (tracing) {
System.out.println("GameWorld: " + message);