我有一个csv文件。目前,我已经研究出如何编辑其中的数据,并将其保存在csv文件中(通过表单)。 - (我已经附上了下面的主要代码,但即使是任何建议也会有所帮助)
for ($i=0; $i<200; $i++) {
if(empty($SearchResults[$i][0]) == false){ //If its full
<form method="post" action="">
Full Name: <input name = "Name2" type="text" value="<?php echo $SearchResults[$i][0] ?>"/>
Weight (kg): <input name="Weight2" type="number" value="<?php echo $SearchResults[$i][1] ?>"/>
Weight of belongings (kg): <input name="WeightOfBelongings2" type="number"value="<?php echo $SearchResults[$i][2] ?>"/>
<input name="submit" type="submit" />
}else if (empty($SearchResults[$i][0]) == true){ //If it is empty
$i =201;
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$FullName = $_POST['Name2'];
$Weight = $_POST['Weight2'];
$WeightOfBelongings = $_POST['WeightOfBelongings2'];
//Creates a new felon from the class in felen.php and assigns it to this variable $Felon
$Felen = new felen;
//This refers to a function in the class Felen. From this information it calculates the costs, ammounts etc. And saves it to a variable that can be called.
$Felen -> CreateFelen($FullName, $Weight, $WeightOfBelongings);
//This is a for loop that checks when there is an avaliable line to put the data into.
if ($FullName != "") {
$i = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<200; $i++) {
if(empty($csv[$i][0]) == false){ //If its full
if($csv[$i][0] == $_POST['Name2']){
//its only printing it if it is in the first row?
$csv[$i][0] = $FullName;
$csv[$i][1] = $Weight;
$csv[$i][2] = $WeightOfBelongings;
$csv[$i][3] = $Felen->FelenTotalWeight;
$csv[$i][4] = $Felen->UnassembliumRequired;
$csv[$i][5] = $Felen->ReassembliumRequired;
$csv[$i][6] = $Felen->CostOfUnassemblium;
$csv[$i][7] = $Felen->CostOfReassemblium;
$csv[$i][8] = $Felen->TotalCostOfJourney;
$i = 201;
//Saves the previous data and new changes to the csv file
//This opens to file as a write file
$fp = fopen('data.csv', 'w');
//This takes the array that has had data ddded to it and adds it to the file
foreach ($csv as $fields) {
fputcsv($fp, $fields);
//This closes the file