boost :: asio :: streambuf - 如何重用缓冲区?

时间:2016-05-22 10:12:28

标签: c++ boost boost-asio

我正在实现TCP服务器,该服务器同时使用asio socket.async_read()和boost :: asio :: async_read_until()方法来异步读取socket中的数据。两者都使用相同的处理程序从boost :: asio :: streambuf中读取数据。


void handle_read(const boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t ytes_transferred) )
    boost::asio::streambuf::const_buffers_type rq_buf_data =;
    std::vector<uint8_t> dataBytes(boost::asio::buffers_begin(rq_buf_data), boost::asio::buffers_begin(rq_buf_data) + bytes_transferred);

    //process data here

    bytes_transferred = 0;


但是,如果从第2次boost :: asi :: async_read_until()调用调用handle_read(),我在dataBytes中得到一些零,然后有效数据就会出现。

我尝试了一个简单的测试用例,发现在向streambuf和commit()+ consume()写入数据之后,streambuf中的数据仍保留以前的缓冲区。

那么,有没有办法清除boost :: asio :: streambuf中的数据并在boost :: asio :: async_read_until()中重用它?

Live Coliru

如果使用USE_STREAM = 1编译,则实时示例正常工作。但是std :: istream与缓冲区消耗()相比有什么不同?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

当使用对streambuf进行操作的Boost.Asio操作或使用streambuf的流对象时,例如std::ostreamstd::istream,基础输入和输出序列将妥善管理。如果为操作提供了缓冲区,例如将prepare()传递给读操作或data()传递给写操作,则必须显式处理commit()和{{1} }。

示例中的问题是它违反了API契约,导致未初始化的内存被提交到输入序列。 commit()文档声明:


需要前一个调用consume() prepare(x),并且不需要修改输入或输出序列的中间操作。

x >= nstd::ostream之间使用prepare()违反了此合同,因为它会修改输入序列:



// Prepare 1024 bytes for the output sequence.  The input sequence is
// empty.
boost::asio::streambuf streambuf;

// prepare() and write to the output sequence, then commit the written
// data to the input sequence.  The API contract has been violated.
std::ostream ostream(&streambuf);
ostream << "1234567890";

// Commit 10 unspecified bytes to the input sequence.  Undefined
// behavior is invoked.


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>

int main()
  std::cout << "with streams:" << std::endl;
    boost::asio::streambuf streambuf;

    // prepare() and write to the output sequence, then commit the written
    // data to the input sequence.  The output sequence is empty and
    // input sequence contains "1234567890".
    std::ostream ostream(&streambuf);
    ostream << "1234567890";

    // Read from the input sequence and consume the read data.  The string
    // 'str' contains "1234567890".  The input sequence is empty, the output
    // sequence remains unchanged.
    std::istream istream(&streambuf);
    std::string str;
    istream >> str;
    std::cout << "str = " << str << std::endl;

    // Clear EOF bit.

    // prepare() and write to the output sequence, then commit the written
    // data to the input sequence.  The output sequence is empty and
    // input sequence contains "0987654321".
    ostream << "0987654321";

    // Read from the input sequence and consume the read data.  The string
    // 'str' contains "0987654321".  The input sequence is empty, the output
    // sequence remains unchanged.
    istream >> str;
    std::cout << "str = " << str << std::endl;

  std::cout << "with streams and manual operations:" << std::endl;
    boost::asio::streambuf streambuf;

    // prepare() and write to the output sequence, then commit the written
    // data to the input sequence.  The output sequence is empty and
    // input sequence contains "1234567890".
    std::ostream ostream(&streambuf);
    ostream << "1234567890";

    // Copy 10 bytes from the input sequence.  The string `str` contains
    // "1234567890".  The output sequence is empty and the input
    // sequence contains "1234567890".
    auto data =;
    std::string str(boost::asio::buffers_begin(data),
                    boost::asio::buffers_begin(data) + 10);
    std::cout << "str = " << str << std::endl;

    // Consume 10 bytes from the input sequence.  The input sequence is
    // now empty.

    // prepare() and write to the output sequence, then commit the written
    // data to the input sequence.  The output sequence is empty and
    // input sequence contains "0987654321".
    ostream << "0987654321";

    // Copy 10 bytes from the input sequence.  The string `str` contains
    // "0987654321.  The output sequence is empty and the input
    // sequence contains "0987654321".    
    data =;
               boost::asio::buffers_begin(data) + 10);
    std::cout << "str = " << str << std::endl;

    // Consume 10 bytes from the input sequence.  The input sequence is
    // now empty.

有关streambuf使用的更多信息,请考虑阅读this answer。