我怎样才能在Ionic中绕过这个android bug呢?

时间:2016-05-21 23:15:47

标签: javascript android angularjs ionic-framework




我唯一能想到的是"发布" Android正在处理操作,作为上一页的操作,并将我重定向回按钮"所属的页面"到。


.controller('EmergencyCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, $ionicLoading, $state, $ionicPopup, $ionicHistory) {  

  $scope.held_for = 0;
  $scope.holding = false;
  $scope.max = 1800;

  $scope.is_tap = false;

  var loader = document.getElementById('loader');
  var boarder = document.getElementById('border');
  var α = 0;
  var π = Math.PI;
  var t = 30;

  $scope.tap = function(event) {

    $scope.is_tap = true;

    $scope.tap_interval = setInterval(function(){ 

      α += 2;
      α %= 92;

      var r = ( α * π / 180 )
        , x = Math.sin( r ) * 125
        , y = Math.cos( r ) * - 125
        , mid = ( α > 180 ) ? 1 : 0
        , anim = 'M 0 0 v -125 A 125 125 1 ' 
               + mid + ' 1 ' 
               +  x  + ' ' 
               +  y  + ' z';

      document.getElementById('loader').setAttribute( 'd', anim );
      document.getElementById('border').setAttribute( 'd', anim );

      // setTimeout(draw, t); // Redraw
      if (α >= 90)
        $scope.holding = false;
        $scope.held_for = 0;
        α = 0;
    }, 1);


      // The text to display in the loading indicator
      // template: '<round-progress max="{{max}}" current="{{held_for}}" color="#ef473a" bgcolor="#eaeaea" radius="50" stroke="50" semi="false" rounded="false" clockwise="true" responsive="false" duration="800" animation="easeInOutQuart" animation-delay="0"></round-progress><br>Continue holding <br>to report emergency.',

      templateUrl: 'templates/loading.html',

      scope: $scope,

      // The animation to use
      animation: 'fade-in',

      // Will a dark overlay or backdrop cover the entire view
      showBackdrop: true,

      // The maximum width of the loading indicator
      // Text will be wrapped if longer than maxWidth
      minWidth: 250,

      // The delay in showing the indicator
      showDelay: 0,

      delay: 0,

      // Hide when we switch to the broad cast page.
      hideOnStateChange: true

  $scope.hold = function(event) {
    $scope.is_tap = false;
    // $scope.holding = true;
    $scope.interval = setInterval(function(){ 
      $scope.held_for += 1;
      if ($scope.held_for >= 180)

      α += 2;
      // console.log(α);
      α %= 360;
      var r = ( α * π / 180 )
        , x = Math.sin( r ) * 125
        , y = Math.cos( r ) * - 125
        , mid = ( α > 180 ) ? 1 : 0
        , anim = 'M 0 0 v -125 A 125 125 1 ' 
               + mid + ' 1 ' 
               +  x  + ' ' 
               +  y  + ' z';

      document.getElementById('loader').setAttribute( 'd', anim );
      document.getElementById('border').setAttribute( 'd', anim );

      // setTimeout(draw, t); // Redraw
    }, 1);


      // The text to display in the loading indicator
      // template: '<round-progress max="{{max}}" current="{{held_for}}" color="#ef473a" bgcolor="#eaeaea" radius="50" stroke="50" semi="false" rounded="false" clockwise="true" responsive="false" duration="800" animation="easeInOutQuart" animation-delay="0"></round-progress><br>Continue holding <br>to report emergency.',

      templateUrl: 'templates/loading.html',

      scope: $scope,

      // The animation to use
      animation: 'fade-in',

      // Will a dark overlay or backdrop cover the entire view
      showBackdrop: true,

      // The maximum width of the loading indicator
      // Text will be wrapped if longer than maxWidth
      minWidth: 250,

      // The delay in showing the indicator
      showDelay: 0,

      delay: 0,

      // Hide when we switch to the broad cast page.
      hideOnStateChange: true


  $scope.release = function(event) {
    if ($scope.is_tap == false)
      $scope.holding = false;
      $scope.held_for = 0;
      α = 0;



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