| Books |
| bookID | bName |categoryID (FK) |
| 1 |some text|5 |
| 2 |some text|9 |
| category |
| categoryID |cat name |
| 5 |fiction |
| 9 |history |
答案 0 :(得分:2)
您需要的基本工作流程是生成表单,并在用户提交后获取$ _POST数据并通过PHP将其发送到您的数据库以更新您的表,类似于(但不完全是) :
// Establish a connection to your database with MySQLi using the correct
// hostname, username, password, and database name
$connection = new mysqli($hostname, $username, $password, $database);
// Check if the connection works
if($connection->connect_errno) {
die("Unable to connect to database");
// Retrieve the new id from your form
$new_id = $_POST['new_id'];
// Set the MySQL query to run which will update your table
// Below where it says "table" use your table's name
$query = "UPDATE table SET categoryID = '$new_id' WHERE bookID = '$bookID'";
// Execute the query
// Close the connection to the database