我无法理解我的代码,了解php实际上如何与服务器通信并从文件中提取信息。因为我真的没有看到完整网址的来源。我对php很新,所以我很茫然。代码显示来自http://webster.cs.washington.edu/cse154/services/flashcards的信息 但我真的没有看到它的位置,特别是访问这些路径,我不知道如何获取信息来创建新的json和xmls。就像我想要提取一个txt文件一样,让我们说一个组成网站:http://jackson.hubert.com/coolstuff和coolstuff有txt文件,这段代码是如何得到这些信息的?对不起,如果这是一个非常愚蠢的问题
# Solution to CSE 154 Flashcard lab.
# generates a JSON list of categories if passed a parameter mode
# with the value of categories. Otherwise outputs a random question
# from the passed in category in XML.
$mode = $_GET["mode"];
$category = $_GET["category"];
$url = "../../cse154/services/flashcards/";
if($mode == "categories") {
} else {
outputXml($url, $category);
# outputs the list of available categories in JSON
function outputJson($url) {
$files = glob($url . "*");
$json = array("categories" => array());
foreach($files as $file) {
$count = count(glob($file."/*"));
$json["categories"][basename($file)] = $count;
header("Content-type: application/json");
# outputs a random question about the provided category in XML
function outputXml($url, $category) {
$files = glob($url . "$category/*");
$index = array_rand($files);
// this is a great place to use list!!
list($ques, $ans) = file($files[$index]);
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$card = $dom->createElement("card");
$question = $dom->createElement("question");
$answer = $dom->createElement("answer");
header("Content-type: text/xml");
/* javascript */
(function() {
var category = "computerscience";
var xml = null;
// sets up onclick handlers
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById("viewAll").onclick = viewAll;
document.getElementById("next").onclick = next;
// sends an ajax request to the passed in address.
// calls the passed in function when the request returns.
function ajax($adress, $function) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.onload = $function;
request.open("GET", $adress, true);
// makes a request for all of the categories.
function viewAll() {
ajax("flashcards.php?mode=categories", displayAll);
// displays all categories in a list on the page.
function displayAll() {
$json = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
for($cat in $json.categories) {
var li = document.createElement("li");
li.innerHTML = $cat;
li.onclick = choose;
// sets a new category as the category all questions should come from.
function choose() {
category = this.innerHTML;
// displays the next question if it was last displaying an answer or nothing.
// displays the answer to the previous question otherwise.
function next() {
if(!xml) {
ajax("flashcards.php?category=" + category, displayNext);
} else {
document.getElementById("card").innerHTML = xml.querySelector("answer").textContent;
xml = null;
// displays the question that it recieved from the server.
function displayNext() {
xml = this.responseXML;
document.getElementById("card").innerHTML = xml.querySelector("question").textContent;