
时间:2016-05-20 13:14:34

标签: excel vba class object properties

我正在尝试构建一个基本上描述地理空间条件语句的类,其中一个参数是高度。 Altitude有4个属性,如Min,Max,Units,Invert,我试图让类支持2层属性。


Dim blah as qClass
Set blah = New qClass

blah.Altitude.Min = 100

这就是我正在寻找的效果,但我很难搞清楚如何实现它。 (适度的VBA经验,但第一次上课)

我的解决方案: 我创建了一个泛型类,它具有我将用于每个参数的Min / Max / Unit / Invert参数,因此只需设置一次然后重复使用。


Private pMin As Integer
Private pMax As Integer
Private pUnit As String
Private pInvert As Boolean

Public Property Get Min() As Integer
    Min = pMin
End Property

Public Property Get Max() As Integer
    Max = pMax
End Property

Public Property Get Unit() As String
    Unit = pUnit
End Property

Public Property Get Invert() As Boolean
    Invert = pInvert
End Property

Public Property Let Min(Value As Integer)
    pMin = Value
End Property

Public Property Let Max(Value As Integer)
    pMax = Value
End Property

Public Property Let Unit(Value As String)
    pUnit = Value
End Property

Public Property Let Invert(Value As Boolean)
    pInvert = Value
End Property


'CPA Range Property
Public Property Get CPARange() As cSettings
    If pCPARange Is Nothing Then Set pCPARange = New cSettings
    Set CPARange = pCPARange
End Property
Public Property Set CPARange(Value As cSettings)
    Set pCPARange = Value
End Property

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Public Sub Test()
    Dim a As New aClass
    a.InitializeFromValues 40, 150

    Dim q As New qClass
    q.Altitude = a
    ' q.Altitude.Min = 40
    ' q.Altitude.Max = 150

    Dim z As New qClass
    z.Altitude.Max = 100
    ' z.Altitude.Min = 0   (default)
    ' z.Altitude.Max = 100
End Sub


=== aClass定义===

Private m_min As Double
Private m_max As Double

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    m_min = 0#
    m_max = 0#
End Sub

Public Sub InitializeFromValues(ByVal Min As Double, ByVal Max As Double)
    m_min = Min
    m_max = Max
End Sub

Public Property Get Min() As Double
    Min = m_min
End Property

Public Property Let Min(ByVal X As Double)
    m_min = X
End Property

Public Property Get Max() As Double
    Max = m_max
End Property

Public Property Let Max(ByVal X As Double)
    m_max = X
End Property

=== qClass定义===

Private m_alt As aClass

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set m_alt = New aClass
End Sub

Public Sub InitializeFromValues(ByVal alt As aClass)
    Set m_alt = alt
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Set m_alt = Nothing
End Sub

Public Property Get Altitude() As aClass
    Set Altitude = m_alt
End Property

Public Property Set Altitude(ByVal X As aClass)
    Set m_alt = X
End Property

答案 1 :(得分:0)

实际上,我会用一个例子来扩展我的评论。我有两个自定义类:clsComputer和clsHDD。 clsComputer有3个属性:pModel,pSerialNumber和pHDD。 pHDD是clsHDD的实例化(因为计算机可以有多个不同的硬盘驱动器)。 非常重要的部分位于clsComputer中,我们检查If pHardDrives(index) Is Nothing!如果您不这样做并尝试访问objComputer.HDD.Status,则会崩溃。

<强> clsComputer:

Private pModel As String
Private pSerialNumber As String

' Model property
Public Property Get Model() As String
    Model = pModel
End Property
Public Property Let Model(value As String)
    pModel = value
End Property
' SerialNumber property
Public Property Get SerialNumber() As String
     SerialNumber = pSerialNumber
End Property
Public Property Let SerialNumber(value As String)
    pSerialNumber = value
End Property
' HardDrives property
Public Property Get HardDrives(index As Integer) As clsHDD
    If pHardDrives(index) Is Nothing Then Set pHardDrives(index) = New clsHDD
    Set HardDrives = pHardDrives(index)
End Property
Public Property Set HardDrives(index As Integer, value As clsHDD)
    Set pHardDrives(index) = value
End Property
' HardDrives property
Public Property Get HardDrives(index As Integer) As clsHDD
    If pHardDrives(index) Is Nothing Then Set pHardDrives(index) = New clsHDD
    Set HardDrives = pHardDrives(index)
End Property
Public Property Set HardDrives(index As Integer, value As clsHDD)
    Set pHardDrives(index) = value
End Property

<强> clsHDD:

Private pDescription As String
Private pStatus As String

Public Property Get Description() As String
    Description = pDescription
End Property
Public Property Let Description(value As String)
    pDescription = value
End Property

Public Property Get Status() As String
    Status = pStatus
End Property
Public Property Let Status(value As String)
    pStatus = value
End Property

答案 2 :(得分:0)



    Option Explicit

    Public Type AltitudeType '<~~ first declare the UDT that will be a sub-type of the main one
        Min As Long
        Max As Long
        Units As String 'my guessing...
        Invert As Boolean 'my guessing...
    End Type

    Public Type GeoSpatial '<~~ then declare the main UDT
        Altitude As AltitudeType
        GeoInfo1 As Long ' I don't know anything about geospatials...
        GeoInfo2 As Double ' I don't know anything about geospatials...
        GeoInfo3 As String ' I don't know anything about geospatials...
    End Type


Sub main()

    Dim GeoSpatials(1 To 10) As GeoSpatial '<~~ initialize the UDT. here I assumed you would need an array        

    SetDefault GeoSpatials '<~~ launch default setting...
    GeoSpatials(1).Altitude.Min = 200 '<~~ ... and then define only peculiar properties
    GeoSpatials(2).GeoInfo1 = 2000000 '<~~ etc...

End Sub

Sub SetDefault(geospatArray() As GeoSpatial) '<~~ Sub to initialize each element of the geospatial array
    Dim i As Long
    For i = LBound(geospatArray) To UBound(geospatArray)
        With geospatArray(i)
            With .Altitude
                .Min = 100
                .Max = 200
                .Units = "Meters"
                .Invert = True
            End With
            .GeoInfo1 = 1000000
            .GeoInfo2 = 100.2
            .GeoInfo3 = "Geospat"
        End With
    Next i
End Sub