Highcharts - 标题中的位置图标元素

时间:2016-05-19 14:39:22

标签: javascript html css highcharts

我在图表标题中有11个带图标的图表,我想知道如何应用一些css将这些图标放在左边,y轴上方的数字,以便标题文本保持在中心,而不必为每个图标创建一个类。 Here就是一个例子。这是代码:

$(function () {

  //set of common options
    chart: {
        type: 'boxplot'
    credits: {
      enabled: false
    title: {
      useHTML: true,
    legend: {
      enabled: false
    xAxis: {
      categories: ['2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015'],
      title: {
          text: 'Experiment No.'
    yAxis: {
      plotLines: [{
        color: 'red',
        width: 1,
        label: {
            align: 'center',
            style: {
                color: 'gray'
    series: [{
      color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0],
      type: 'scatter',
      marker: {
          fillColor: 'white',
          lineWidth: 1,
          lineColor: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0]

  //plotline options
  var plotLinesOption = {
    width: 1,
    color: 'red'

  var chart1 = new Highcharts.Chart({
    chart: {
      renderTo: 'indikator1',
    title: {
      text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Arbeidsmarkedsintegrasjon'
    yAxis: {
      title: {
        text: 'Verdi'
      plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})]

    series: [{
      name: 'Observations',
      data: [
          [760, 801, 848, 895, 965],
          [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080],
          [714, 762, 817, 870, 918],
          [724, 802, 806, 871, 950],
          [834, 836, 864, 882, 910]
      tooltip: {
          headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>'
        name: 'Outlier',
        data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category
          [0, 644],
          [4, 718],
          [4, 951],
          [4, 969]
        tooltip: {
          pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}'

  var chart2 = new Highcharts.Chart({
    chart: {
      renderTo: 'indikator2',
    title: {
      text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Arbeidsledige'
    yAxis: {
      title: {
        text: 'Verdi'
      plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})]

    series: [{
      name: 'Observations',
      data: [
          [760, 801, 848, 895, 965],
          [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080],
          [714, 762, 817, 870, 918],
          [724, 802, 806, 871, 950],
          [834, 836, 864, 882, 910]
      tooltip: {
          headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>'
        name: 'Outlier',
        data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category
          [0, 644],
          [4, 718],
          [4, 951],
          [4, 969]
        tooltip: {
          pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}'

  var chart3 = new Highcharts.Chart({
    chart: {
      renderTo: 'indikator3',
    title: {
      text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Arbeidsledige Ungdom'
    yAxis: {
      title: {
        text: 'Verdi'
      plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})]

    series: [{
      name: 'Observations',
      data: [
          [760, 801, 848, 895, 965],
          [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080],
          [714, 762, 817, 870, 918],
          [724, 802, 806, 871, 950],
          [834, 836, 864, 882, 910]
      tooltip: {
          headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>'
        name: 'Outlier',
        data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category
          [0, 644],
          [4, 718],
          [4, 951],
          [4, 969]
        tooltip: {
          pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}'

  var chart4 = new Highcharts.Chart({
    chart: {
      renderTo: 'indikator4',
    title: {
      text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Ensidig næringsstruktur (Herfindal-index)'
    yAxis: {
      title: {
        text: 'Verdi'
      plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})]

    series: [{
      name: 'Observations',
      data: [
          [760, 801, 848, 895, 965],
          [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080],
          [714, 762, 817, 870, 918],
          [724, 802, 806, 871, 950],
          [834, 836, 864, 882, 910]
      tooltip: {
          headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>'
        name: 'Outlier',
        data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category
          [0, 644],
          [4, 718],
          [4, 951],
          [4, 969]
        tooltip: {
          pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}'

  var chart5 = new Highcharts.Chart({
    chart: {
      renderTo: 'indikator5',
    title: {
      text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Ensidig næringsstruktur i Privat sektor (Herfindal-index)'
    yAxis: {
      title: {
        text: 'Verdi'
      plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})]

    series: [{
      name: 'Observations',
      data: [
          [760, 801, 848, 895, 965],
          [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080],
          [714, 762, 817, 870, 918],
          [724, 802, 806, 871, 950],
          [834, 836, 864, 882, 910]
      tooltip: {
          headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>'
        name: 'Outlier',
        data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category
          [0, 644],
          [4, 718],
          [4, 951],
          [4, 969]
        tooltip: {
          pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}'

  var chart6 = new Highcharts.Chart({
    chart: {
      renderTo: 'indikator6',
    title: {
      text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Konkurranseutsatte næringer'
    yAxis: {
      title: {
        text: 'Verdi'
      plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})]

    series: [{
      name: 'Observations',
      data: [
          [760, 801, 848, 895, 965],
          [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080],
          [714, 762, 817, 870, 918],
          [724, 802, 806, 871, 950],
          [834, 836, 864, 882, 910]
      tooltip: {
          headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>'
        name: 'Outlier',
        data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category
          [0, 644],
          [4, 718],
          [4, 951],
          [4, 969]
        tooltip: {
          pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}'

  var chart7 = new Highcharts.Chart({
    chart: {
      renderTo: 'indikator7',
    title: {
      text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Naturbaserte næringer'
    yAxis: {
      title: {
        text: 'Verdi'
      plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})]

    series: [{
      name: 'Observations',
      data: [
          [760, 801, 848, 895, 965],
          [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080],
          [714, 762, 817, 870, 918],
          [724, 802, 806, 871, 950],
          [834, 836, 864, 882, 910]
      tooltip: {
          headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>'
        name: 'Outlier',
        data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category
          [0, 644],
          [4, 718],
          [4, 951],
          [4, 969]
        tooltip: {
          pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}'

  var chart8 = new Highcharts.Chart({
    chart: {
      renderTo: 'indikator8',
    title: {
      text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Offentlige arbeidsplasser'
    yAxis: {
      title: {
        text: 'Verdi'
      plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})]

    series: [{
      name: 'Observations',
      data: [
          [760, 801, 848, 895, 965],
          [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080],
          [714, 762, 817, 870, 918],
          [724, 802, 806, 871, 950],
          [834, 836, 864, 882, 910]
      tooltip: {
          headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>'
        name: 'Outlier',
        data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category
          [0, 644],
          [4, 718],
          [4, 951],
          [4, 969]
        tooltip: {
          pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}'

  var chart9 = new Highcharts.Chart({
    chart: {
      renderTo: 'indikator9',
    title: {
      text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Utdanningsnivå'
    yAxis: {
      title: {
        text: 'Verdi'
      plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})]

    series: [{
      name: 'Observations',
      data: [
          [760, 801, 848, 895, 965],
          [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080],
          [714, 762, 817, 870, 918],
          [724, 802, 806, 871, 950],
          [834, 836, 864, 882, 910]
      tooltip: {
          headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>'
        name: 'Outlier',
        data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category
          [0, 644],
          [4, 718],
          [4, 951],
          [4, 969]
        tooltip: {
          pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}'

  var chart10 = new Highcharts.Chart({
    chart: {
      renderTo: 'indikator10',
    title: {
      text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Forsørgelserbyrde'
    yAxis: {
      title: {
        text: 'Verdi'
      plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})]

    series: [{
      name: 'Observations',
      data: [
          [760, 801, 848, 895, 965],
          [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080],
          [714, 762, 817, 870, 918],
          [724, 802, 806, 871, 950],
          [834, 836, 864, 882, 910]
      tooltip: {
          headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>'
        name: 'Outlier',
        data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category
          [0, 644],
          [4, 718],
          [4, 951],
          [4, 969]
        tooltip: {
          pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}'

  var chart11 = new Highcharts.Chart({
    chart: {
      renderTo: 'indikator11',
    title: {
      text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Forsørgelsesbyrde Eldre'
    yAxis: {
      title: {
        text: 'Verdi'
      plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})]

    series: [{
      name: 'Observations',
      data: [
          [760, 801, 848, 895, 965],
          [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080],
          [714, 762, 817, 870, 918],
          [724, 802, 806, 871, 950],
          [834, 836, 864, 882, 910]
      tooltip: {
          headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>'
        name: 'Outlier',
        data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category
          [0, 644],
          [4, 718],
          [4, 951],
          [4, 969]
        tooltip: {
          pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}'

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

jlbriggs 绝对有更实用的解决方案。我尝试了labels想法并没有取得什么成功,但renderer函数可以很好地完成这项任务。


// the rest of your chart options go here
    }, function (chart) { // on complete
        chart.renderer.html('<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span>', 50, 30) .css({ color: 'black', fontSize: '20px' }).add();


enter image description here
