我的代码如下。 Clear_Import函数中的变量tbl将返回,因为我想要TblNm + I.但它作为字符串而不是变量答案应该是TblNm1 =“Emb Enrollment”。我是以错误的方式解决这个问题吗?
Option Compare Database
Global fileID_1 As String
Global fileID_2 As String
Global FileNm As String
Global TblNm1 As String
Global TblNm2 As String
Global TblNm3 As String
Global TblNm4 As String
Global TblNm5 As String
Global TblNm6 As String
Global TblNm7 As String
Global TblNm8 As String
Global TblNm9 As String
Global TblNm10 As String
Global TblNm11 As String
Global FldrPath As String
Global UserInputPath As Variant
Global var As String
'All Clear and Import Functions
Function AllClearImport()
MsgFileRun = MsgBox("Did you save ALL the necessary files?", vbYesNo, "File Check")
If MsgFileRun = vbYes Then
'Yes Answer
'Hard Code Path
'Database Path
FldrPath = Left(CurrentDb.Name, Len(CurrentDb.Name) - Len(Dir(CurrentDb.Name)))
FileNm = "SA_Report_Template.xlsm"
TblNm1 = "Emb Enrollment"
TblNm2 = "Emb Escalations"
TblNm3 = "Emb Non-Phone"
TblNm4 = "Emb Pending"
TblNm5 = "Mcc Electronic"
TblNm6 = "Mcc Non-Phone"
TblNm7 = "Mcc Non-Phone 210"
TblNm8 = "Mcc Pending"
TblNm9 = "Nsa All Loc"
TblNm10 = "Nsa Grp"
TblNm11 = "Sbu Written"
fileID = Format(Date, "MMDDYYYY")
fileID1 = Format(Date, "MMDDYYYY")
For i = 1 To 11
var = "TblNm" & i
Clear_Import ("TblNm" & i)
Next i
'No Answer
'User Cancel or Blank Check
If UserInputPath = "" Then
MsgBox ("You clicked NO! Stopping Process.")
Dim PathCrnt As String
PathCrnt = Left(CurrentDb.Name, Len(CurrentDb.Name) - Len(Dir(CurrentDb.Name)))
Call Shell(PathCrnt & "\CrashAll.bat ")
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function
Function Clear_Import(tbl As String)
'''Clear Stuff
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete [" & tbl & "].* FROM [" & tbl & "];"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'''Import Stuff
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, _
acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "" & tbl & "", _
"" & FldrPath & "" & tbl & "", True, "" & tbl & "$"
End Function
答案 0 :(得分:3)
您无法通过以字符串形式给出的名称来访问变量。你应该使用一个数组。它允许您遍历其值。您可以将阵列视为具有抽屉的橱柜,每个抽屉可以容纳一个值。您可以通过索引访问各个抽屉(在答案中也是Dave),或者使用For Each语句迭代所有抽屉。
Function AllClearImport()
Dim TableNames As Variant, tbl As Variant
TableNames = Array("Emb Enrollment", "Emb Escalations", "Emb Non-Phone", ... )
For Each tbl In TableNames
Clear_Import tbl
End Function
Sub Clear_Import(ByVal tbl As String)
End Sub
,否则参数默认为{{ 1}}和那些无法从ByRef
。使用它是一种好习惯。它在使用之前强制使用Option Explicit
它使程序员的意图对任何人都清楚。现在很明显Dim x As Double
,当变量名拼写错误时,您将不会立即注意到,因为VBA会自动创建一个带有拼写错误名称的新的空Variant变量。使用Option Explicit
答案 1 :(得分:0)
你正在传递字符串" TblNm" &安培;我(1到11岁)......
TblNm = Array("Emb Enrollment","Emb Escalations","Emb Non-Phone","Emb Pending","Mcc Electronic","Mcc Non-Phone","Mcc Non-Phone 210","Mcc Pending","Nsa All Loc","Nsa Grp","Sbu Written")
fileID = Format(Date, "MMDDYYYY")
fileID1 = Format(Date, "MMDDYYYY")
For i = 0 To UBound(TblNm)
Clear_Import (TblNm(i))
Next i
答案 2 :(得分:0)
而不是Emb Enrollment
Option Compare Database
Global fileID_1 As String
Global fileID_2 As String
Global FileNm As String
Global AryTbls(10) As String 'Declared an array for your table names
Global FldrPath As String
Global UserInputPath As Variant
Global var As String
Public Function AllClearImport()
Dim LngCounter As Long
'Use the result of the question directly (rather than drop it in a variable then read the variable
If MsgBox("Did you save ALL the necessary files?", vbYesNo, "File Check") = vbYes Then
FldrPath = Left(CurrentDb.Name, Len(CurrentDb.Name) - Len(Dir(CurrentDb.Name)))
FileNm = "SA_Report_Template.xlsm"
'Set your table names in our array
AryTbls(0) = "Emb Enrollment"
AryTbls(1) = "Emb Escalations"
AryTbls(2) = "Emb Non-Phone"
AryTbls(3) = "Emb Pending"
AryTbls(4) = "Mcc Electronic"
AryTbls(5) = "Mcc Non-Phone"
AryTbls(6) = "Mcc Non-Phone 210"
AryTbls(7) = "Mcc Pending"
AryTbls(8) = "Nsa All Loc"
AryTbls(9) = "Nsa Grp"
AryTbls(10) = "Sbu Written"
fileID = Format(Date, "MMDDYYYY")
fileID1 = Format(Date, "MMDDYYYY")
'Go from the bottom of the array to the top
For LngCounter = 0 To ubound(AryTbls,1)
Clear_Import AryTbls(LngCounter)
MsgBox "You clicked NO! Stopping Process."
'You was setting a variable to the same path as a variable you had already set (FldrPath) to the same thing so I re-used it here.
Call Shell(FldrPath & "\CrashAll.bat ")
End If
End Function
Function Clear_Import(tbl As String)
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete [" & tbl & "].* FROM [" & tbl & "];"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, _
acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "" & tbl & "", _
"" & FldrPath & "" & tbl & "", True, "" & tbl & "$"
End Function