我有一个程序可以允许我的计算机使用xbox 360遥控器。操纵杆的方向是度,直接向上是0度,右边是90度,向下是180度,左边是270度。当然,这些价值观之间也存在着一切。我对如何将这些角度测量值转换为鼠标的可用x和y坐标的数学有点困惑。我已经知道如何使用操纵杆幅度计算鼠标速度,操纵杆幅度是0到1的双倍值。
public void main()
//Wait for a controller to connect before program continues
xc = new XboxController();
while (!xc.isConnected())
System.out.println("Waiting for controller...");
xc = new XboxController();
//This robot will be used to change the mouse coordinates and perform clicks
robot = new Robot();
catch (Exception e)
//Get the screen dimensions
Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
screenWidth = (int)screenSize.getWidth();
screenHeight = (int)screenSize.getHeight();
xc.addXboxControllerListener(new XboxControllerAdapter()
//Is called every time the leftThumbStick's direction is changed
//The direction value is in degrees
public void leftThumbDirection(double direction)
System.out.println("Left degree direction: "+(int)direction);
//Need to calculate the new coordinates of the mouse based on the joystick