我是新来的,几乎和RegEx一样新。我正在尝试使用RegEx表达式将字符串中的日期格式转换为05-18-16或5-18-16或05 18 16或5 18 16格式为YYYY MM DD格式。
我有"查找"表达工作,但更换有问题。我在这个网站上发现了一些我认为可行的代码,但结果始终是" 1900 1 31"而不是2016 05 18"
Sub StackExPost()
Dim strIn As String, strReturn As String
strIn = "Test 05 09 16 and 5-9-2016 Test"
strReturn = fcnRegEx(strIn, "\b(0?[1-9]|1[0-12])( |-)(0?[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])( |-)((?:\d{4}|\d{2}))", "$5 $3 $1")
MsgBox strReturn 'I get get and transpose the components.
strReturn = fcnRegEx(strIn, "\b(0?[1-9]|1[0-12])( |-)(0?[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])( |-)((?:\d{4}|\d{2}))", Format("$5", "YYYY") & " " & Format("$2", "MM") & " " & Format("$1", "DD"))
MsgBox strReturn '... but can't apply the formatting.
End Sub
Function fcnRegEx(strIn As String, strPattern As String, Optional strReplace As String = vbNullString, Optional bGlobal As Boolean = True)
Dim objRegex As Object
Dim objRegM As Object
Set objRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
objRegex.Global = bGlobal
With objRegex
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = strPattern
If .Test(strIn) Then
Set objRegM = .Execute(strIn)
If strReplace = vbNullString Then
fcnRegEx = objRegM(0).Value 'submatches(0)
fcnRegEx = objRegex.Replace(strIn, strReplace)
End If
fcnRegEx = "//No Match\\"
End If
End With
Exit Function
End Function