如何为Bokeh TimeSeries设置'index'

时间:2016-05-17 18:12:18

标签: bokeh timeserieschart

Bokeh新手在这里发现一些学习示例对我不起作用。特别是,我正在TimeSeries中使用index并像{{}}那样设置t = TimeSeries(dt[dt['type'] == 0][['value', 'date']], index = 'date') show(t)

index = 'data'

这会产生以下冗长的错误消息(当我删除上面的--------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-93-af5f4a3c6c5e> in <module>() 2 print(dt[1:10]) 3 dt.set_index('date') ----> 4 t = TimeSeries(dt[dt['type'] == 0][['value', 'date']], index = 'date') 5 show(t) /Users/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/bokeh/charts/builders/timeseries_builder.py in TimeSeries(data, x, y, builder_type, **kws) 100 kws['x'] = x 101 kws['y'] = y --> 102 return create_and_build(builder_type, data, **kws) /Users/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/bokeh/charts/builder.py in create_and_build(builder_class, *data, **kws) 64 # create a chart to return, since there isn't one already 65 chart_kws = { k:v for k,v in kws.items() if k not in builder_props} ---> 66 chart = Chart(**chart_kws) 67 chart.add_builder(builder) 68 chart.start_plot() /Users/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/bokeh/charts/chart.py in __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) 112 # supported types 113 tools = kwargs.pop('tools', None) --> 114 super(Chart, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) 115 116 defaults.apply(self) /Users/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/bokeh/models/plots.py in __init__(self, **kwargs) 76 raise ValueError("Conflicting properties set on plot: background_fill, background_fill_color.") 77 ---> 78 super(Plot, self).__init__(**kwargs) 79 80 def select(self, *args, **kwargs): /Users/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/bokeh/model.py in __init__(self, **kwargs) 81 self._id = kwargs.pop("id", make_id()) 82 self._document = None ---> 83 super(Model, self).__init__(**kwargs) 84 default_theme.apply_to_model(self) 85 /Users/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/bokeh/core/properties.py in __init__(self, **properties) 699 700 for name, value in properties.items(): --> 701 setattr(self, name, value) 702 703 def __setattr__(self, name, value): /Users/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/bokeh/core/properties.py in __setattr__(self, name, value) 720 721 raise AttributeError("unexpected attribute '%s' to %s, %s attributes are %s" % --> 722 (name, self.__class__.__name__, text, nice_join(matches))) 723 724 def set_from_json(self, name, json, models=None): AttributeError: unexpected attribute 'index' to Chart, possible attributes are above, background_fill_alpha, background_fill_color, below, border_fill_alpha, border_fill_color, disabled, extra_x_ranges, extra_y_ranges, h_symmetry, hidpi, left, legend, lod_factor, lod_interval, lod_threshold, lod_timeout, logo, min_border, min_border_bottom, min_border_left, min_border_right, min_border_top, name, outline_line_alpha, outline_line_cap, outline_line_color, outline_line_dash, outline_line_dash_offset, outline_line_join, outline_line_width, plot_height, plot_width, renderers, responsive, right, tags, title, title_standoff, title_text_align, title_text_alpha, title_text_baseline, title_text_color, title_text_font, title_text_font_size, title_text_font_style, tool_events, toolbar_location, tools, v_symmetry, webgl, x_mapper_type, x_range, xgrid, xlabel, xscale, y_mapper_type, y_range, ygrid, ylabel or yscale 时会消失)


这里有什么问题,如何解决?作为参考,这里有一些 value type date index 1 0.55 1 2016-04-12 06:00:00+00:00 1 2 0.55 1 2016-04-12 11:30:00+00:00 2 3 0.55 1 2016-04-12 06:30:00+00:00 3 4 0.55 1 2016-04-12 12:00:00+00:00 4 5 0.55 1 2016-04-12 12:30:00+00:00 5 6 0.55 1 2016-04-12 08:00:00+00:00 6 7 0.55 1 2016-04-12 08:30:00+00:00 7 8 0.55 1 2016-04-13 07:30:00+00:00 8 9 0.55 1 2016-04-12 13:00:00+00:00 9 行打印出来:

for t in range(0,2): #Refers to txt file with ids

    address = 'http://www.tspc.oregon.gov/lookup_application/LDisplay_Individual.asp?id=' + lines2[t]

    page = requests.get(address)

    tree = html.fromstring(page.text)

    count = 0 
    for license_row in tree.xpath(".//tr[td[1] = 'License Type']/following-sibling::tr[1]"):
        license_data = license_row.xpath(".//td/text()")
        count = count + 1

        if count==1:

        if count==2:

        if count==3:

with open('teacher_lic.csv', 'wb') as pensionfile:
    writer = csv.writer(pensionfile, delimiter="," )
    writer.writerow(["Name", "Lic1", "Lic2", "Lic3"])
    pen = zip(lname, ltest1, ltest2, ltest3)
    for penlist in pen:

0 个答案:
