
时间:2016-05-16 14:39:21

标签: drupal-7 ckeditor drupal-modules

当我从谷歌文档中复制文本并使用粘贴词语按钮将其粘贴到ckeditor时,它会删除所有样式(粗体,斜体,......)。 我该如何解决这个问题?

从谷歌文档中复制一个带有下划线和斜体的单词将其粘贴到编辑器中 预期结果:
这个词用斜体和下划线粘贴 实际结果:

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles = false;
config.pasteFromWordRemoveStyles = false;


enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:1)

我发布我的解决方案,以防有人帮忙。 我从googleDocs粘贴时遇到了同样的问题。 我发现有人在github(13877)中创建了CKEditor的一个分支,这可以解决这个问题。

由于我需要它使用我的4.5.6版本,然后我将其改编成插件。 我这样做是为了使用Processwire,我不能改变CKEditor版本,只在这种情况下进行了测试。

  • pasteFromGoogleDoc(文件夹)
    • plugin.js


         * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2017, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
         * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license

         * 2017-07-05
         * the code originally from Frederico Knabben, written in ckeditor-dev-t-13877 branch
         * (https://github.com/cksource/ckeditor-dev/tree/t/13877)
         * has been adapted in a plugin by Rpapier for use in Processwire. It hasn't been tested elsewhere.

         * DESCRIPTION
         * Filter to paste from Google Doc and keep style (bold, italic, underline)
         * Those style must be present in the toolbar for it to show, otherwise, it will bypass it

         * For processwire :
         * you must edit the field that has CKEditor and make sure that :
         *  - ACF is On
         *  - pasteFromGoogleDoc plugin is enabled
         *  - CKEditor toolbar configuration contains Bold, Italic and Underline
         *      - e.g : Format, Styles, -, Bold, Italic, Underline, -, RemoveFormat
         *      if Underline is not in the toolbar for example, it will be bypassed by the filter. 

        ( function() {
            'use strict';

            CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'pasteFromGoogleDoc', {
                requires: ['clipboard'],

                init: function( editor ) {
                    // === arteractive hack for pasteFromGoogleDoc

                    var filterType,
                        filtersFactory = filtersFactoryFactory();

                    if ( editor.config.forcePasteAsPlainText ) {
                        filterType = 'plain-text';
                    } else if ( editor.config.pasteFilter ) {
                        filterType = editor.config.pasteFilter;
                    // On Webkit the pasteFilter defaults to 'webkit-default-filter' because pasted data is so terrible
                    // that it must be always filtered. (#13877)
                    else if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit && !( 'pasteFilter' in editor.config ) ) {
                        filterType = 'webkit-default-filter';

                    editor.pasteFilter = filtersFactory.get( filterType );

                    editor.on( 'paste', function( evt ) {
                        // Init `dataTransfer` if `paste` event was fired without it, so it will be always available.
                        if ( !evt.data.dataTransfer ) {
                            evt.data.dataTransfer = new CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer();

                        // If dataValue is already set (manually or by paste bin), so do not override it.
                        if ( evt.data.dataValue ) {

                        var dataTransfer = evt.data.dataTransfer,
                            // IE support only text data and throws exception if we try to get html data.
                            // This html data object may also be empty if we drag content of the textarea.
                            value = dataTransfer.getData( 'text/html' );

                        if ( value ) {
                            evt.data.dataValue = value;
                            evt.data.type = 'html';
                        } else {
                            // Try to get text data otherwise.
                            value = dataTransfer.getData( 'text/plain' );

                            if ( value ) {
                                evt.data.dataValue = editor.editable().transformPlainTextToHtml( value );
                                evt.data.type = 'text';
                    }, null, null, 1 );

                    editor.on( 'paste', function( evt ) {
                        var dataObj = evt.data,
                            type = dataObj.type,
                            data = dataObj.dataValue,
                            // Default is 'html'.
                            defaultType = editor.config.clipboard_defaultContentType || 'html',
                            transferType = dataObj.dataTransfer.getTransferType( editor );

                        // If forced type is 'html' we don't need to know true data type.
                        if ( type == 'html' || dataObj.preSniffing == 'html' ) {
                            trueType = 'html';
                        } else {
                            trueType = recogniseContentType( data );

                        // Unify text markup.
                        if ( trueType == 'htmlifiedtext' ) {
                            data = htmlifiedTextHtmlification( editor.config, data );

                        // Strip presentational markup & unify text markup.
                        // Forced plain text (dialog or forcePAPT).
                        // Note: we do not check dontFilter option in this case, because forcePAPT was implemented
                        // before pasteFilter and pasteFilter is automatically used on Webkit&Blink since 4.5, so
                        // forcePAPT should have priority as it had before 4.5.
                        if ( type == 'text' && trueType == 'html' ) {
                            data = filterContent( editor, data, filtersFactory.get( 'plain-text' ) );
                        // External paste and pasteFilter exists and filtering isn't disabled.
                        else if ( transferType == CKEDITOR.DATA_TRANSFER_EXTERNAL && editor.pasteFilter && !dataObj.dontFilter ) {

                            // 2017-07-05 comment out this filter because it is already processsed somewhere...
                            //data = filterContent( editor, data, editor.pasteFilter );

                        if ( dataObj.startsWithEOL ) {
                            data = '<br data-cke-eol="1">' + data;
                        if ( dataObj.endsWithEOL ) {
                            data += '<br data-cke-eol="1">';

                        if ( type == 'auto' ) {
                            type = ( trueType == 'html' || defaultType == 'html' ) ? 'html' : 'text';

                        dataObj.type = type;
                        dataObj.dataValue = data;
                        delete dataObj.preSniffing;
                        delete dataObj.startsWithEOL;
                        delete dataObj.endsWithEOL;

                    /*  evt.data.dataValue = data;

                        evt.data.dataValue = evt.data.dataValue
                            .replace( /zooterkins/gi, 'z********s' )
                            .replace( /gadzooks/gi, 'g******s' );*/

                    }, null, null, 6 );             

            } );    

            function filterContent( editor, data, filter ) {
                var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( data ),
                    writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();

                filter.applyTo( fragment, true, false, editor.activeEnterMode );
                fragment.writeHtml( writer );

                return writer.getHtml();

            // Returns:
            // * 'htmlifiedtext' if content looks like transformed by browser from plain text.
            //      See clipboard/paste.html TCs for more info.
            // * 'html' if it is not 'htmlifiedtext'.
            function recogniseContentType( data ) {
                if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) {
                    // Plain text or ( <div><br></div> and text inside <div> ).
                    if ( !data.match( /^[^<]*$/g ) && !data.match( /^(<div><br( ?\/)?><\/div>|<div>[^<]*<\/div>)*$/gi ) )
                        return 'html';
                } else if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) {
                    // Text and <br> or ( text and <br> in <p> - paragraphs can be separated by new \r\n ).
                    if ( !data.match( /^([^<]|<br( ?\/)?>)*$/gi ) && !data.match( /^(<p>([^<]|<br( ?\/)?>)*<\/p>|(\r\n))*$/gi ) )
                        return 'html';
                } else if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) {
                    // Text or <br>.
                    if ( !data.match( /^([^<]|<br( ?\/)?>)*$/gi ) )
                        return 'html';
                } else {
                    return 'html';

                return 'htmlifiedtext';

            // This function transforms what browsers produce when
            // pasting plain text into editable element (see clipboard/paste.html TCs
            // for more info) into correct HTML (similar to that produced by text2Html).
            function htmlifiedTextHtmlification( config, data ) {
                function repeatParagraphs( repeats ) {
                    // Repeat blocks floor((n+1)/2) times.
                    // Even number of repeats - add <br> at the beginning of last <p>.
                    return CKEDITOR.tools.repeat( '</p><p>', ~~( repeats / 2 ) ) + ( repeats % 2 == 1 ? '<br>' : '' );

                    // Replace adjacent white-spaces (EOLs too - Fx sometimes keeps them) with one space.
                data = data.replace( /\s+/g, ' ' )
                    // Remove spaces from between tags.
                    .replace( /> +</g, '><' )
                    // Normalize XHTML syntax and upper cased <br> tags.
                    .replace( /<br ?\/>/gi, '<br>' );

                // IE - lower cased tags.
                data = data.replace( /<\/?[A-Z]+>/g, function( match ) {
                    return match.toLowerCase();
                } );

                // Don't touch single lines (no <br|p|div>) - nothing to do here.
                if ( data.match( /^[^<]$/ ) )
                    return data;

                // Webkit.
                if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit && data.indexOf( '<div>' ) > -1 ) {
                        // One line break at the beginning - insert <br>
                    data = data.replace( /^(<div>(<br>|)<\/div>)(?!$|(<div>(<br>|)<\/div>))/g, '<br>' )
                        // Two or more - reduce number of new lines by one.
                        .replace( /^(<div>(<br>|)<\/div>){2}(?!$)/g, '<div></div>' );

                    // Two line breaks create one paragraph in Webkit.
                    if ( data.match( /<div>(<br>|)<\/div>/ ) ) {
                        data = '<p>' + data.replace( /(<div>(<br>|)<\/div>)+/g, function( match ) {
                            return repeatParagraphs( match.split( '</div><div>' ).length + 1 );
                        } ) + '</p>';

                    // One line break create br.
                    data = data.replace( /<\/div><div>/g, '<br>' );

                    // Remove remaining divs.
                    data = data.replace( /<\/?div>/g, '' );

                // Opera and Firefox and enterMode != BR.
                if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && config.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ) {
                    // Remove bogus <br> - Fx generates two <brs> for one line break.
                    // For two line breaks it still produces two <brs>, but it's better to ignore this case than the first one.
                    if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko )
                        data = data.replace( /^<br><br>$/, '<br>' );

                    // This line satisfy edge case when for Opera we have two line breaks
                    //data = data.replace( /)

                    if ( data.indexOf( '<br><br>' ) > -1 ) {
                        // Two line breaks create one paragraph, three - 2, four - 3, etc.
                        data = '<p>' + data.replace( /(<br>){2,}/g, function( match ) {
                            return repeatParagraphs( match.length / 4 );
                        } ) + '</p>';

                return switchEnterMode( config, data );

            function filtersFactoryFactory() {
                var filters = {};

                // GDocs generates many spans and divs, therefore `all` parameter is used
                // to create default filter in Webkit/Blink. (#13877)
                function setUpTags( all ) {
                    var tags = {};

                    for ( var tag in CKEDITOR.dtd ) {
                        if ( tag.charAt( 0 ) != '$' && ( all || tag != 'div' && tag != 'span') ) {
                            tags[ tag ] = 1;

                    return tags;

                // Checks if content is pasted from Google Docs.
                // Google Docs wraps everything in element with [id^=docs-internal-guid-],
                // so that function just checks if such element exists. (#13877)
                function isPastedFromGDocs( element ) {
                    if ( element.attributes.id && element.attributes.id.match( /^docs\-internal\-guid\-/ ) ) {
                        return true;
                    } else if ( element.parent && element.parent.name ) {
                        return isPastedFromGDocs( element.parent );

                    return false;

                // Process data from Google Docs:
                // * turns `*[id^=docs-internal-guid-]` into `span`;
                // * turns `span(text-decoration=underline)` into `u`;
                // * turns `span(font-style=italic)` into `em`
                // * turns `span(font-style=italic)(text-decoration=underline)` into `u > em`. (#13877)
                function processDataFromGDocs( element ) {

                    var styles = element.attributes.style && CKEDITOR.tools.parseCssText( element.attributes.style );

                    if ( element.attributes.id && element.attributes.id.match( /^docs\-internal\-guid\-/ ) ) {
                        return element.name = 'span';               

                    if ( !styles ) {

                    if ( styles[ 'font-style' ] == 'italic' && styles[ 'text-decoration' ] == 'underline' ) {
                        element.name = 'em';
                        element.wrapWith( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'u' ) );     
                        if (styles[ 'font-weight' ] > 400) {
                            element.wrapWith( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'strong' ) );    
                    } else if ( styles[ 'text-decoration' ] == 'underline' ) {
                        element.name = 'u';     
                        if (styles[ 'font-weight' ] > 400) {
                            element.wrapWith( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'strong' ) );                        
                    } else if ( styles[ 'font-style' ] == 'italic' ) {
                        element.name = 'em';    
                        if (styles[ 'font-weight' ] > 400) {
                            element.wrapWith( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'strong' ) );                        

                function createSemanticContentFilter() {
                    var filter = new CKEDITOR.filter();

                    filter.allow( {
                        $1: {
                            elements: setUpTags(),
                            attributes: true,
                            styles: false,
                            classes: false
                    } );

                    return filter;

                function createWebkitDefaultFilter() {
                    var filter = createSemanticContentFilter();

                    // Preserves formatting while pasting from Google Docs in Webkit/Blink
                    // with default paste filter. (#13877)
                    filter.allow( {
                        $2: {
                            elements: setUpTags( true ),
                            attributes: true,
                            styles: true,
                            match: function( element ) {
                                return isPastedFromGDocs( element );
                    } );

                    filter.addElementCallback( processDataFromGDocs );

                    return filter;

                return {
                    get: function( type ) {
                        if ( type == 'plain-text' ) {
                            // Does this look confusing to you? Did we forget about enter mode?
                            // It is a trick that let's us creating one filter for edidtor, regardless of its
                            // activeEnterMode (which as the name indicates can change during runtime).
                            // How does it work?
                            // The active enter mode is passed to the filter.applyTo method.
                            // The filter first marks all elements except <br> as disallowed and then tries to remove
                            // them. However, it cannot remove e.g. a <p> element completely, because it's a basic structural element,
                            // so it tries to replace it with an element created based on the active enter mode, eventually doing nothing.
                            // Now you can sleep well.
                            return filters.plainText || ( filters.plainText = new CKEDITOR.filter( 'br' ) );
                        } else if ( type == 'semantic-content' ) {
                            return filters.semanticContent || ( filters.semanticContent = createSemanticContentFilter() );
                        } else if ( type == 'webkit-default-filter' ) {
                            // Webkit based browsers need semantic filter, because they produce terrible HTML without it.
                            // However original `'semantic-content'` filer is too strict and prevents pasting styled contents
                            // from many sources (e.g. Google Docs). Therefore that type extends original `'semantic-content'` filter. (#13877)
                            return filters.webkitDefaultFilter || ( filters.webkitDefaultFilter = createWebkitDefaultFilter() );
                        } else if ( type ) {
                            // Create filter based on rules (string or object).
                            return new CKEDITOR.filter( type );

                        return null;

            function switchEnterMode( config, data ) {
                if ( config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ) {
                    data = data.replace( /(<\/p><p>)+/g, function( match ) {
                        return CKEDITOR.tools.repeat( '<br>', match.length / 7 * 2 );
                    } ).replace( /<\/?p>/g, '' );
                } else if ( config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ) {
                    data = data.replace( /<(\/)?p>/g, '<$1div>' );

                return data;

        } )();