distinct b.playerid
,m.namelast +', '+ m.namefirst 'Player Name'
when t.name = 'Florida Marlins'
then 'Miami Marlins'
else t.name
end Team
,case b.lgid
when 'NL' then 'National'
when 'AL' then 'American'
else b.lgid
end League
,b.yearid Year
when y.POS in ('LF','RF','CF')
then 'OF'
else y.pos end Position
,b.g G,b.AB
,b.h Hits
,dense_rank() over
(partition by t.name, b.yearid order by
when b.ab>='150'
then b.h
end desc
) 'Hit Rank'
,cast(isnull(cast(b.h as numeric)/nullif(cast(b.ab as numeric),0),0) as decimal(10,3)) 'Avg.'
**** ,dense_rank() over
(partition by t.name, b.yearid order by
--cast(isnull(cast(b.h as numeric)/nullif(cast(b.ab as numeric),0),0) as decimal(10,3)) desc
when b.ab>='150'
then cast((isnull(cast(b.h as bigint)/nullif(cast(b.ab as bigint),0),0)*1000) as bigint)
end desc
'AVG Rank'
,b.R,b.[2B],b.[3B] ,b.hr HR
,b.sb SB,b.cs CS,b.bb BB,b.so SO,b.ibb IBB,b.hbp HBP
from batting b
join teams t on b.teamid=t.teamid and t.yearid=b.yearid and t.lgid=b.lgid
join master m on b.playerid=m.playerid
join fielding f on b.playerid=f.playerid and b.yearid=f.yearid and b.teamid=f.teamid and m.playerid=f.playerid and f.teamid=t.teamid
select f.playerid, f.yearid, f.teamid, f.pos, isnull(f.po,0) PO, isnull(f.a,0) A, isnull(f.e,0) E, isnull(f.dp,0) DP, isnull(f.g,0) G, isnull(f.innouts,0) innouts
,(isnull(f.po,0)+ isnull(f.a,0)+ isnull(f.e,0)+ isnull(f.dp,0)+ isnull(f.g,0)+ isnull(f.innouts,0)) Total
from fielding f
select playerid, yearid, max(po) PO, max(g) G, isnull(max(innouts),0) innouts
,(isnull(po,0) + isnull(a,0) + isnull(e,0) + isnull(dp,0) + isnull(g,0) + isnull(innouts,0)) Total
from fielding
group by playerid, yearid, po, a, e, dp, g, innouts
) z on f.playerid=z.playerid and f.yearid=z.yearid
group by f.playerid, f.yearid, f.stint, f.teamid, f.pos, f.po, f.a, f.e, f.dp, f.g, f.innouts
having (isnull(f.po,0)+ isnull(f.a,0)+ isnull(f.e,0)+ isnull(f.dp,0)+ isnull(f.g,0)+ isnull(f.innouts,0))=max(z.total)
) y on f.playerid=y.playerid and f.yearid=y.yearid
and t.name='new york mets'
order by