
时间:2016-05-14 21:29:26

标签: php mysql logging pdo login


Name: login, Table:users


ID, EmailAddress, and Password.




<!DOCTYPE html>

<head>Welcome to the Gym Login System</head>

    <div id="Form">
        <form action="Other/ConnectLogIn.php" method = "post">

                <input type="text" id="emailaddress" name ="emailaddress" placeholder="Email Address" maxlength="30"/>
                <input type="password" id="pass" name="pass" placeholder="Password" maxlength="30"> />
                <input type ="submit" id="submit" value ="submit" />





$connection = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','login') or die(mysqli_error($connection));




// First start a session. This should be right at the top of your login           page.

// Check to see if this run of the script was caused by our login submit button being clicked.
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {

    // Also check that our email address and password were passed along. If not, jump
    // down to our error message about providing both pieces of information.
    if (isset($_POST['emailaddress']) && isset($_POST['pass'])) {
        $email = $_POST['emailaddress'];
        $pass = $_POST['pass'];

        // Connect to the database and select the user based on their provided email address.
        // Be sure to retrieve their password and any other information you want to save for the user session.
        $pdo = new Database();
        $pdo->query("SELECT id, email, password, name, level FROM users WHERE email = :emailaddr");
        $pdo->bind(':emailaddr', $email);
        $row = $pdo->single();

        // If the user record was found, compare the password on record to the one provided hashed as necessary.
        // If successful, now set up session variables for the user and store a flag to say they are authorized.
        // These values follow the user around the site and will be tested on each page.
        if (($row !== false) && ($pdo->rowCount() > 0)) {
            if ($row['password'] == hash('sha256', $pass)) {

                // is_auth is important here because we will test this to make sure they can view other pages
                // that are needing credentials.
                $_SESSION['is_auth'] = true;
                $_SESSION['user_level'] = $row['level'];
                $_SESSION['user_id'] = $row['id'];
                $_SESSION['name'] = $row['name'];

                // Once the sessions variables have been set, redirect them to the landing page / home page.
                header('location: home.php');
            else {
                $error = "Invalid email or password. Please try again.";
        else {
            $error = "Invalid email or password. Please try again.";
    else {
        $error = "Please enter an email and password to login.";


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