并拥有类:flower big
<a class="flower big" href="http://example.net/dir/flowers/spring.php">Spring</a>
<a class="flower big" href="http://example.net/dir/flowers/winter.php">Winter</a>
<a class="flower big" href="http://example.net/dir/flowers/fall.php">Fall</a>
且具有类"flower big"
(a[class="flower big"] AND a[href~="/dir/flowers/"] ) {color:red}
答案 0 :(得分:5)
您可以使用2 CSS attribute selectors
[class^="flower big"]
的 ^
会查找属性名称为class的任何元素,其第一个值的前缀为&#34; flower big&#34;。
,其值至少包含一次字符串&#34; / dir /花&#34; as substring。
a {
display: block
[class^="flower big"][href*="/dir/flowers/"] {
color: red;
<a class="flower big" href="http://example.net/dir/flowers/spring.php">Will be red because has both classes in order and /dir/flowers/</a>
<a class="flower big" href="http://example.net/dir/flowers/winter.php">Will be red because has both classes in order and /dir/flowers/</a>
<a class="flower big" href="http://example.net/dir/flowers/fall.php">Will be red because has both classes in order and /dir/flowers/</a>
<a class="plant big" href="http://example.net/dir/flowers/spring.php">Won't be red because hasn't classes in order even having the /dir/flowers/</a>
<a class="flower big" href="http://example.net/dir/foobar/fall.php">Won't be red because hasn't the /dir/flowers/ even having the correct classes</a>
a {
display: block
.big.flower[href*="/dir/flowers/"] {
color: red;
<a class="flower big foobar" href="http://example.net/dir/flowers/spring.php">Will be red because has both classes in link and /dir/flowers/</a>
<a class="big flower" href="http://example.net/dir/flowers/winter.php">Will be red because has both classes in link and /dir/flowers/</a>
<a class="foo bar classes big flower" href="http://example.net/dir/flowers/fall.php">Will be red because has both classes in link and /dir/flowers/</a>
<a class="plant big" href="http://example.net/dir/flowers/spring.php">Won't be red because hasn't classes in link even having the /dir/flowers/</a>
<a class="flower big" href="http://example.net/dir/foobar/fall.php">Won't be red because hasn't the /dir/flowers/ even having the correct classes</a>
答案 1 :(得分:2)
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表示&#34;在属性值( href )中的任意位置匹配以下值(在本例中为 dir / flowers )这种情况)&#34;