我是Javascript的初学者,我接受了一项任务。它基本上是一个天气应用.. 我创建了一个页面,可以根据Google地理定位API输出地点的纬度,经度和昵称。现在我想打电话给forecast.io给我回复结果。 我应该做的是将纬度,经度和昵称存储在LocalStorage中...当"保存位置"单击按钮并将所有位置保存到列表中,以便他们可以单击并获取天气信息。 但后来我给出了一个骨架代码,我不知道它的作用。 this.AddLocation和我在后面写的savelocation()函数有什么区别。 我在这里写的唯一函数是savelocation()函数,它将位置保存到本地存储。其他函数是需要填充的框架代码。
// Returns a date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD".
Date.prototype.simpleDateString = function() {
function pad(value)
return ("0" + value).slice(-2);
var dateString = this.getFullYear() + "-" +
pad(this.getMonth() + 1, 2) + '-' +
pad(this.getDate(), 2);
return dateString;
// Date format required by forecast.io API.
// We always represent a date with a time of midday,
// so our choice of day isn't susceptible to time zone errors.
Date.prototype.forecastDateString = function() {
return this.simpleDateString() + "T12:00:00";
// Code for LocationWeatherCache class and other shared code.
// Prefix to use for Local Storage. You may change this.
var APP_PREFIX = "weatherApp";
function LocationWeatherCache()
// Private attributes:
var locations = [];
var callbacks = {};
// Public methods:
// Returns the number of locations stored in the cache.
this.length = function() {
// Returns the location object for a given index.
// Indexes begin at zero.
this.locationAtIndex = function(index) {
// Given a latitude, longitude and nickname, this method saves a
// new location into the cache. It will have an empty 'forecasts'
// property. Returns the index of the added location.
this.addLocation = function(latitude, longitude, nickname)
// Removes the saved location at the given index.
this.removeLocationAtIndex = function(index)
// This method is used by JSON.stringify() to serialise this class.
// Note that the callbacks attribute is only meaningful while there
// are active web service requests and so doesn't need to be saved.
this.toJSON = function() {
// Given a public-data-only version of the class (such as from
// local storage), this method will initialise the current
// instance to match that version.
this.initialiseFromPDO = function(locationWeatherCachePDO) {
// Request weather for the location at the given index for the
// specified date. 'date' should be JavaScript Date instance.
// This method doesn't return anything, but rather calls the
// callback function when the weather object is available. This
// might be immediately or after some indeterminate amount of time.
// The callback function should have two parameters. The first
// will be the index of the location and the second will be the
// weather object for that location.
this.getWeatherAtIndexForDate = function(index, date, callback) {
// This is a callback function passed to forecast.io API calls.
// This will be called via JSONP when the API call is loaded.
// This should invoke the recorded callback function for that
// weather request.
this.weatherResponse = function(response) {
// Private methods:
// Given a latitude and longitude, this method looks through all
// the stored locations and returns the index of the location with
// matching latitude and longitude if one exists, otherwise it
// returns -1.
function indexForLocation(latitude, longitude)
// Restore the singleton locationWeatherCache from Local Storage.
function loadLocations()
// Save the singleton locationWeatherCache to Local Storage.
function saveLocations(nickname,latitude,longtitude){
var locations = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('APP_PREFIX')) || [];
locations.push({nickname: nickname, latitude: latitude, longtitude:longtitude});
localStorage.setItem('APP_PREFIX', JSON.stringify(locations));
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实例保存到本地存储。 addLocation()
答案 1 :(得分:0)
将位置对象添加到var locations