等待OnScheduled时Apache NIFI超时

时间:2016-05-14 05:01:13

标签: apache-nifi

nifi.processor.scheduling.timeout是否真的默认为无限,如管理指南中所述?当我查看代码时,看起来它在60秒后超时。我们有一个处理器需要一些启动(加载资源)并且在等待OnScheduled" 错误时遇到"超时。只是想弄清楚为什么它有时会在启动时失败然后也会继续失败并出现同样的错误。



NIFI Admin

NIFI Processor Code

来自NIFI Github的代码片段我发现了超时错误

    String timeoutString = NiFiProperties.getInstance().getProperty(NiFiProperties.PROCESSOR_SCHEDULING_TIMEOUT);
long onScheduleTimeout = timeoutString == null ? 60000
        : FormatUtils.getTimeDuration(timeoutString.trim(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Future<?> taskFuture = callback.invokeMonitoringTask(task);
try {
    taskFuture.get(onScheduleTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
    LOG.warn("Thread was interrupted while waiting for processor '" + this.processor.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + "' lifecycle OnScheduled operation to finish.");
    throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted while executing one of processor's OnScheduled tasks.", e);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
    LOG.warn("Timed out while waiting for OnScheduled of '"
            + this.processor.getClass().getSimpleName()
            + "' processor to finish. An attempt is made to cancel the task via Thread.interrupt(). However it does not "
            + "guarantee that the task will be canceled since the code inside current OnScheduled operation may "
            + "have been written to ignore interrupts which may result in runaway thread which could lead to more issues "
            + "eventually requiring NiFi to be restarted. This is usually a bug in the target Processor '"
            + this.processor + "' that needs to be documented, reported and eventually fixed.");
    throw new RuntimeException("Timed out while executing one of processor's OnScheduled task.", e);
} catch (ExecutionException e){
    throw new RuntimeException("Failed while executing one of processor's OnScheduled task.", e);
} finally {

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