答案 0 :(得分:0)
您应该read up on WebGL,特别是关于matrices。
无论如何,这里" drawImage"来自使用完整转换堆栈在WebGL中重写的canvas 2d API。
ctx.translate(x, y);
ctx.scale(w, h);
ctx.drawImage(img, x, y);
translate(x, y);
scale(w, h);
drawImage(targetWidth, targetHeight, tex, texWidth, texHeight, x, y);
var m4 = twgl.m4;
var gl = twgl.getWebGLContext(document.getElementById("c"));
var programInfo = twgl.createProgramInfo(gl, ["vs", "fs"]);
// a unit quad
var arrays = {
position: {
numComponents: 2,
data: [
0, 0,
1, 0,
0, 1,
0, 1,
1, 0,
1, 1,
var bufferInfo = twgl.createBufferInfoFromArrays(gl, arrays);
// Let's use a 2d canvas for a texture just so we don't have to download anything
var ctx = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d");
var w = 128;
var h = 64;
ctx.canvas.width = w;
ctx.canvas.height = h;
ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
ctx.fillStyle = "green";
ctx.fillRect(w / 8, h / 8, w / 8 * 6, h / 8 * 6);
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.fillRect(w / 4, h / 4, w / 2, h / 2);
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.font = "20px sans-serif";
ctx.fillStyle = "yellow";
ctx.fillText("texture", w / 2, h / 2);
var tex = twgl.createTexture(gl, { src: ctx.canvas });
// Implement a matrix stack like Canvas2d
var matrixStack = [ m4.identity() ];
function render(time) {
var t = time * 0.001;
var texWidth = w;
var texHeight = h;
var targetWidth = gl.canvas.width;
var targetHeight = gl.canvas.height;
(Math.sin(t * 0.9) * 0.5 + 0.5) * targetWidth,
(Math.sin(t * 0.8) * 0.5 + 0.5) * targetHeight);
rotate(t * 0.7);
Math.sin(t * 0.7) * 0.5 + 1,
Math.sin(t * 0.6) * 0.5 + 1);
// scale and rotate from center of image
translate(texWidth * -0.5, texHeight * -0.5);
targetWidth, targetHeight,
tex, texWidth, texHeight,
0, 0);
function getCurrentMatrix() {
return matrixStack[matrixStack.length - 1];
function save() {
function restore() {
if (!matrixStack.length) {
function translate(x, y) {
var m = getCurrentMatrix();
m4.translate(m, [x, y, 0], m);
function scale(x, y) {
var m = getCurrentMatrix();
m4.scale(m, [x, y, 1], m);
function rotate(radians) {
var m = getCurrentMatrix();
m4.rotateZ(m, radians, m);
// we pass in texWidth and texHeight because unlike images
// we can't look up the width and height of a texture
// we pass in targetWidth and targetHeight to tell it
// the size of the thing we're drawing too. We could look
// up the size of the canvas with gl.canvas.width and
// gl.canvas.height but maybe we want to draw to a framebuffer
// etc.. so might as well pass those in.
// srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight are in pixels
// computed from texWidth and texHeight
// dstX, dstY, dstWidth, dstHeight are in pixels
// computed from targetWidth and targetHeight
function drawImage(
targetWidth, targetHeight,
tex, texWidth, texHeight,
srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight,
dstX, dstY, dstWidth, dstHeight
) {
// handle case where only x, y are passed in
// as in ctx.drawIimage(img, x, y);
if (srcWidth === undefined) {
srcWidth = texWidth;
srcHeight = texHeight;
// handle case where only x, y, width, height are passed in
// as in ctx.drawIimage(img, x, y, width, height);
if (dstX === undefined) {
dstX = srcX;
dstY = srcY;
dstWidth = srcWidth;
dstHeight = srcHeight;
var mat = m4.identity();
var tmat = m4.identity();
var uniforms = {
matrix: mat,
textureMatrix: tmat,
texture: tex,
// these adjust the unit quad to generate texture coordinates
// to select part of the src texture
// NOTE: no check is done that srcX + srcWidth go outside of the
// texture or are in range in any way. Same for srcY + srcHeight
m4.translate(tmat, [srcX / texWidth, srcY / texHeight, 0], tmat);
m4.scale(tmat, [srcWidth / texWidth, srcHeight / texHeight, 1], tmat);
// these convert from pixels to clip space
m4.ortho(0, targetWidth, targetHeight, 0, -1, 1, mat);
// Add in global matrix
m4.multiply(getCurrentMatrix(), mat, mat);
// these move and scale the unit quad into the size we want
// in the target as pixels
m4.translate(mat, [dstX, dstY, 0], mat);
m4.scale(mat, [dstWidth, dstHeight, 1], mat);
twgl.setBuffersAndAttributes(gl, programInfo, bufferInfo);
twgl.setUniforms(programInfo, uniforms);
twgl.drawBufferInfo(gl, gl.TRIANGLES, bufferInfo);

canvas { border: 1px solid black; }

<script src="https://twgljs.org/dist/twgl-full.js"></script>
<script id="vs" type="not-js">
// we will always pass a 0 to 1 unit quad
// and then use matrices to manipulate it
attribute vec4 position;
uniform mat4 matrix;
uniform mat4 textureMatrix;
varying vec2 texcoord;
void main () {
gl_Position = matrix * position;
texcoord = (textureMatrix * position).xy;
<script id="fs" type="not-js">
precision mediump float;
varying vec2 texcoord;
uniform sampler2D texture;
void main() {
gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, texcoord);
<canvas id="c" width="640" height="480"></canvas>