
时间:2016-05-13 17:06:55

标签: python regex string python-3.x csv


我有一个由多个文档组成的大文本文件。我需要找到一种方法将这个文件组织成它的组成部分。遗憾的是,所有单个文档都有不同的格式,其中唯一的共同点是每个文档的头部都包含日期,每次都以相同的格式编写:dd MONTH yyyy。我使用日期作为书挡来隔离它们之间的文本。

#the date pattern with positive lookbehind
bookend_1 = "(?<=\d{1,2}\sJANUARY\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sFEBRUARY\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sMARCH\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sAPRIL\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sMAY\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sJUNE\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sJULY\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sAUGUST\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sSEPTEMBER\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sOCTOBER\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sNOVEMBER\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sDECEMBER\s\d)"

#The date pattern with positive lookahead
bookend_2 = "(?=\d{1,2}\sJANUARY\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sFEBRUARY\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sMARCH\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sAPRIL\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sMAY\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sJUNE\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sJULY\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sAUGUST\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sSEPTEMBER\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sOCTOBER\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sNOVEMBER\s\d{4}|\d{1,2}\sDECEMBER\s\d)"

#using the bookends to find the text in between dates
docs = regex.findall(bookend_1+'(.*?)'+ bookend_2, psc_comm_raw, re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE) 


psc_comm_tuple = list(zip(date, docs))


[('27 JULY 2004',
  ' ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA\n\nPSC/PR/Comm.(XIII)\n\nCOMMUNIQUÉ\n\nPSC/PR/Comm.(XIII) Page l\n\nCOMMUNIQUÉ OF THE THIRTEENTH MEETING OF THE PEACE AND SECURITY COUNCIL\n\nThe Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), at its thirteenth meeting, held on 27 July 2004, adopted the following communiqué on the crisis in the Darfur region of the Sudan:\n\nCouncil,\n\n1.\tReiterates its deep concern over the grave situation that still prevails in the Darfur region of the Sudan, in particular the continued attacks by the Janjaweed militia against the civilian population, as well as other human rights abuses and the humanitarian crisis;\n\n2.\tUnderlines the urgent need to implement decision AU/Dec.54(111) on Darfur, adopted by the 3rd Ordinary Session of the Assembly...'),
 ('29 JANUARY 2001',
  '\n\nThe Central Organ of the OAU Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution held its seventy-third * ordinary session at the level of Ambassadors on 29 January 2001, in Addis Ababa. The session was chaired by Ambassador Kati Ohara Korga, Permanent Representative of Togo to the OAU.\n\nHaving considered the Report of the Secretary General on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the situation in that country, the Central Organ:\n\n1.\tstrongly condemns the assassination of Pre...'),
 ('20 MARCH 2001',
  "\n\nThe Central Organ of the OAU Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution held its 74th ordinary session at ambassadorial level, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on Tuesday March 20, 2001. The session was chaired by Ambassador Ohara Korga, Permanent representative of Togo to the OAU....'),
 ('22 AUGUST 2001',
  '\n\nThe Central Organ of the OAU Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution held its 75th Ordinary Session at Ambassadorial level in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on Wednesday 22 August 2001....')...]


import csv
import os

with open('psc_comm.csv','w') as out:
    for row in psc_comm_tuple:

当我将元组输出写入csv时,某些行完全正常。但是一些输出变得混乱 - 文本被分成看似随机的块,并且有空行,一排句子片段。这些事件有数百种。当我回顾原始文档并找到句子破坏的相应位置时,我无法看到文本本身的任何特殊或独特之处。没有特殊字符。它只是纯文本。但是,它们似乎确实是特别长的文本部分,因此我想知道CSV文件中的单个单元格可以包含的信息数量是否有限制。


Image of csv file

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您没有提供足够的信息来识别问题,但Excel在读取带有嵌入换行符的CSV单元时往往会遇到问题,所以我的第一个猜测就是它出错的地方:你有一个嵌入换行符的csv, csvwriter可能以可逆的方式编写,但Excel无法正确解析。

