sudo dpkg -r codedeploy-agent
时从s3存储桶中复制了安装sudo ./install auto
I, [2016-05-13T14:20:03.902026 #5227] INFO -- : Starting Ruby version check.
I, [2016-05-13T14:20:03.902274 #5227] INFO -- : The current Ruby version is not 2.0.x! Restarting the installer with /usr/bin/ruby2.0
I, [2016-05-13T14:20:04.043343 #5227] INFO -- : Starting Ruby version check.
I, [2016-05-13T14:20:04.043548 #5227] INFO -- : Starting update check.
I, [2016-05-13T14:20:04.043649 #5227] INFO -- : Attempting to automatically detect supported package manager type for system...
I, [2016-05-13T14:20:04.048600 #5227] INFO -- : Checking AWS_REGION environment variable for region information...
I, [2016-05-13T14:20:04.048712 #5227] INFO -- : Checking EC2 metadata service for region information...
I, [2016-05-13T14:20:04.103736 #5227] INFO -- : Running version 1.0-1.950
I, [2016-05-13T14:20:04.103871 #5227] INFO -- : Downloading version file from bucket aws-codedeploy-us-west-2 and key latest/VERSION...
I, [2016-05-13T14:20:04.169833 #5227] INFO -- : Running version matches target version, skipping install
I, [2016-05-13T14:20:04.170000 #5227] INFO -- : Update check complete.
I, [2016-05-13T14:20:04.170094 #5227] INFO -- : Stopping updater.
答案 0 :(得分:0)
$host1 = "<HostIP>"
Connect-VIServer -Server $host1 -User user -Password pass
$vmname = Get-VM
$n = $vm = 0
$datastore = Get-Datastore DS*
for($i = 0; $i -le $num_disks; $i++) {
$size = $datastore[$i].CapacityGB - 1 #Deducting 1GB from each Datastore. Full sized DS as a VM fails as it need some space to write VM data
$vmnamenew = $vmname[$i]
write-host "Size of VMDK to be added : ", $size
write-host "VMname will be : ", $vmnamenew
write-host "Datastore used is : ", $datastore[$n]
New-HardDisk -vm $vmnamenew -CapacityGB ($size) -Datastore $datastore[$n] -StorageFormat $format #Mounting the Datastore to VMs.
Start-Sleep -s 20
sudo dpkg -r codedeploy-agent
sudo apt-get purge codedeploy-agent
答案 1 :(得分:0)
sudo dpkg --purge可以胜任。