
时间:2016-05-13 13:15:26

标签: php pdo




注意:数组转换为字符串   第136行的D:\ wamp64 \ www \ PDOtest \ databaseClassTest.php
  注意:数组   在D:\ wamp64 \ www \ PDOtest \ databaseClassTest.php上进行字符串转换   第137行


致命错误:在布尔值中调用成员函数fetchAll()   第166行的D:\ wamp64 \ www \ PDOtest \ databaseClassTest.php


class database {
    private $handler;
    public function __construct($databaseType,$host,$dbname,$username,$password) {
        $this->handler = new PDO("{$databaseType}:host={$host};dbname={$dbname}", $username, $password);
    public function insert($table, $collumsArrayAndValues) {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} ("; // Make the first part of the Insert query with the table and (. example "INTERT INTO post (";

        $countColums = count($collumsArrayAndValues);//make a variable to hold the amount of colums which the user provides with the array.
        if the array is 

                        ':message' => $message, 
                        ':user_ID' => $user_ID, 
                        ':board_ID' => $board_ID
        this would return 3 because it has 3 elements

        $i = 0; //initialize an iterator
        foreach($collumsArrayAndValues  as $colum => $value) { // cut the colums array into parts and loop threw them
            $i++; // add one to the iterator
            if($i < $countColums){ //if the Iterator is smallen then the amount of colums
                $sql .= $colum . ", "; // add the colum name to the sql string and add a ,    
                // i do this because when you have multipe colums you need an , to differentiate the colums
            } else {
                $sql .= $colum . ")";// the last ellement should not have an ,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it should also have an ) at the end of the colum declartion
        $sql .= " VALUES ("; // add the values clause...

        $i = 0; // reset the iterator
        foreach($collumsArrayAndValues  as $colum => $value) { // cut the colums array into parts and loop threw them
            $i++; // add one to the iterator
            if($i < $countColums){ //if the Iterator is smallen then the amount of colums
                $sql .= ":{$colum}, "; // add the prepared name to the sql string and add a ,  
                // i do this because when you have multipe prepared names you need an , to differentiate the colums
            } else {
                $sql .= ":{$colum})"; /// the last element should not have an ,......

        $query = $this->handler->prepare($sql); //prepare the statement
        $ar = array(); //initialize an array

        foreach($collumsArrayAndValues  as $colum => $value) { // cut the colums array into parts and loop threw them
            $ar[":{$colum}"]= $value; // make the link...
        $query->execute($ar);// execute the query

    public function select($fieldAndTableArray, $where = NULL) {
        $sql = "SELECT ";
        $countTabels = count($fieldAndTableArray);//make a variable to hold the amount of colums which the user provides with the array.

        if the array is 

                "tabel" => array("colum1a", "colum2a", "colum3a", "colum4a"),
                "tabel2" => array("colum1b", "colum2b", "colum3b", "colum4b")
        this would return 2 because it has 2 elements
        foreach($fieldAndTableArray as $table => $fields){ // cut the colums array into parts and loop threw them
            $countFields = count($fields);//make a variable to hold the amount of colums which the user provides with the array.
            $i =0;
            foreach($fields as $field) {
                $sql .= "`{$table}`.`{$field}`";
                if($i <= $countFields) {
                    $sql .= ", ";
        $sql .= " FROM ";
        $i = 0;
        foreach($fieldAndTableArray as $table => $fields){ // cut the colums array into parts and loop threw them
            $sql .= "`{$table}`";
            if($i < $countTabels) {
                $sql .=", ";
        if($where != NULL) {
            $sql .= " WHERE ";
            if(is_array($where)) {
                foreach($where as $wherePart) {

                    if(is_array($wherePart)) {
                        $elementCounter = 0;
                        foreach($wherePart as $element){
                            if($elementCounter >= 3){
                                $sql .= ":{$element}";
                            } else {
                                $sql .= $element . " ";
                    } else {
                        $sql .= $wherePart . " ";
            } else {
                $sql .= $where;

        if(is_array($where)) {
            $ar = array(); //initialize an array
            foreach($where as $wherePart=>$value) {

                if(is_array($wherePart)) {
                    $elementCounter = 0;
                    foreach($wherePart as $element){
                        if($elementCounter >= 3){
                            $ar[":{$colum}"]= $value; // make the link...

        $query = $this->handler->prepare($sql); //prepare the statement

        foreach($where  as $colum => $value) { // cut the colums array into parts and loop threw them
            $ar[":{$colum}"]= $value; // make the link...
        $query->execute($ar);// execute the query
        return $query->execute($ar);// execute the query

$db = new database("mysql", "", "imageboard", "root", "");

//$db->insert("post", array("message"=>"Hello i am a message from PDO", "user_ID"=>(int)1, "board_ID"=>(int)2));
                "tabel" => array("colum1a", "colum2a", "colum3a", "colum4a"),
                "tabel2" => array("colum1b", "colum2b", "colum3b", "colum4b")
            array("colum1a", "=", "banaan"), "AND",
            array("colum1b", "!=", "24")
echo "deze werkt goed->";
$result = $db->select(
                "post" => array("post_ID", "post_name", "image_ID", "message"),
                "image" => array("image_path")
            array("`post`.`image_ID`", "=", "`image`.`image_ID`")
while($row = $result->fetchAll()) 
    echo $row['message'].'<br>'; 


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我花了一些时间查看代码并想出了这个 `

    protected function __construct() {
        try {
            $this->db = new PDO('mysql:host=' . Config::get('mysql/host') . ';dbname='  . Config::get('mysql/database'), Config::get('mysql/username'), Config::get('mysql/password'));
        } catch(PDOException $e) {

    public static function getInstance() {
        if(!isset(self::$handler)) { //if there is no instance jet we want to make an instance one would also use this to excute things methods inside this this class
            self::$handler = new Database();
        return self::$handler; //return the instance

    public function insert($table, $collumsArrayAndValues) {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$table}` ("; // Make the first part of the Insert query with the table and (. example "INTERT INTO post (";

        $countColums = count($collumsArrayAndValues);//make a variable to hold the amount of colums which the user provides with the array.
        if the array is 

                        ':message' => $message, 
                        ':user_ID' => $user_ID, 
                        ':board_ID' => $board_ID
        this would return 3 because it has 3 elements

        $i = 0; //initialize an iterator
        foreach($collumsArrayAndValues  as $colum => $value) { // cut the colums array into parts and loop threw them
            $i++; // add one to the iterator
            if($i < $countColums){ //if the Iterator is smallen then the amount of colums
                $sql .= "`{$colum}`, "; // add the colum name to the sql string and add a ,    
                // i do this because when you have multipe colums you need an , to differentiate the colums
            } else {
                $sql .= "`{$colum}`)";// the last ellement should not have an ,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it should also have an ) at the end of the colum declartion
        $sql .= " VALUES ("; // add the values clause...

        $i = 0; // reset the iterator
        foreach($collumsArrayAndValues  as $colum => $value) { // cut the colums array into parts and loop threw them
            $i++; // add one to the iterator
            if($i < $countColums){ //if the Iterator is smallen then the amount of colums
                $sql .= "?, "; // add the prepared name to the sql string and add a ,  
                // i do this because when you have multipe prepared names you need an , to differentiate the colums
            } else {
                $sql .= "?)"; /// the last element should not have an ,......

        $ar = array(); //initialize an array

        foreach($collumsArrayAndValues  as $colum => $value) { // cut the colums array into parts and loop threw them
            $ar[]= $this->replaceQuotesAndBackslashes($value); // make the link...
        if($this->action($sql, $ar)) {
            return $this->db->lastInsertId();
        } else {
            return NULL;

    public function select($fieldAndTableArray, $where = NULL) {
        $sql = "SELECT ";
        $countTabels = count($fieldAndTableArray);//make a variable to hold the amount of colums which the user provides with the array.

        if the array is 

                "tabel" => array("colum1a", "colum2a", "colum3a", "colum4a"),
                "tabel2" => array("colum1b", "colum2b", "colum3b", "colum4b")
        this would return 2 because it has 2 elements
        foreach($fieldAndTableArray as $table => $fields){ // cut the colums array into parts and loop threw them
            $countFields = count($fields);//make a variable to hold the amount of colums which the user provides with the array.
            $i =0;
            foreach($fields as $field) {
                $sql .= "`{$table}`.`{$field}`";
                if($i <= $countFields) {
                    $sql .= ", ";

        $sql = substr($sql, 0, -2);
        $sql .= " FROM ";
        $i = 0;
        foreach($fieldAndTableArray as $table => $fields){ // cut the colums array into parts and loop threw them
            $sql .= "`{$table}`";
            if($i < $countTabels) {
                $sql .=", ";
        if($where != NULL) {
            $sql .= " WHERE ";
            foreach($where as $wherePart) {

                if(is_array($wherePart)) {
                    $elementCounter = 0;
                    foreach($wherePart as $element){
                        if($elementCounter >= 3){
                            $sql .= "?";
                        } else {
                            $sql .= $element . " ";
                } else {
                    $sql .= " " . $wherePart . " ";
            $ar = array(); //initialize an array

            foreach($where as $wherePart) {
                    $elementCounter = 0;
                    foreach($wherePart as $value) {
                        if($elementCounter == 3){
                            $ar[] = $this->replaceQuotesAndBackslashes($value);
//      $this->query($query, $ar);
        return $this->query($sql, $ar);

    public function query($sql, $params) {
        $query = $this->db->prepare($sql); //prepare the statement
        $query->execute($params);// execute the query
        return $query;
    public function action($sql, $params) {
        $query = $this->db->prepare($sql); //prepare the statement
        return $query->execute($params);// execute the query

    private function replaceQuotesAndBackslashes($fieldValue){
//      $fieldValue = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $fieldValue);
        $fieldValue = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $fieldValue);
        $fieldValue = str_replace("'", '\\\'', $fieldValue);

        return $fieldValue;

        "tabelname", array(
    "collum1" => $value1,
    "collum2" => $value1

$result = Database::getInstance()->select(
                "post" => array("post_ID", "post_name", "image_ID", "message"),
                "image" => array("image_path")
            array("`post`.`image_ID`", "=", "1"), "AND",
            array("`post`.`post_ID`", "!=", "34567")

while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
    echo"<pre>", print_r($row), "<pre />";

/*$sth = $db->prepare('SELECT message, post_name
    FROM post
    WHERE post_name < ?');
$red = $sth->fetchAll();*/

Kevin Neven 2016 5-6 23:34*/