一般的想法是有一个URL,index.html?variable01 = response01& variable02 = response02
这将产生js varibles,其中等号前面的字符串作为变量名,而后面的字符串就是它的值。到目前为止我已经尝试了这个:它没有用
var strings = window.location.search("?*") //filter the website URL itself
var varsets = strings.split('&') //split earch variable set, makes var=value
var varcommands = strings.search.append('var ') //add the string 'var to each of the sets,
makes var var=value
for (x = 0, y < vars.length, x++) {
sections = vars.search.replace('=',' = ') //add spaces around the equals sign,
makes var var = value
function x() { //define a function to process the value of sections as a command
return sections
for (y = 0, y < sections.length, y++) { //cycle through and run each command string