
时间:2016-05-12 14:31:55

标签: netlogo


如果社交性> = 0.5且局部斑块密度<1。目标密度


如果存在,则移至该补丁。 如果不存在,则进行长度的随机移动moves_per_tick



to start_search_personality
  let LD density
  let AT (Target_density * sociability)
  let C_D (AT - LD)

  if sociability >= 0.5 
     ifelse C_D >= 0
         let P any? one-of patches with (patches in-radius moves_per_tick with [density] > LD)
         if [density] of P > LD 
         [face p move-to p]]  
      [move-to patch-here]

密度由修补程序拥有,并定义为修补程序中的海龟数量。 海龟拥有社交能力,这是0到1之间的值。 目标密度是从其他地方输入的,并且是整数。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


to start_search_personality
  let density-here count turtles-here

  if sociability >= 0.5 and density-here < target-density
     let p patches in-radius moves_per_tick
     ifelse any? p with [target-density < abs (density - target-density)] 
     [move-to one-of p with  [target-density < abs (density - target-density)]]
     [ ;;move in a random direction of length moves per tick
       set heading (random 360)
       fd moves_per_tick 

答案 1 :(得分:0)

使用上面的评论我现在有一个功能代码。如果你为自己重新设计它,我建议删除颜色变化(我刚刚用来测试每​​个函数被调用)。 Target_density在运行开始时固定,海龟自己的s(固定在0和1之间),补丁拥有密度(在每个刻度上更新并定义为补丁中的乌龟计数)。最后一个障碍是建立排名系统,因为此代码对高target_densities敏感

to check_personality
  move-to patch-here
  let N max-one-of neighbors [density]
   let ND max [density] of neighbors 
   let LD [density] of patch-here
   let AT (Target_density * s)
   let p patches in-radius moves_per_tick_baseline
   let diff_1 (AT - LD) < (AT - ND)
   let diff_2 (AT - LD) > (AT - ND)
   let diff_3 (AT - LD) = (AT - ND)

 ifelse s > 0.5

 [if LD < AT[ 

if diff_1 [ set color white
  ifelse density >= (0.90 * AT)
    [move-to patch-here]
    [ifelse any? p with [density > LD]
      [move-to one-of p with [density > LD]]
      [face N forward moves_per_tick_baseline]

if diff_2[ set color gray
  move-to N

if diff_3
 [if ND < LD 
     set color black 
     ifelse any? p with [density >= LD]
     [move-to one-of p with [density >= LD]]
     [face N forward moves_per_tick_baseline]

  if ND > LD 
     [move-to patch-here face N move-to N]]
  if ND = LD 
     [ifelse ND = 0 
       [set heading (random 360) forward moves_per_tick_baseline]
       [set heading (random 360) forward moves_per_tick_baseline]

 if LD >= AT [set color yellow set size 10]]