
时间:2016-05-12 08:19:22

标签: java netbeans pass-by-reference

我正在使用NetBeans 8.0.2。我搜索了几个论坛来解决我目前的情况。我无法访问类中不同包的方法。我已导入所需的包并尝试创建该类的实例。首先,NetBeans在代码下面加了一行红线

"Package sts2 does not exist. <identifier> expected"

接下来,当我尝试使用instanceName.methodName格式访问该方法时,它不显示可用方法的列表,它只显示新的。 'sts2'是我为'Start2'类创建的实例的名称,'Start2'类位于与使用检索到的输入的类不同的包中。我已经使用import语句导入了所需的包。





package home;
import Solution_screens.*;

public class Start2 extends javax.swing.JFrame {
  //this is the Start2 class it recieves user input via GUI then sends to PayRoll class in different package ie Solutions_screens)
  public void calcDisp(){
    //this method is called from PayRoll class. it collects and sends the values over
    String firstname = jTextField1.getText();
    String sal1 = jTextField5.getText();
    float sal = Integer.parseInt(sal1);
    PayRoll p = new PayRoll(); //creating instance of the PayROll class so I can send retrieved values over there
    p.userInput(firstname); //userInput method is defined in PayRoll class
  private void jButton2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                         
    // this button was dragged in using NB DnD

    PayRoll payr = new PayRoll(); //another instance of PayRoll to make it visible


package Solution_screens;
import home.Start2;

public class PayRoll extends javax.swing.JFrame {
  //here I only need the Start2 class and dont have to import all the classes of the package
  Start2 sts2=new Start2(); //creating an instance of Start2 so I can access the calcDisp() method. It highlights sts2 to green, which should not be.
  sts2.calcDisp(); // this is where the problem seems to be. NB gives the error that it does not exist
  // this method is created to collect the values and work with them.
  public void userInput(String name){


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



  1. 使用构造函数(推荐)。

    package Solution_screens;
    import home.Start2;
    public class PayRoll extends javax.swing.JFrame {
      Start2 sts2;
      public PayRoll() {
        sts2 = new Start2();
      public void userInput(String name){
  2. 使用初始化块

    package Solution_screens;
    import home.Start2;
    public class PayRoll extends javax.swing.JFrame {
      Start2 sts2;
        sts2 = new Start2();
      public void userInput(String name){
  3. 这应该可以解决您当前的问题。我对其余的代码有更多的保留,并希望你省略的内容是正确的,因为实际上,你的代码不会做任何事情。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


是否可以进行交叉导入,例如包A导入包B.   然后反向访问它的方法包B将包A导入到   访问它的方法。

首先,不建议采用这种方法。它可能会导致安全问题。 (See details)


您必须查看_Design Pattern_s(尤其是 Observer Pattern )以获得有关您情况的解决方案。

答案 2 :(得分:0)




package home;
import Solution_screens.*;

public class Start2 extends javax.swing.JFrame {
//this is the Start2 class it recieves user input via GUI then sends to PayRoll class in different package ie Solutions_screens)
public void calcDisp(){
//this method is called from here using button below. it collects and sends the values over
String firstname = jTextField1.getText();
String sal1 = jTextField5.getText();
float sal = Integer.parseInt(sal1);
PayRoll p = new PayRoll(); //creating instance of the PayROll class so I can send retrieved values over there
p.userInput(firstname, sal); //userInput method is defined in PayRoll class
p.setVisible(true);//use same instance to show the PayRoll GUI
private void jButton2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
// this button was dragged in using NB DnD
//no need creating another instance of PayRoll class just call the calcDisp method created above and it sends users retreived data over.




package Solution_screens;
import home.Start2;

public class PayRoll extends javax.swing.JFrame {
//here I only need the Start2 class and dont have to import all the classes of the package

// this method is created to collect the values and work with them.
public void userInput(String name, String ssal){
jTextArea1.setText("Payroll Calculation for: " +name +"\t" "Salary is : "+ssal);

无需在PayRoll Class中调用calcDisp(),Start2中的按钮处理它。我甚至可以声明并设置其他变量并将它们发送到PayRoll。问题解决了。