JS DataTables'所有'返回“找不到匹配的记录”

时间:2016-05-11 12:57:47

标签: javascript datatable

我正在使用JS DataTables,通常所有功能都可以正常工作。我注意到一个有趣的故障,我不确定是什么导致它发生的。

我的设置为15,30,50,All(分别为var useGetAllItems = result.Count > 400 ? false : true; // maybe this is part of the problem??? QueueTable = $('#tblQueue').dataTable({ 'aLengthMenu': [[15, 30, 50, -1], [15, 30, 50, "All"]], 'aoColumnDefs': [ { 'bSearchable': true, 'aTargets': ['_all'] }, { 'bSortable': false, 'aTargets': [3] }, { 'bVisible': false, 'aTargets': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19] }, { 'iDataSort': 19, 'aTargets': [0] } ], 'aoColumns': [ { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 0); } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 1); //invoice number and index } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 2); // company } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 3); } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 4); } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 5); } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 6); } }, { 'sType': 'datetime-us', //used for sorting date time... 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 7); } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 8); } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 9); } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 10); } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 11); } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 12); } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 13); } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 14); } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 15); } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 16); } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 17); } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 18); // entered by } }, { 'mDataProp': function (obj, type, val) { return GetOrSetCellData(obj, type, val, 19); // prioritization sorting } } ], 'aaSorting': [[5, 'asc']], 'bAutoWidth': false, 'sPaginationType': 'full_numbers', 'oLanguage': { 'sLengthMenu': 'Show _MENU_ Products per page', 'sEmptyTable': 'No items in this queue.', 'sInfoEmpty': 'Showing 0 to 0 of 0 Items', 'sInfoFiltered': '(filtered from _MAX_ total Items)', 'sInfo': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>_TOTAL_ Total Items in Queue</b>' }, 'bPaginate': true, 'bStateSave': false, 'iDisplayLength': 15, "bFilter": true, 'bServerSide': !useGetAllItems, 'bProcessing': false, 'bDeferRender': true, 'sAjaxSource': '/SalesModule/Orders/OrderProduct.asmx/GetOrderProductQueueEntries', 'sAjaxDataProp': 'QueueEntries', 'fnServerData': function (sSource, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings) { aoData.push({ name: 'viewType', value: ViewType }); aoData.push({ name: 'queueType', value: QueueType }); // for server loading var pageIndex = Math.ceil(oSettings._iDisplayStart / oSettings._iDisplayLength) + 1; var txSearch = $.trim($('#txSearch').val()); aoData.push({ name: 'txSearch', value: txSearch }); aoData.push({ name: 'pageIndex', value: pageIndex }); aoData.push({ name: "useGetAllItems", value: useGetAllItems }); // Filters if any var arrQueueFilters = []; for (var i = 9; i <= 18; i++) arrQueueFilters.push($("#ddlQueueFilter_" + i).val()); aoData.push({ name: "arrQueueFilters", value: arrQueueFilters }); if (useGetAllItems) { aoData.push({ name: "iDisplayStart", value: "0" }); aoData.push({ name: "iDisplayLength", value: "15" }); aoData.push({ name: "sEcho", value: "1" }); aoData.push({ name: "sColumns", value: "0" }); aoData.push({ name: "iColumns", value: "0" }); aoData.push({ name: "iSortCol_0", value: "0" }); aoData.push({ name: "sSortDir_0", value: "0" }); } $.ajax({ 'type': 'POST', 'url': sSource, 'data': GetSerializedJsonParams(aoData, ['viewType', 'queueType', 'txSearch', 'arrQueueFilters', 'useGetAllItems', 'pageIndex', 'iDisplayStart', 'iDisplayLength', 'sEcho', 'sColumns', 'iColumns', 'iSortCol_0', 'sSortDir_0']), 'contentType': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'dataType': 'json', 'success': function (data, textStatus, xmlHttpRequest) { // Add 2 properties to each source data object . These will be used later (in mDataProp function) to store dynamically rendered HTML for (var i = 0; i < data.d.QueueEntries.length; i++) { data.d.QueueEntries[i]._Display = {}; data.d.QueueEntries[i]._Sort = {}; } hideUpdatingBox(); fnCallback(data.d); }, 'error': function (jqxhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert('Failed to retrieve queue results from server.'); } }); }, 'sDom': 'fr<"dataTables_length_toolbar"T>ltip', 'oTableTools': { 'sSwfPath': '/js/jQuery.TableTools.Plugin/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf', 'aButtons': [ 'print', { 'sExtends': 'pdf', 'mColumns': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'sPdfOrientation': 'landscape' } ] }, 'fnRowCallback': function (nRow, rowObj, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) { // Add/replace <tr> id w/ format: 'qrow_{opID}' $(nRow).attr('id', 'qrow_{0}'.format(rowObj.Id)); // All the queue classes that we support var allQueueColors = '{0}-{1}Red {0}-{1}Orange {0}-{1}Yellow'.format('queue', 'gradient'); // Remove any existing <tr>, <td> queue color classes, <tr> queue-main class $(nRow).removeClass('{0} {1}'.format(allQueueColors, 'queue-parentrow 3')); $('td:eq(5)', nRow).removeClass(allQueueColors); // Add <tr> and <td> queue color classes $(nRow).addClass('{0} {1}'.format(rowObj.QueueColor, 'queue-parentrow')) $(nRow).addClass('{0} {1}'.format(rowObj.QueueColor, 'userId_'+ rowObj.EnteredByUsername)) $('td:eq(5)', nRow).addClass(rowObj.QueueColor); return nRow; }, 'fnInitComplete': function (oSettings, json) { $('#divTblLoading').hide(); $('#tblQueue').fadeIn(); $('#divQueueColorLegend').show(); InitCountdownTimer(); QueuePrioritization.OutputModal(); // run filters on auto-refresh if (useGetAllItems) { InitQueueApplySelectedFilters(); } }, "fnDrawCallback": function (oSettings) { InitLightboxProofs(); // function in queue_page.js hideUpdatingBox(); } }); )。

基本上,如果我有一个较小的行数,请说&lt; 100一切似乎都很好。但是,我注意到当我的行数达到数千时,我现在看到的具体实例是3847,那么我的'All'选项不会提取任何数据,它只是说:“找不到匹配的记录,“尽管它应该显示3847条记录。这是JS DataTables的限制吗?有没有人知道如何让它正常工作并实际展示一切,即使有很多东西要展示?


add android:scrollbarThumbVertical="@drawable/yourdawable //in your spinner 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

好的,事实证明问题不在于JS DataTables。基本上,服务器上有很多后端数据处理,当尝试在1,000多条记录上执行此操作时,AJAX请求会在服务器返回响应之前超时。我的解决方案是没有ALL下拉,但最多只有1,000。