答案 0 :(得分:19)
1)我首选的方法是激活“脚本”菜单。如果您使用的是10.6,请打开AppleScript编辑器。打开首选项,然后在“常规”选项卡下单击“在菜单栏中显示脚本菜单”。现在,您将在屏幕右上角的菜单栏部分中看到一个新图标。您可以从该菜单运行任何AppleScript。 (在10.5中,过程不同,但您可以谷歌指示)。要将一个AppleScript放在该菜单中,只需转到〜/ Library / Scripts文件夹并将你的applescript添加到它。从“脚本”菜单中选择您的AppleScript将运行它。
2)AppleScript Editor中的文件菜单中的“另存为...”,并将“文件格式”设置为应用程序。然后它就像任何其他应用程序一样......只需双击它即可运行它。
答案 1 :(得分:7)
答案 2 :(得分:3)
答案 3 :(得分:-1)
# Old post but this answer may save someone a lot of time.
# In Applescript, make a new script with the following lines (see below).
# Then, after selecting the ''Stay open after run handler'' option,
# save as File Format ''application'' .
# This is the simplest version of a standalone app.
# It is essentially a directory with a Scripts folder and a compiled Applet in it.
# Right click it's icon in the Finder to open the package for a peek inside.
# Other internal items such as icons, files, and other scripts may be added and interacted with.
on run
#put something here which happens once at startup.
say "I am running."
end run
on idle
#put something here which happens repeatedly.
say "I am waiting."
return 2 --repeats every 2 seconds. (0 will default to 30 seconds)
end idle
on quit
#put something here which happens at the end of the program's use.
say "I am quitting."
continue quit
end quit
# To accept dropped item's, embed your handlers between tags before saving as shown below here. Enjoy!
on open droppedItems
beep --or some other cool thing.
end open