% Sample S
S = [4 4]; % Normally this would have like 2k entries
% Get Point Coordinates of every matrix position
[cols, rows] = meshgrid(1:width, 1:height);
PtCoords = cat(3, rows, cols);
% Here is the problem. This array gets **HUGE**
SpatDist = zeros(height, width, sumSPts);
% To get The Distance to current S
for j = 1:sumSPts
currS = S(j, :);
SCoords = cat(3, repmat(currS(1), height, width), repmat(currS(2), height, width));
RowDiff = PtCoords(:,:,1) - SCoords(:,:,1);
ColDiff = PtCoords(:,:,2) - SCoords(:,:,2);
SpatDist(:,:,j) = sqrt(RowDiff.^2 + ColDiff.^2);
% Save the smallest dist per group
MinSpatDist = zeros(height, width, nSGroups);
SpatKernel = zeros(height, width, sumSPts);
SpatProb = zeros(height, width, nSGroups);
for i = 1:nSGroups;
% Get Indices of current S
currIndices = 1:nSPts(i);
if(i > 1)
currIndices = currIndices + sum(nSPts(1:i-1));
% Min over all Scribble Matrices of one group
MinSpatDist(:,:,i) = min(SpatDist(:,:,currIndices),[], 3);
Roh = MinSpatDist .* PARAMS.ALPHA;
% To get normdistr.
% Get Gaussian pdf value for each pixel
for j = currIndices;
SpatKernel(:,:,j) = normpdf(SpatDist(:,:,j), 0, Roh(:,:,i));
% Sum over all Scribble Matrices of one group
SpatProb(:,:,i) = sum(SpatKernel(:,:, currIndices), 3);