#sample data (for 195 entries):
def Foundation( csv_file_path, Remove_Header = False, Remove_SubHeader = False ):
delineator = ','
raw_file = file(csv_file_path, 'r')
return_List = []
n = 0
#Process lines in file
for line in raw_file.readlines():
#Check if to include or remove header
if (n == 0 ) and (Remove_Header == True):
n = n + 1
#Check if to include or remove sub header
if (n == 1) and (Remove_SubHeader == True):
n = n + 1
sList2 = line.replace("\n","").strip().split( delineator )
col_2 = str(sList2.pop(2))
for n in col_2:
if n == "1":
col_2 = col_2.replace("1", "B")
elif n == "":
col_2 = col_2.replace("", "N")
print col_2
return_List.append(sList2) #add my secondary list back to my main List? right?
sList2.insert(0, col_2)# insert back to my secondary list where it went
n = n + 1 #add to counter and move down the line
#Return the list
return return_List