person | subscription | obs_date | sub_start_date | sub_end_date | num_concurrent_subs
1 | 1 | 09/01/10 | 09/01/10 | 09/01/11 | 1
1 | 1 | 10/01/10 | 09/01/10 | 09/01/11 | 2
1 | 1 | 11/01/10 | 09/01/10 | 09/01/11 | 2
1 | 2 | 10/01/10 | 10/01/10 | 09/01/11 | 2
1 | 2 | 11/01/10 | 10/01/10 | 09/01/11 | 2
1 | 3 | 11/01/14 | 09/01/14 | . | 1
1 | 3 | 11/01/16 | 09/01/14 | . | 1
1 | 4 | 11/01/15 | 10/01/15 | 11/01/15 | 3
1 | 5 | 11/01/15 | 10/01/15 | 11/01/15 | 3
答案 0 :(得分:1)
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte(person subscription) str8(obs_date sub_start_date sub_end_date) byte num_concurrent_subs
1 1 "09/01/10" "09/01/10" "09/01/11" 1
1 1 "10/01/10" "09/01/10" "09/01/11" 2
1 1 "11/01/10" "09/01/10" "09/01/11" 2
1 2 "10/01/10" "10/01/10" "09/01/11" 2
1 2 "11/01/10" "10/01/10" "09/01/11" 2
1 3 "11/01/14" "09/01/14" "." 1
1 3 "11/01/16" "09/01/14" "." 1
1 4 "11/01/15" "10/01/15" "11/01/15" 3
1 5 "11/01/15" "10/01/15" "11/01/15" 3
* should always have an observation identifier
gen obsid = _n
* convert string to Stata numeric dates
gen odate = daily(obs_date,"MD20Y")
gen substart = daily(sub_start_date,"MD20Y")
gen subend = daily(sub_end_date,"MD20Y")
format %td odate substart subend
save "main_data.dta", replace
* reduce to subscription info with one obs for the start and one obs
* for the end of each subscription. use an onoff variable to tract
* start and end events
keep person subscription substart subend
bysort person subscription substart subend: keep if _n == 1
expand 2
bysort person subscription: gen adate = cond(_n == 1, substart, subend)
by person subscription: gen onoff = cond(_n == 1, 1, -1)
replace onoff = 0 if mi(adate)
format %td adate
append using "main_data.dta"
* include obs date in adate and nothing happens on the observation date
replace adate = odate if !mi(obsid)
replace onoff = 0 if !mi(obsid)
* order by person adate, put on event first, then obs events, then off events
gsort person adate -onoff
by person: gen concur = sum(onoff)
* return to original obs
keep if !mi(obsid)
sort obsid
答案 1 :(得分:1)
ssc install rangejoin
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte(person subscription) str8(obs_date sub_start_date sub_end_date) byte num_concurrent_subs
1 1 "09/01/10" "09/01/10" "09/01/11" 1
1 1 "10/01/10" "09/01/10" "09/01/11" 2
1 1 "11/01/10" "09/01/10" "09/01/11" 2
1 2 "10/01/10" "10/01/10" "09/01/11" 2
1 2 "11/01/10" "10/01/10" "09/01/11" 2
1 3 "11/01/14" "09/01/14" "." 1
1 3 "11/01/16" "09/01/14" "." 1
1 4 "11/01/15" "10/01/15" "11/01/15" 3
1 5 "11/01/15" "10/01/15" "11/01/15" 3
* should always have an observation identifier
gen obsid = _n
* convert string to Stata numeric dates
gen odate = daily(obs_date,"MD20Y")
gen substart = daily(sub_start_date,"MD20Y")
gen subend = daily(sub_end_date,"MD20Y")
format %td odate substart subend
save "main_data.dta", replace
* reduce to subscription start and end date per person
bysort person subscription substart subend: keep if _n == 1
keep person substart subend
* missing values will exclude obs so use a date in the future
replace subend = mdy(1,1,2099) if mi(subend)
* pair each subscription with an obs date
rangejoin odate substart subend using "main_data.dta", by(person)
* the number of current subcription is the number of pairings
bysort obsid: gen current = _N
* return to original obs
by obsid: keep if _n == 1
sort obsid
drop substart subend
rename (substart_U subend_U) (substart subend)