这与how to find all the longest paths with cypher query?无关,与Find all relationship disjoint longest paths in cypher/traversal API ordered by size中的答案有些相关,但我的条件略有不同:
我想编写一个cypher查询,返回其节点集合为" unique"的路径,因为路径中没有两个节点共享相同的name
CREATE (a1:Node {name: 'A', time:1}),
(c1:Node {name: 'C', time:2}),
(b1:Node {name: 'B', time:3}),
(d1:Node {name: 'D', time:4}),
(c2:Node {name: 'C', time:5}),
(a2:Node {name: 'A', time:6}),
(a3:Node {name: 'A', time:7}),
(b2:Node {name: 'B', time:8}),
(d2:Node {name: 'D', time:9})
CREATE (a1)-[:NEXT]->(b1)-[:NEXT]->(c2)-[:NEXT]->(a2)-[:NEXT]->(b2),
因为它包含两个带名称的节点实例," C" (a2)-->(b2)
答案 0 :(得分:4)
// Find all path:
MATCH path = (a:Node)-[:NEXT*1..]->(b:Node)
// Check that the names of the nodes in a path is unique
UNWIND nodes(path) as node
WITH path, nodes(path) as nodes,
collect(DISTINCT node.name) as unames
// And sort by path length
ORDER BY length(path) ASC
WHERE length(path)+1 = size(unames)
// Putting the appropriate path to the collection
WITH collect({f: id(HEAD(nodes)), // Fist node in path
l: id(LAST(nodes)), // Last node in path
ns: EXTRACT(n in nodes(path) | id(n)),
p: path
}) + {f: NULL, l: NULL, ns: [NULL]} as paths
// Loop through the paths in a double loop
// and check that the start and end nodes
// are not included in the following ascending path
UNWIND RANGE(0,size(paths)-2) as i
UNWIND RANGE(i+1,size(paths)-1) as j
WITH i, paths, paths[i]['p'] as path,
sum( size( FILTER(n in paths[j]['ns'] WHERE n=paths[i]['f']) )) as fc,
sum( size( FILTER(n in paths[j]['ns'] WHERE n=paths[i]['l']) )) as fl
WHERE fl=0 OR fc=0
// Return all appropriate ways
RETURN path ORDER BY length(path)
更新: (让我们尝试添加优雅)
// Find all path:
MATCH path = (a:Node)-[:NEXT*1..]->(b:Node)
// Check that the names of the nodes in a path is unique
UNWIND nodes(path) as node
WITH a, b, path,
collect(DISTINCT node.name) as unames
// And sort by path length
ORDER BY length(path) ASC
WHERE length(path)+1 = size(unames)
// Putting the appropriate path and first and last nodes to the collection
WITH collect({first: a, last: b, path: path}) + {} as paths
// Loop through the paths in a double loop
// and check that the start and end nodes
// are not included in the following ascending path
UNWIND RANGE(0,size(paths)-2) as i
WITH i, paths[i]['path'] as path, paths
UNWIND RANGE(i+1,size(paths)-1) as j
WITH path,
collect(distinct paths[i]['first'] IN nodes(paths[j]['path'])) as cFirst,
collect(distinct paths[i]['last'] IN nodes(paths[j]['path'])) as cLast
WHERE (size(cFirst)=1 AND cFirst[0] = false) OR
(size(cLast )=1 AND cLast [0] = false)
// Return all appropriate ways
RETURN path ORDER BY length(path)