以下是我正在使用的代码(源于此:How to convert coordinates of the image view to the coordinates of the bitmap?):
// eventX, eventY are x and y coordinates of tapped location
function getScaledCoordinates(imageView, eventX, eventY) {
//original height and width of the image
var originalImageBounds = imageView.toBlob();
var intrinsicHeight = originalImageBounds.height;
var intrinsicWidth = originalImageBounds.width;
//height and width of the visible (scaled) image
var imageBounds = imageView.getRect();
var scaledHeight = imageBounds.height;
var scaledWidth = imageBounds.width;
//Find the ratio of the original image to the scaled image
var heightRatio = intrinsicHeight / scaledHeight;
var widthRatio = intrinsicWidth / scaledWidth;
//get the distance from the left and top of the image bounds
var scaledImageOffsetX = (eventX - imageBounds.x);
var scaledImageOffsetY = (eventY - imageBounds.y);
// get the units in device pixel
// getUnitsInDevicePixel(scaledImageOffsetX, scaledImageOffsetY)
//scale these distances according to the ratio of your scaling
var originalImageOffsetX = scaledImageOffsetX * widthRatio;
var originalImageOffsetY = scaledImageOffsetY * heightRatio;
// Return the coordinates in original image adjusted for scale factor
return [originalImageOffsetX, originalImageOffsetY];
我有存储在数据结构中的原始标记点的坐标。 我甚至能够让这个工作,但解决方案缺乏准确性。有时,点击的位置会正确映射到原始图像,有时则不会。有什么建议可以改进吗?
我一直在寻找clickable area of image的内容,但找不到足够的文档来在Titanium中实现这些内容。另外,我读到了在标记位置放置隐形按钮的想法,但不知道如何在Titanium中使用它。