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使用阈值计算背景蒙版 阈值可以通过使用函数graythresh自动查找,也可以通过查看图像直方图手动查找。
使用第1阶段的值执行阈值处理以查找前景蒙版。此外,选择最大的连接组件并执行噪音清理(imclose operation)。
I = imread('YaEwk.jpg');
%converts to hsv colorspace, and takes the 3rd dimension. normlizes it.
im = rgb2hsv(I);
im = mat2gray(im(:,:,3));
%determines a threshold to distinguish between the leaf and its surroundings.
T = graythresh(im);
%defines FG as all the values below the threshold
%Also, keeps just the biggest connected component and perform noise
FG = im < T;
FG = bwareafilt(FG,1);
FG = imclose(FG,strel('disk',2));
%defines the background as the opposite of the foreground
BG = ~FG;
I(repmat(BG,1,1,3)) = 0;
%smooth the output
I(:,:,1) = medfilt2(I(:,:,1));
I(:,:,2) = medfilt2(I(:,:,2));
I(:,:,3) = medfilt2(I(:,:,3));