
时间:2016-05-06 17:56:21

标签: c++ testing overloading

我使用的提示来自我朋友的课程。这是提示。我需要创建一个FeetInches类并使用关系重载运算符对其进行修改。我有.cpp和.h文件都工作。我只需要创建另一个测试程序的.cpp文件。这是每个部分的问题。如果我已经做好了一切,请告诉我。第二个.cpp文件需要标记为lab feetinches。它还必须调用/测试每个"成员函数"。


// Specification file for the FeetInches class

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class FeetInches;   // Forward Declaration

// Function Prototypes for Overloaded Stream Operators
ostream &operator << (ostream &, const FeetInches &);
istream &operator >> (istream &, FeetInches &);

// The FeetInches class holds distances or measurements 
// expressed in feet and inches.

class FeetInches
int feet;        // To hold a number of feet
int inches;      // To hold a number of inches
void simplify(); // Defined in FeetInches.cpp
// Constructor
FeetInches(int f = 0, int i = 0)
    feet = f;
    inches = i;

// Mutator functions
void setFeet(int f)
    feet = f;

void setInches(int i)
    inches = i;

// Accessor functions
int getFeet() const
    return feet;

int getInches() const
    return inches;

// Overloaded operator functions
FeetInches operator + (const FeetInches &); // Overloaded +
bool operator <= (const FeetInches &);
bool operator >= (const FeetInches &);
bool operator != (const FeetInches &);
FeetInches operator - (const FeetInches &); // Overloaded -
FeetInches operator ++ ();                  // Prefix ++
FeetInches operator ++ (int);               // Postfix ++
bool operator > (const FeetInches &);       // Overloaded >
bool operator < (const FeetInches &);       // Overloaded <
bool operator == (const FeetInches &);      // Overloaded ==

// copy constructor
FeetInches (FeetInches &right)
    feet = right.feet;
    inches = right.inches;

//multiply function 
FeetInches multiply(FeetInches obj)
    FeetInches temp;
    temp.feet = feet * obj.feet;
    temp.inches = inches * obj.inches;
    return temp;

                                            // Conversion functions
operator double();
operator int();

// Friends
friend ostream &operator << (ostream &, const FeetInches &);
friend istream &operator >> (istream &, FeetInches &);

#endif#pragma once


// Implementation file for the FeetInches class
#include <cstdlib>  // Needed for abs()
#include "kenny_feetInches.h"

// Definition of member function simplify. This function     *
// checks for values in the inches member greater than       *
// twelve or less than zero. If such a value is found,       *
// the numbers in feet and inches are adjusted to conform    *
// to a standard feet & inches expression. For example,      *
// 3 feet 14 inches would be adjusted to 4 feet 2 inches and *
// 5 feet -2 inches would be adjusted to 4 feet 10 inches.   *

void FeetInches::simplify()
if (inches >= 12)
    feet += (inches / 12);
    inches = inches % 12;
else if (inches < 0)
    feet -= ((abs(inches) / 12) + 1);
    inches = 12 - (abs(inches) % 12);

// Overloaded binary + operator.               *

FeetInches FeetInches::operator + (const FeetInches &right)
FeetInches temp;

temp.inches = inches + right.inches;
temp.feet = feet + right.feet;
return temp;

// Overloaded binary - operator.               *

FeetInches FeetInches::operator - (const FeetInches &right)
FeetInches temp;

temp.inches = inches - right.inches;
temp.feet = feet - right.feet;
return temp;

// Overloaded prefix ++ operator. Causes the inches member to *
// be incremented. Returns the incremented object.            *

FeetInches FeetInches::operator ++ ()
return *this;

// Overloaded postfix ++ operator. Causes the inches member to  *
// be incremented. Returns the value of the object before the   *
// increment.                                                   *

FeetInches FeetInches::operator ++ (int)
FeetInches temp(feet, inches);

return temp;

// Overloaded > operator. Returns true if the current object *
// is set to a value greater than that of right.             *

bool FeetInches::operator > (const FeetInches &right)
bool status;

if (feet > right.feet)
    status = true;
else if (feet == right.feet && inches > right.inches)
    status = true;
    status = false;

return status;

// Overloaded the <= operator.               *

bool FeetInches::operator <= (const FeetInches &right)
bool status;

    if (feet <= right.feet)
        status = true;
    else if (feet == right.feet && inches <= right.inches)
        status = true;
        status = false;
    return status;

// Overloaded the >= operator.               *

bool FeetInches::operator >= (const FeetInches &right)
bool status;

if (feet <= right.feet)
    status = true;
else if (feet == right.feet && inches >= right.inches)
    status = true;
    status = false;
return status;

// Overloaded the != operator.               *

bool FeetInches::operator != (const FeetInches &right)
bool status;

if (feet <= right.feet)
    status = true;
else if (feet == right.feet && inches != right.inches)
    status = true;
    status = false;
return status;

// Overloaded < operator. Returns true if the current object *
// is set to a value less than that of right.                * 

bool FeetInches::operator < (const FeetInches &right)
bool status;

if (feet < right.feet)
    status = true;
else if (feet == right.feet && inches < right.inches)
    status = true;
    status = false;

return status;

// Overloaded == operator. Returns true if the current object *
// is set to a value equal to that of right.                  *

bool FeetInches::operator == (const FeetInches &right)
bool status;

if (feet == right.feet && inches == right.inches)
    status = true;
    status = false;

return status;

// Overloaded << operator. Gives cout the ability to     *
// directly display FeetInches objects.                  *
//* *******************************************************

ostream &operator<<(ostream &strm, const FeetInches &obj)
strm << obj.feet << " feet, " << obj.inches << " inches";
return strm;

// Overloaded >> operator. Gives cin the ability to      *
// store user input directly into FeetInches objects.    *

istream &operator >> (istream &strm, FeetInches &obj)
// Prompt the user for the feet.
cout << "Feet: ";
strm >> obj.feet;

// Prompt the user for the inches.
cout << "Inches: ";
strm >> obj.inches;

// Normalize the values.

return strm;

// Conversion function to convert a FeetInches object         *
// to a double.                                               *

FeetInches::operator double()
double temp = feet;

temp += (inches / 12.0);
return temp;

// Conversion function to convert a FeetInches object         *
// to an int.                                                 *

FeetInches:: operator int()
return feet;


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