
时间:2016-05-05 23:39:13

标签: c# .net generics dynamic delegates

我正在开发一个系统,其中Watcher可以设置为对Event感兴趣,如果Action Event,则调用Action传递正确的类型。



当然,代码的问题在于 // Step3 ,当我这样做时,字段TheEvent为空。只有Watcher通过Event后才会知道。

如何告知Watcher ActionEvent被分配之前Event获取namespace ConsoleApplication1 { using System; internal class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //Step1: choose the IEvent: NumericEvent //Step2: create Watcher<NumbericEvent> Watcher<NumericEvent> aWatcher = new Watcher<NumericEvent>(); //Step3: Choose and add an action aWatcher.TheAction = new AlphaAction(); //Step3 bind the ActionProperties aWatcher.TheAction.AnActionPropertyA = aWatcher.TheEvent.GetProperty1; aWatcher.TheAction.AnActionPropertyB = aWatcher.TheEvent.GetProperty2; //Step4 Bind the event NumericEvent anEvent = new NumericEvent(); aWatcher.Call(anEvent); } } internal class AlphaAction { internal delegate string ActionPropertyA(); internal delegate int ActionPropertyB(); internal ActionPropertyA AnActionPropertyA; internal ActionPropertyB AnActionPropertyB; internal string ActionPropertyC; public void Run() { Console.Write(AnActionPropertyA.Invoke()); Console.Write(AnActionPropertyB.Invoke()); } } internal interface IEvent { } internal class NumericEvent:IEvent { internal string EventProperty1 = "Property1"; internal int EventProperty2 = 2; internal string GetProperty1() { return EventProperty1; } internal int GetProperty2() { return EventProperty2; } } internal class Watcher<T> where T:IEvent { internal NumericEvent TheEvent; internal AlphaAction TheAction; internal void Call(IEvent anEvent) { TheEvent = (NumericEvent)anEvent; TheAction.Run(); } } } 所需的属性?

internal class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        //Step1: choose the IEvent: NumericEvent
        //Step2: create Watcher<NumbericEvent>
        Watcher<NumericEvent> aWatcher = new Watcher<NumericEvent>();

        //Step3: Choose and add an action
        aWatcher.TheAction = new AlphaAction();

        //Step3 bind the ActionProperties

        MethodInfo method1 = typeof(NumericEvent).GetMethod("GetProperty1");
        aWatcher.TheAction.AnActionPropertyA = (AlphaAction.ActionPropertyA)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(AlphaAction.ActionPropertyA), aWatcher.TheEvent, method1);

        MethodInfo method2 = typeof(NumericEvent).GetMethod("GetProperty2");
        aWatcher.TheAction.AnActionPropertyB = (AlphaAction.ActionPropertyB)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(AlphaAction.ActionPropertyB), aWatcher.TheEvent, method2);

        //Step4 an event is created and passed to the Watcher
        NumericEvent anEvent = new NumericEvent("bla",3);
        if (aWatcher.GType() == anEvent.GetType())


internal abstract class BaseAction
    public abstract void Run();

internal class AlphaAction: BaseAction
    internal delegate string ActionPropertyA();
    internal delegate int ActionPropertyB();

    internal ActionPropertyA AnActionPropertyA;
    internal ActionPropertyB AnActionPropertyB;
    internal string ActionPropertyC;

    public override void Run()

internal interface IEvent

internal class NumericEvent : IEvent
    private readonly string _eventProperty1;
    private readonly int _eventProperty2;

    public NumericEvent(string p1, int p2)
        _eventProperty1 = p1;
        _eventProperty2 = p2;

    public string GetProperty1()
        return _eventProperty1;
    public int GetProperty2()
        return _eventProperty2;


internal class Watcher<T> where T:IEvent
    internal T TheEvent;
    internal AlphaAction TheAction;

    internal Type GType()
        return typeof(T);

    internal void Call(IEvent anEvent)
        TheEvent = (T)anEvent;




命名空间ConsoleApplication1 {     使用系统;     使用System.Reflection;

#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/unistd.h>
#include "sched.h"
#include "sched1.h"

/* This function is called when the module t is loaded. */
 int process_init(void)   
   printk(KERN_INFO "lOADING  MODULE \n");
   printk(KERN_INFO "PID \t PPID \t PNAME \t SIZE \n");

  struct task_struct *task;
    printk(KERN_INFO "%d \t %d\t %s \t %d \n",   task->pid,task->ppid,task->comm,task->sz);

        return 0;


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果我理解你的需要,那么你可以使用Galasoft's MVVM Light Toolkit


  • 定义消息类型,例如SomeMessage
  • 注册您希望收到通知的此类邮件。
  • 可以通过发送SomeMessage
  • 的实例来引发“事件”
  • 将执行为此消息注册的所有操作。


// First you create the message with the needed properties.
public SomeMessage
    public string Content { get; set; }

// Then at some places you register for listening to this type of message
    message => YourMethodThatProcessesTheMessage(message)

// Your method knows the exact type of the message
// So you can access all the properties of the message
private void YourMethodThatProcessesTheMessage(SomeMessage message)

// At another place you can simply send a message to all the listeners
var message = new SomeMessage() { Content = "something" };

答案 1 :(得分:1)



internal interface IEvent { }

internal class Watcher<T> where T : IEvent
    internal Action<T> Action;

    public void On(IEvent evnt)
        if (evnt is T) Action?.Invoke((T) evnt);

您可以通过实施IEvent来创建新事件,并且可以注册当观察者通过设置Action字段注册指定类型的操作时应触发的操作。 e.g。

var watcher = new Watcher<NumberEvent>();
watcher.Action += e => Console.WriteLine($"Got a number: {e.Number}");

watcher.On(new StringEvent { Text = "hello"});
watcher.On(new NumberEvent { Number = 1337});


internal class NumberEvent : IEvent
    internal int Number;

internal class StringEvent : IEvent
    internal string Text;



  • 您正在创建一个通用观察者类(Watcher<T>),但T未在观察者内部使用。您可能希望将NumericEvent替换为T,并检查指定的IEvent是否属于T类型(或您的NumericEvent)。您的编码使IEvent过时了。
  • C#具有属性string EventProperty { get; }。您不必制作GetProperty1()方法(您的字段也是内部的,为什么要使用该方法?)
  • 只需向活动提供活动,不要尝试将活动热线连接到活动。

答案 2 :(得分:1)

您的代码存在的问题是aWatcher.TheEvent行中的aWatcher.TheAction.AnActionPropertyA = aWatcher.TheEvent.GetProperty1;(以及更新后的代码aWatcher.TheAction.AnActionPropertyA = (AlphaAction.ActionPropertyA)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(AlphaAction.ActionPropertyA), aWatcher.TheEvent, method1);)。

由于创建代理时aWatcher.TheEventnull,因此代理始终使用null。您不关心以后在行TheEvent = (NumericEvent)anEvent;中分配事件。


void Main()
    Watcher<NumericEvent> aWatcher = new Watcher<NumericEvent>();
    aWatcher.TheAction = new AlphaAction<NumericEvent>();
    aWatcher.TheAction.AnActionPropertyA = ne => ne.GetProperty1();
    aWatcher.TheAction.AnActionPropertyB = ne => ne.GetProperty2();
    NumericEvent anEvent = new NumericEvent("bla", 3);
    if (aWatcher.GType() == anEvent.GetType())

internal abstract class BaseAction<T> where T : IEvent
    public abstract void Run(T theEvent);

internal class AlphaAction<T> : BaseAction<T> where T : IEvent
    internal delegate string ActionPropertyA(T theEvent);
    internal delegate int ActionPropertyB(T theEvent);

    internal ActionPropertyA AnActionPropertyA;
    internal ActionPropertyB AnActionPropertyB;

    public override void Run(T theEvent)

internal interface IEvent

internal class NumericEvent : IEvent
    private readonly string _eventProperty1;
    private readonly int _eventProperty2;

    public NumericEvent(string p1, int p2)
        _eventProperty1 = p1;
        _eventProperty2 = p2;

    public string GetProperty1()
        return _eventProperty1;
    public int GetProperty2()
        return _eventProperty2;

internal class Watcher<T> where T : IEvent
    internal AlphaAction<T> TheAction;

    internal Type GType()
        return typeof(T);

    internal void Call(T theEvent)