
时间:2016-05-05 15:45:50

标签: java swing null swingworker event-dispatch-thread

我正在使用SwingWorker类来执行后台任务。后台线程完成后GUI的许多不同组件都是job(这些都在done()方法中)。 doInBackground()方法发布HeatMap类对象,process()方法将其添加到JPanel组件。我已将MouseListenerMouseMotionListener添加到此Heatmap类对象中。 {GUI}类中存在mouseMoved()方法。移动鼠标时,应在HeatMap中显示鼠标在JLabel上的坐标位置。

当我运行代码时,HeatMap对象在JPanel中可见,但我认为EDT无法访问它。这是因为,通过快速检查,我发现rawIntensityMap的{​​{1}}方法中的HeatMap null对象不是process(),但它仍然是SwingWorker方法中的null,由此得到mouseMoved()



我不会将private HeatMap rawIntensityMap = null; 对象发送到rawIntensityMap类构造函数。我之前尝试过但是没有用。



以下是 @Override protected void process(List<HeatMap> chunks) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { imagePanel.add(rawIntensityMap, BorderLayout.CENTER); coordinates.setBounds(31, 31, rawIntensityMap.getWidth() - 31, rawIntensityMap.getHeight() - 31); } }); } 方法:


以下是我的@Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { System.out.println("I am in the mouseevent" + coordinates.toString()); System.out.println("Width of raw Intensity map: " + rawIntensityMap.getWidth()); if (e.getPoint().x >= 31 && e.getPoint().y >= 31 && e.getPoint().x <= rawIntensityMap.getWidth() - 31 && e.getPoint().y <= rawIntensityMap.getHeight() - 31) { rawIntensityMap.removeAll(); rawIntensityMap.add(coordinates); coordinates.setText("(x,y) = " + "(" + (e.getPoint().x - 31) + "," + (e.getPoint().y - 31) + ")"); if (peakPickedImage.isSelected()) { preprocessedIntensityMap.add(coordinates); coordinates.setText("(x,y) = " + "(" + (e.getPoint().x - 31) + "," + (e.getPoint().y - 31) + ")"); coordinates.revalidate(); coordinates.repaint(); } coordinates.revalidate(); coordinates.repaint(); } } 类的基本结构:




这是我的public class FileReadWorker extends SwingWorker<REXP, HeatMap> { public FileReadWorker(GUIMain guiClassObject, File fileName, JTree rawSpectraTree, DefaultTreeModel model, DefaultMutableTreeNode root, String currentPath, JTextField minMz, JTextField maxMz, JFreeChart spectrumPlot, ChartPanel chartPanel, JPanel chartContent, float minMzValue, float maxMzValue, Float globalMinMz, Float globalMaxMz, JLabel statusLabel, JPanel imagePanel, JLabel coordinates, JTabbedPane tabbedSpectralFiles, JScrollPane spectralFilesScrollPane, JPanel rawFilesPanel, JRadioButton rawImage, JRadioButton peakPickedImage, JMenuItem loadPeakListMenuItem, JButton loadPeaklistsButton, JMenuItem propertiesMenuItem, JButton propertiesButton) { this.guiClassObject = guiClassObject; this.fileName = fileName; this.rawSpectraTree = rawSpectraTree; this.currentPath = currentPath; this.minMz = minMz; this.maxMz = maxMz; this.spectrumPlot = spectrumPlot; this.chartPanel = chartPanel; this.chartContent = chartContent; this.minMzValue = minMzValue; this.maxMzValue = maxMzValue; this.GlobalMinMz = globalMinMz; this.GlobalMaxMz = globalMaxMz; this.statusLabel = statusLabel; this.imagePanel = imagePanel; this.coordinates = coordinates; this.tabbedSpectralFiles = tabbedSpectralFiles; this.spectralFilesScrollPane = spectralFilesScrollPane; this.rawFilesPanel = rawFilesPanel; this.rawImage = rawImage; this.peakPickedImage = peakPickedImage; this.loadPeakListMenuItem = loadPeakListMenuItem; this.loadPeaklistsButton = loadPeaklistsButton; this.propertiesMenuItem = propertiesMenuItem; this.propertiesButton = propertiesButton; this.model = model; this.root = root; } @Override protected REXP doInBackground() throws Exception { // does some background tasks // Works on the generating the HeatMap try { rawIntensityMap = gim.generateIntensityMap(rawSpectrumObjects, currentPath, minMzValue, maxMzValue, Gradient.GRADIENT_Rainbow, "RAW"); publish(rawIntensityMap); } catch (RserveException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (REXPMismatchException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // returns a REXP object return rawSpectrumObjects; } @Override public void done() { // Updates different components of the GUI rawIntensityMap.addMouseListener(guiClassObject); rawIntensityMap.addMouseMotionListener(guiClassObject); } } } 课程,其中声明了GUIMain。另外,我已经粘贴了实际使用这个HeatMap rawIntensityMap对象的部分代码(没有粘贴所有方法)。


public class GUIMain extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ItemListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, ChangeListener { volatile HeatMap rawIntensityMap; private JPanel imagePanel; // container for the HeatMap /** * Constructor to setup the GUI */ public GUIMain(String title) { super(title); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); //getSize(); setSize(getSize()); imagePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); g.gridx = 0; g.gridy = 1; g.gridwidth = 2; g.weightx = 1.0; // fill the rest of the space g.weighty = 1.0; g.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; imagePanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); //imagePanel.addMouseListener(this); imageDisplay.add(imagePanel, g); // ImageDisplay.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); imageDisplay.setBorder( BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("View 2-D ion intensity map"), BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5))); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Handle open *.img imaging file button and menu item action if ((e.getSource() == OpenImagingFileButton) || (e.getSource() == loadRawSpectraMenuItem)) { int returnVal = fcImg.showOpenDialog(GUIMain.this); if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { file = fcImg.getSelectedFile(); root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(file); rawSpectraTree = new JTree(root); model = (DefaultTreeModel) rawSpectraTree.getModel(); //Passing this HeatMap to the SwingWorker class FileReadWorker frw = new FileReadWorker(this, file, rawSpectraTree, rawIntensityMap, model, root, currentPath, minMz, maxMz, spectrumPlot, chartPanel, chartContent, minMzValue, maxMzValue, GlobalMinMz, GlobalMaxMz, statusLabel, imagePanel, coordinates, tabbedSpectralFiles, spectralFilesScrollPane, rawFilesPanel, rawImage, peakPickedImage, loadPeakListMenuItem, loadPeaklistsButton, propertiesMenuItem, propertiesButton); frw.execute(); } // Method when a different HeatMap color gradient is selected @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { colorNumber = (Integer) e.getItem(); if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) { rawIntensityMap.updateGradient(gradients[colorNumber]); if (peakPickedImage.isEnabled()) { preprocessedIntensityMap.updateGradient(gradients[colorNumber]); } } } // Mouse moved event @Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { if(rawIntensityMap == null) System.out.println("TRUE**"); else System.out.println("FALSE**"); System.out.println("I am in the mouseevent" + coordinates.toString()); if (e.getPoint().x >= 31 && e.getPoint().y >= 31 && e.getPoint().x <= rawIntensityMap.getWidth() - 31 && e.getPoint().y <= rawIntensityMap.getHeight() - 31) { rawIntensityMap.removeAll(); rawIntensityMap.add(coordinates); coordinates.setText("(x,y) = " + "(" + (e.getPoint().x - 31) + "," + (e.getPoint().y - 31) + ")"); if (peakPickedImage.isSelected()) { preprocessedIntensityMap.add(coordinates); coordinates.setText("(x,y) = " + "(" + (e.getPoint().x - 31) + "," + (e.getPoint().y - 31) + ")"); coordinates.revalidate(); coordinates.repaint(); } coordinates.revalidate(); coordinates.repaint(); } } } 类的代码已经粘贴在上面。

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