我对Java很新,还在练习。我用用户定义的方法做了一个简单的练习。代码如下。当我运行代码时,似乎if语句(在while循环中)不起作用。代码忽略if语句并直接循环回来。例如像这样的输出(没有输入var响应的地方): 输入项目名称: 牛奶 输入牛奶价格: 1 输入此料品的数量: 2 更多物品? (Y / N) 输入项目名称:
import java.util.*;
public class TotalPrice {
static Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void main(String[] args) {
double total = getTotal();
public static double getTotal()
double total = 0;
Boolean moreItems = true;
String response;
total += getItemPrice(getItemName());
System.out.println("More items? (y/n)");
response = in.nextLine();
{ moreItems = false;}
return total;
public static String getItemName()
String name;
System.out.println("Enter item name: ");
name = in.nextLine();
return name;
public static double getItemPrice(String value)
double price = 0;
System.out.println("Enter price for " + value + ":");
price = in.nextDouble();
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Invalid data type entered.");
int quantity = getItemQuantity();
return quantity * price;
public static int getItemQuantity()
System.out.println("Enter the quantity for this item: ");
int quantity = in.nextInt();
return quantity;
public static void print(double total)
System.out.printf("The total for your grocery items is: $%5.2f, "
+ "thanks for shopping with us!\n\n", total);