现在我做http请求的方式(从this answer借来的)是这样的:
POST(url, data) {
var headers = new Headers(), authtoken = localStorage.getItem('authtoken');
headers.append("Content-Type", 'application/json');
if (authtoken) {
headers.append("Authorization", 'Token ' + authtoken)
headers.append("Accept", 'application/json');
var requestoptions = new RequestOptions({
method: RequestMethod.Post,
url: this.apiURL + url,
headers: headers,
body: JSON.stringify(data)
return this.http.request(new Request(requestoptions))
.map((res: Response) => {
if (res) {
return { status: res.status, json: res.json() }
这样可以正常工作,但是如果返回的状态代码不是200,则angular2将失败。例如,如果用户想要发布某些内容并且服务器返回400,则角度2将抛出异常:< / p>
未捕获的异常:[object Object]
答案 0 :(得分:58)
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx';
return this.http.request(new Request(this.requestoptions))
.map((res: Response) => {
if (res) {
if (res.status === 201) {
return [{ status: res.status, json: res }]
else if (res.status === 200) {
return [{ status: res.status, json: res }]
}).catch((error: any) => {
if (error.status === 500) {
return Observable.throw(new Error(error.status));
else if (error.status === 400) {
return Observable.throw(new Error(error.status));
else if (error.status === 409) {
return Observable.throw(new Error(error.status));
else if (error.status === 406) {
return Observable.throw(new Error(error.status));
err => {//handel here});
根据任何状态的要求而不检查特定状态,您可以尝试: -
return this.http.request(new Request(this.requestoptions))
.map((res: Response) => {
if (res) {
if (res.status === 201) {
return [{ status: res.status, json: res }]
else if (res.status === 200) {
return [{ status: res.status, json: res }]
}).catch((error: any) => {
if (error.status < 400 || error.status ===500) {
return Observable.throw(new Error(error.status));
.subscribe(res => {...},
err => {console.log(err)} );
答案 1 :(得分:0)
包括必需的导入,您可以在handleError方法中做出决定 错误状态将给出错误代码
import { HttpClient, HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';
import {Observable, throwError} from "rxjs/index";
import { catchError, retry } from 'rxjs/operators';
import {ApiResponse} from "../model/api.response";
import { TaxType } from '../model/taxtype.model';
private handleError(error: HttpErrorResponse) {
if (error.error instanceof ErrorEvent) {
// A client-side or network error occurred. Handle it accordingly.
console.error('An error occurred:', error.error.message);
} else {
// The backend returned an unsuccessful response code.
// The response body may contain clues as to what went wrong,
`Backend returned code ${error.status}, ` +
`body was: ${error.error}`);
// return an observable with a user-facing error message
return throwError(
'Something bad happened; please try again later.');
getTaxTypes() : Observable<ApiResponse> {
return this.http.get<ApiResponse>(this.baseUrl).pipe(