使用IntelliJ时$ _POST为空

时间:2016-05-05 13:56:27

标签: php post phpstorm

我正在编写一个简单的网页来演示如何在PHP中使用表单。在大学的Web服务器上运行时,页面工作正常;但是,当我尝试通过IntelliJ 16在本地运行它时,$ _POST始终为空(但php://input确实包含正确的帖子字符串)。演示的其他方面工作正常。

我已经阅读了很多关于$ _POST为空的帖子;而且,据我所知,这些情况解决方案并不适用于此。

我假设我的本地php副本存在配置问题;但是,我不知道可能导致$ _GET工作的错误配置,但不是$ _POST。


     <legend>POST form</legend>
     <form action="formDemo.php" method="post">
       "text" type input named <code>theFirstPost</code>
       <input type="text" name="theFirstPost" value="Value for first POST input"/><br/>    
       <input type="submit" name="postSubmit2" value="Submit Button 2"/>            


  • 添加<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ?>不会产生错误或 警告。
  • $ _ SERVER [&#34; HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE&#34;] =&#34; application / x-www-form-urlencoded&#34;



<!-- This file demonstrates
    (1) How to set up a simple HTML form
    (2) How to use PHP to access the data
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ?>
    <title>Form Demo</title>
    <style type="text/css">
        #get, #post {
            vertical-align: top;


<h1>Form Demo</h1>


    <li>Can you get data in both <code>$_GET</code> and <code>$_POST</code> at the same time? If so, how. If not, why
    <li>What happens if you leave a text box empty?</li>
    <li>Can you "unselect" all the radio buttons? If so, how. If not, why not?</li>
    <li>Can you select "Fred" and "Barney" at the same time? Can you select "Barney" and "Trumpet" at the same time?
        What's the difference?
    <li>What happens if you unselect all the check boxes?</li>
    <li>How does PHP treat checkboxes differently when doing a POST than when doing a GET?</li>
    <li>How can you tell which submit button was pushed?</li>

        <td id="get">

                <legend>GET form</legend>
                <form action="formDemo.php" method="get">
                    "text" type input named <code>theTopOne</code>
                    <input type="text" name="theTopOne" value="Value for Top input"/><br/>

                    "text" type input named <code>theSecondOne</code>
                    <input type="text" name="theSecondOne" value="Value for Input #2"/><br/>

                    Radio buttons named "flintstones":
                    Fred <input type="radio" name="flintstones" value="iChooseFred" checked="checked"/>
                    Barney <input type="radio" name="flintstones" value="iChooseBarney">
                    Wilma <input type="radio" name="flintstones" value="iChooseWilma"></br>

                    Radio buttons named "instruments":
                    Saxophone <input type="radio" name="instrument" value="sax"/>
                    Trumpet <input type="radio" name="instrument" value="tpt">
                    Piano <input type="radio" name="instrument" value="piano" checked="checked"></br>

                    Checkboxes named "courses":
                    451 <input type="checkbox" name="course451" value="451"/>
                    452 <input type="checkbox" name="course452" value="452"/>
                    457 <input type="checkbox" name="course457" value="457"/><br/>

                    <input type="submit" name="getSubmit1" value="Submit Button 1"/>
                    <input type="submit" name="getSubmit2" value="Submit Button 2"/>


                    <th colspan=2>Contents of <code>$_GET</code></th>
                foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
                    echo "<tr><td>$key</td><td>$value</td></tr>\n";

        <td id="post">

                <legend>POST form</legend>
                <form action="formDemo.php" method="post">
                    "text" type input named <code>theFirstPost</code>
                    <input type="text" name="theFirstPost" value="Value for first POST input"/><br/>
                    "text" type input named <code>theSecondPost</code>
                    <input type="text" name="theSecondPost" value="Value for Post #2"/><br/>
                    Radio buttons named "interest":
                    Cool <input type="radio" name="interest" value="itsCool" checked="checked"/>
                    OK <input type="radio" name="interest" value="itsOK">
                    Boring <input type="radio" name="interest" value="itsBoring"></br>

                    Radio buttons named "bestState":
                    Georgia <input type="radio" name="bestState" value="GA"/>
                    Michigan <input type="radio" name="bestState" value="MI">
                    California <input type="radio" name="bestState" value="CA" checked="checked"></br>

                    Checkboxes named "IScourses":
                    260 <input type="checkbox" name="IScourses[]" value="cis260" checked="checked"/>
                    333 <input type="checkbox" name="IScourses[]" value="cis333"/>
                    463 <input type="checkbox" name="IScourses[]" value="cis463"/><br/>

                    <input type="submit" name="postSubmit1" value="Submit Button 1"/>
                    <input type="submit" name="postSubmit2" value="Submit Button 2"/>


                    <th colspan=2>Contents of <code>$_POST</code></th>
                foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
                    $printMe = $value;
                    if (is_array($value)) {
                        $printMe = "[" . implode($value, ", ") . "]";
                    echo "<tr><td>$key</td><td>$printMe</td></tr>\n";



$fp = fopen("php://input", 'r+');
echo stream_get_contents($fp);

<?php var_dump($_SERVER); ?>


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