
时间:2016-05-05 05:27:35

标签: c# winforms


internal class CallRectangle : Control

        public CallRectangle()
            this.Paint += CalloutRectangle_Paint;

        void CalloutRectangle_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)


// Create object to the custom control and call paint event using constructor

 CallRectangle obj = new CallRectangle();


谢谢, Bharathi。

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这是一个可下载的Sample from Microsoft,其中包含如何直接从控件继承的分步指南,并构建绘制事件,因为继承自一个现有的控件(按钮让我们说)非常简单,因为它已经自我绘制了。


/// <include file='DocumentationComments.xml' path='doc/members/member[@name="M:TwoLineListBox.OnPaint"]/*'/>
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            // draw on memory bitmap

            // TODO: Figure out how to avoid doing this on every paint
            // calculate fields required to layout and draw list

            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(m_bmp);

            // Draw the background and raise the PaintBackground event
            OnPaintBackground(new ListPaintEventArgs(g));

            // draw list
            if (m_list != null)

            // Draw the frame around the list
            Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width - m_scrollBarWidth, this.Height - 1);
            g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black), rc);

            // blit memory bitmap to screen
            e.Graphics.DrawImage(m_bmp, 0, 0);

        // This prevents the base class from doing OnPaintBackground.
        // Since the OnPaint method paints the entire window there's no reason
        // to let this go through. If we do it'll cause flashing.
        /// <include file='DocumentationComments.xml' path='doc/members/member[@name="M:TwoLineListBox.OnPaintBackground"]/*'/>
        protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)

        // Called when it is time to draw the background. To take complete control of background
        // drawing override this. To get called after the background is drawn by the base class
        // register for the PaintBackground event.
        /// <include file='DocumentationComments.xml' path='doc/members/member[@name="M:TwoLineListBox.OnPaintBackgroundII"]/*'/>
        protected virtual void OnPaintBackground(ListPaintEventArgs e)
            // Fill the background with the background colour
            if (PaintBackground != null)
                PaintBackground(this, e);

        // Called to draw a line item. To take complete control of drawing an item override this method.
        // To let the base class draw the item first and then do your own additional work register for the
        // PaintItem event.
        /// <include file='DocumentationComments.xml' path='doc/members/member[@name="M:TwoLineListBox.OnPaintItem"]/*'/>
        protected virtual void OnPaintItem(ListPaintEventArgs e)

            Graphics g = e.Graphics;
            Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle();   // Destination for the item image, if any
            Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle();    // Source region of the image to draw
            Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle();   // Destination for the text
            int lineIndent = 0;                     // How far the text is moved in from the left margin before drawing
            Image imageToDraw = null;
            string line1Text;
            string line2Text;

            // On the null case skip everything and just draw the separator line
            if (e.Item == null)
                goto DrawSeparator;

            line1Text = GetStringProperty(e.Item, this.m_line1Property);
            if (line1Text == null)
                line1Text = e.Item.ToString();

            line2Text = GetStringProperty(e.Item, this.m_line2Property);
            if (line2Text == null)
                line2Text = e.Item.ToString();

            // Figure out if we're drawing an image per item from the object, or one for
            // everything
            imageToDraw = GetImageProperty(e.Item, this.m_itemImageProperty);
            if (imageToDraw == null)

                imageToDraw = m_itemImage;

            // Calculate the position of the item image, if we have one, and the line indents
            if (imageToDraw != null)

                srcRect.X = 0;
                srcRect.Y = 0;
                srcRect.Width = imageToDraw.Width;
                srcRect.Height = imageToDraw.Height;

                // int vertPos = (m_itemHeight - m_itemImage.Height) / 2;
                destRect.X = e.ClipRectangle.X + IMAGE_PADDING_X;
                destRect.Y = e.ClipRectangle.Y + IMAGE_PADDING_Y;
                // destRect.Y = (vertPos < 0) ? 0 : vertPos;    // Center the image vertically in the line height. Handle the image being larger than the item height

                // Account for an image that is taller than the item height
                destRect.Height = (imageToDraw.Height > m_itemHeight - IMAGE_PADDING_Y) ? m_itemHeight - (IMAGE_PADDING_Y * 2) : imageToDraw.Height;
                destRect.Width = destRect.Height;
                // Set the text indent based on the image
                lineIndent = IMAGE_PADDING_X + imageToDraw.Width + TEXT_PADDING_X;  // Two pixels for the left indent of the image
                // Set the text indent without using the image
                lineIndent = TEXT_PADDING_X;

            // Calculate the text rectangle
            textRect.X = e.ClipRectangle.X + lineIndent;
            textRect.Width = e.ClipRectangle.Width - TEXT_PADDING_X - textRect.X;   // Allows for padding on the right edge too
            textRect.Y = e.ClipRectangle.Y + 2;
            textRect.Height = this.m_textHeightLine1;

            // From here on we actually draw things. First the selected background, if necessary
            if (e.Selected)
                g.FillRectangle(m_brushSelBack, e.ClipRectangle);

            // Draw the icon, if we have one
            if (imageToDraw != null)
                if (m_useTransparent)

                    g.DrawImage(imageToDraw, destRect, srcRect.Y, srcRect.Y, srcRect.Height, srcRect.Height,
                        GraphicsUnit.Pixel, m_imageAttributes);
                    g.DrawImage(imageToDraw, destRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            // Draw the text in a bounding rect to force it to truncate if too long
            g.DrawString(line1Text, m_fontLine1, e.Selected ? m_brushSelText : m_brushText, textRect);

            // Draw the second line
            textRect.Y += m_textHeightLine1 + 3;
            textRect.Height = this.m_textHeightLine2;
            g.DrawString(line2Text, m_fontLine2, e.Selected ? m_brushSelText : m_brushText, textRect);

            // Draw the separator line
            g.DrawLine(m_penSep, e.ClipRectangle.X, e.ClipRectangle.Y + e.ClipRectangle.Height,
                e.ClipRectangle.X + e.ClipRectangle.Width, e.ClipRectangle.Y + e.ClipRectangle.Height);

            // Let other people know it's time for them to draw
            if (PaintItem != null)
                PaintItem(this, e);

        // Draw all the items.
        private void DrawItems(Graphics g)
            ListPaintEventArgs ListPaintEventArgs = new ListPaintEventArgs(g);

            // Calculate our actual drawing area, accounting for the scroll bar
            Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width - m_scrollBarWidth, this.Height - 1);

            // draw items that are visible
            int curItem = 0;
            for (int i = 0; (i < m_visibleCount); i++)
                curItem = i + m_topItem;
                if (curItem < m_list.Count)
                    // Calculate the drawing area for the item 
                    ListPaintEventArgs.ClipRectangle = new Rectangle(rc.X,
                        rc.Y + (i * m_itemHeight),

                    // Get the item we'll be drawing with and whether it is selected                    
                    ListPaintEventArgs.Item = m_list[curItem];
                    ListPaintEventArgs.Selected = (m_selItem == curItem);

                    // Draw the item

        // Recalculates the heights and visible counts for assorted items
        // in the listbox.
        // TODO: Get rid of this method by moving the rest of the items into the assorted
        // properties.
        private void RecalcItems(Graphics g)
            // The text heights for a single line of text is the height of the font.
            m_textHeightLine1 = g.MeasureString("W", this.m_fontLine1).ToSize().Height;
            m_textHeightLine2 = g.MeasureString("W", this.m_fontLine2).ToSize().Height;

            // The height for an individual item is two lines plus some padding
            m_itemHeight = m_textHeightLine1 + m_textHeightLine2 + 5;

            m_visibleCount = this.Height / m_itemHeight;

            // Set the top item to draw to the current scroll position
            m_topItem = m_scrollValue;

        // Creates all the objects we need for drawing
        private void CreateGdiObjects()
            m_brushText = new SolidBrush(this.ForeColor);
            m_brushSelText = new SolidBrush(this.m_selForeColor);
            m_brushSelBack = new SolidBrush(this.m_selBackColor);
            m_penSep = new Pen(this.m_separatorColor);
            m_imageAttributes = new ImageAttributes();

        // Creates a bitmap in memory to do our drawing. We'll draw on this first
        // and then splat it to the screen.
        private void CreateMemoryBitmap()
            // Only create if don't have one and the size hasn't changed
            if (m_bmp == null || m_bmp.Width != this.Width || m_bmp.Height != this.Height)
                m_bmp = new Bitmap(this.Width - m_scrollBarWidth, this.Height);

                // TODO: Figure out why this is here.
                m_scrollBar.Left = this.Width - m_scrollBarWidth;
                m_scrollBar.Top = 0;
                m_scrollBar.Width = m_scrollBarWidth;
                m_scrollBar.Height = this.Height;
