WebPack配置错误w / Phantom.JS& Pageres(节点模块)

时间:2016-05-04 19:43:41

标签: javascript node.js reactjs phantomjs webpack

我尝试导入名为" pageres"的节点包模块。 (https://github.com/sindresorhus/pageres)使用Phantom.JS截取用户定义的网页截图。我使用NPM成功安装了pageres,但是在尝试将模块导入到我的项目中时,它抛出了以下例外:"无法解析模块' child_process'","无法解析模块''"和"无法解析模块' net'"。在研究这个问题时,我发现(https://github.com/cytoscape/cytoscape.js/issues/998)解决方法是将以下代码片段添加到我的webpack配置文件中:

node: {
  fs: "empty",
  child_process: 'empty',
  net: 'empty'


是否有任何可用的解决方法可以解决此问题,任何人都可以解释为什么我之前遇到的错误"无法解决模块' child_process'"来了吗?



 webpack: {
    // A list of libraries that do not change frequently between deploys
    // and are best served in the vendor bundle. Optional.
    // Expects: Array
    // vendorLibraries: [],

     // Webpack configuration cusomtizations. There are more parameters
     // available than specified here. For the full list, see
     // https://webpack.github.io/docs/configuration.html.
    config: {

       // The Webpack devtool configuration. May affect build times.
       // See https://webpack.github.io/docs/configuration.html#devtool
      devtool: isProduction ? 'source-map' : 'inline-eval-cheap-source-map',

      resolve: {
        extensions: [ '.scss', '.css' ]

      module: {
        loaders: [{ test: /\.css$/, loader: 'postcss' }]
      node: {
  fs: "empty",
  child_process: 'empty',
  net: 'empty'


/* eslint-disable */
require('dotenv').config({silent: true});
const path = require('path');
const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
const projectRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '..');
const sourceRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '../src');

module.exports = {

   // Express configuration
  server: {
     // The host to run the Express universal renderer. See src/server.js.
     // Expects: String
    host: process.env.HOST || 'localhost',

     // The port to run Express universal renderer will run on. See src/server.js.
     // Expects: Number
    port: process.env.PORT || 3000

    // The path at which static assets are served from. If omitted, Express will
    // serve any static assets from your project root 'static' directory.
    // Optional.
    // Expects: String
    // staticPath: projectRoot + '/static',

    // The path at which a favicon image will be served from using the `serve-favicon`
    // library. If omitted, Express will not serve a favicon. Optional.
    // Expects: String
    // favicon: projectRoot + '/static/favicon.ico',

    // The maximum age, in milliseconds, for which a static asset will be
    // considered fresh, per the Cache-Control max-age property. If
    // ommitted, defaults to 0. Optional.
    // Expects: Number
    // maxAge: 0

  // Providers for the root component to assemble. Built in options
  // include 'react-router', 'redux-simple-router', 'redux-async-connect',
  // 'async-props'. Custom root components may accept additional options.
  // Optional. If unspecified will use react-router, react-router-redux,
  // and redux-async-connect.
  // Expects: Array
  // providers: [
  //   'react-router',
  //   'react-router-redux',
  //   'async-props'
  // ],

   // Globals available to both serverside and clientside rendering.
   // You may also add your own here.
  globals: {

     // Whether or not to run redux-logger
     // Expects: Boolean
    __LOGGER__: !isProduction,

     // Whether or not to run redux-devtools
     // Expects: Boolean
    __DEVTOOLS__: !isProduction,

    // Whether or not to show redux-devtools when page loads.
    // Expects: Boolean
    __DEVTOOLS_IS_VISIBLE__: false

   // Enable eslint checks per Webpack build. Will not be run
   // on production.
   // Expects: Boolean
  lint: {
    enabled: true,
    config: projectRoot + '/.eslintrc'

  // babelConfig: projectRoot + '/.babelrc',

   // Enable native desktop notifications for Webpack build events.
   // Will not be run on production.
   // Expects: Boolean
  notifications: false,

   // Path to a file with customizations for the default
   // webpack-isomorphic-tools configuration. Optional.
   // Expects: String
  // toolsConfigPath: __dirname + '/webpack-isomorphic-tools.config.js',

   // When eneabled, will output Webpack and Webpack Isomorphic
   // Tools configurations at startup
   // Expects: Boolean
  verbose: true,

   // The react-router Routes file, Required. Will be added to Webpack aliases.
  routes: sourceRoot + '/routes.js',

  redux: {
     // The path to the index of your Redux reducers. Required. Will be added
     // to Webpack aliases.
     // Expects: String
    reducers: sourceRoot + '/redux/modules/index.js',

     // A path to an index of middleware functions. On the serverside, these will
     // be called with the Express request and response. Optional.
     // Expects: String
    middleware: sourceRoot + '/redux/middleware/index.js',

  html: {
    // A path to a component that provides additional DOM items to be appended
    // to the <head>. Optional.
    // Expects: String
    head: sourceRoot + '/containers/Head/Head.js',

    // A path to a component that provides the root html shell. It is strongly
    // encouraged to instead use html.head and html.body configurations to
    // provide your own additions, as with this parameter you are responsible
    // for some of the internals of Universal Redux.

    // Be sure that the content includes all of the items inside of the default
    // Head and Body inside of Universal Redux's src/server directory.
    // Expects: String
    // root: sourceRoot + '/containers/Root/Root.js'

  // Customizations for Webpack configuration. Optional.
  // Expects: Object
  webpack: {
    // A list of libraries that do not change frequently between deploys
    // and are best served in the vendor bundle. Optional.
    // Expects: Array
    // vendorLibraries: [],

     // Webpack configuration cusomtizations. There are more parameters
     // available than specified here. For the full list, see
     // https://webpack.github.io/docs/configuration.html.
    config: {

       // The Webpack devtool configuration. May affect build times.
       // See https://webpack.github.io/docs/configuration.html#devtool
      devtool: isProduction ? 'source-map' : 'inline-eval-cheap-source-map',

      resolve: {
        extensions: [ '.scss', '.css' ]

      module: {
        loaders: [{ test: /\.css$/, loader: 'postcss' }]
      node: {
  fs: "empty",
  child_process: 'empty',
  net: 'empty'

      postcss: function () {
        return [require('lost'), require('autoprefixer'), require('precss')];
/* eslint-enable */

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