
时间:2016-05-03 12:51:30

标签: java properties


"a" : "apple"
"c" : "orange"
"b.1" : "tea"
"b.2" : "coffee"
"b.3" : "coke"



  • 我只对密钥b.<number>感兴趣,我需要b.1具有值water

  • 如果有值water但不是键b.1,而是使用键b.<x>,那么,我交换b.1&amp;的值; b.<x>

  • 如果没有值water,我会将密钥b.<number>的数字部分增加1,之后我会在"b.1" : "water"中插入Properties实例。


// initialize a HashMap
Map<String, String> propMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

// check what are the property key-values
Set<Object> keySet = props.keySet();
for (Object key :  keySet) {
   String keyStr = (String) key;
   String valueStr = props.getProperty(key);
   if (keyStr.startsWith("b.")) {
      // if it is not value "water"
      if (!valueStr.equals("water")) {
         // I get lost...


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


private static Properties setUpProperties() {

    Properties props = new Properties();

    props.setProperty("a", "apple");
    props.setProperty("c", "orange");
    props.setProperty("b.1", "tea");
    props.setProperty("b.2", "coffee");
    props.setProperty("b.3", "coke");
    return props;

public void testProperties() {
    Map<String, String> sortedMap = new TreeMap(updateContents()); //just for logging
    System.out.print("Properties=" + sortedMap);

public static Properties updateContents() {
    // initialize a HashMap
    Properties props = setUpProperties();
    Map<String, String> sortedMap = new TreeMap(props); //just for logging

    // check what are the property key-values
    boolean foundWater = false;
    for (String key : props.stringPropertyNames()) {
        if (key.startsWith("b.")) { //only b keys
            String value = props.getProperty(key);
            if ("water".equals(value)) {
                foundWater = true;
                if ("b.1".equals(key)) {
                    return props;
                else {
                    //swap b.1 value with b.x value
                    int digit = getDigit(key);
                    props.setProperty("b." + digit, props.getProperty("b.1"));
                    props.setProperty("b.1", "water");
    if (foundWater) {
        return props;
    else {
        Properties propertiesCopy = new Properties(); //avoid a ConcurrentModificationException

        for (String key : propertiesCopy.stringPropertyNames()) {
            //increment all other b-values by one
            if (key.startsWith("b.")) {
                int digit = getDigit(key);
                int incremented = digit + 1;
                propertiesCopy.setProperty("b." + incremented, propertiesCopy.getProperty(key));
        propertiesCopy.setProperty("b.1", "water");
        return propertiesCopy;

 * Returns the digit given a key from a Properties object (this is x)
private static int getDigit(String key) {
    String digit = key.substring(key.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); //use period as delimiter
    return Integer.valueOf(digit);
