我正在使用我的python脚本实现FTP上传。除了我的ftp上传外,一切正常。我已经使用chmod将我的图像和脚本文件夹的权限更改为chmod -R 777.并且FTP服务器上的权限都设置为777.请注意,ftpDir是故意留空的,因为这是ftp服务器上帐户的根文件夹。我不知道我还能做些什么来解决这个问题。 3
placeFile - Start FTP to ftp.brisbaneskycams.com
placeFile - ERROR FTP transfer Failed ...
Filename : /home/pi/pimotion/images/capture-20160503-044806.jpg
Error Msg: ['[Errno', '-2] Name or service not known']
Please Investigate Problem ...
# Lightweight Motion Detection using python picamera libraries
# based on code from raspberry pi forum by user utpalc
# modified by Claude Pageau for this working example
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# original code on github https://github.com/pageauc/picamera-motion
# This is sample code that can be used for further development
verbose = True
if verbose:
print "Loading python libraries ....."
print "verbose output has been disabled verbose=False"
import picamera
import picamera.array
import datetime
import time
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageFont
from PIL import ImageDraw
from fractions import Fraction
import ftplib
from ftplib import FTP
import os
SECONDS2MICRO = 1000000 # Constant for converting Shutter Speed in Seconds to Microseconds
# User Customizable Settings
imageDir = "images"
imagePath = "/home/pi/pimotion/" + imageDir
imageNamePrefix = 'capture-' # Prefix for all image file names. Eg front-
imageWidth = 1980
imageHeight = 1080
imageVFlip = False # Flip image Vertically
imageHFlip = False # Flip image Horizontally
imagePreview = False
# FTP Server location variables
ftpOn = True
ftpServer = "ftphostname"
ftpDir = ""
ftpUser = "ftpusername"
ftpPass = "XXXXXXXXXX"
numberSequence = False
threshold = 10 # How Much pixel changes
sensitivity = 100 # How many pixels change
nightISO = 800
nightShutSpeed = 6 * SECONDS2MICRO # seconds times conversion to microseconds constant
# Advanced Settings not normally changed
testWidth = 100
testHeight = 75
def checkImagePath(imagedir):
# Find the path of this python script and set some global variables
# Setup imagePath and create folder if it Does Not Exist.
imagePath = baseDir + imagedir # Where to save the images
# if imagePath does not exist create the folder
if not os.path.isdir(imagePath):
if verbose:
print "%s - Image Storage folder not found." % (progName)
print "%s - Creating image storage folder %s " % (progName, imagePath)
return imagePath
def takeDayImage(imageWidth, imageHeight, filename):
if verbose:
print "takeDayImage - Working ....."
with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
camera.resolution = (imageWidth, imageHeight)
# camera.rotation = cameraRotate #Note use imageVFlip and imageHFlip variables
if imagePreview:
camera.vflip = imageVFlip
camera.hflip = imageHFlip
# Day Automatic Mode
camera.exposure_mode = 'auto'
camera.awb_mode = 'auto'
def placeFile(filepath):
path, filename = os.path.split(filepath)
print filename
print path
if verbose:
print("placeFile - Start FTP to %s" % ftpServer )
ftp = FTP(ftpServer)
ftp.login(user=ftpUser, passwd = ftpPass)
ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + filename, open(filename, 'rb'))
if verbose:
print("placeFile - SUCCESSFUL FTP Transfer")
print(" Filename : %s " % (filepath))
except ftplib.all_errors as e:
errorcode_string = str(e).split(None, 1)
if verbose:
print("placeFile - ERROR FTP transfer Failed ...")
print(" Filename : %s " % (filepath))
print(" Error Msg: %s" % ( errorcode_string ))
print(" Please Investigate Problem ...")
def takeNightImage(imageWidth, imageHeight, filename):
if verbose:
print "takeNightImage - Working ....."
with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
camera.resolution = (imageWidth, imageHeight)
if imagePreview:
camera.vflip = imageVFlip
camera.hflip = imageHFlip
# Night time low light settings have long exposure times
# Settings for Low Light Conditions
# Set a frame rate of 1/6 fps, then set shutter
# speed to 6s and ISO to approx 800 per nightISO variable
camera.framerate = Fraction(1, 6)
camera.shutter_speed = nightShutSpeed
camera.exposure_mode = 'off'
camera.iso = nightISO
# Give the camera a good long time to measure AWB
# (you may wish to use fixed AWB instead)
if verbose:
print "checkNightMode - Captured %s" % (filename)
return filename
def takeMotionImage(width, height, daymode):
with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
camera.resolution = (width, height)
with picamera.array.PiRGBArray(camera) as stream:
if daymode:
camera.exposure_mode = 'auto'
camera.awb_mode = 'auto'
# Take Low Light image
# Set a framerate of 1/6 fps, then set shutter
# speed to 6s and ISO to 800
camera.framerate = Fraction(1, 6)
camera.shutter_speed = nightShutSpeed
camera.exposure_mode = 'off'
camera.iso = nightISO
# Give the camera a good long time to measure AWB
# (you may wish to use fixed AWB instead)
time.sleep( 10 )
camera.capture(stream, format='rgb')
return stream.array
def scanIfDay(width, height, daymode):
data1 = takeMotionImage(width, height, daymode)
while not motionFound:
data2 = takeMotionImage(width, height, daymode)
pCnt = 0L;
diffCount = 0L;
for w in range(0, width):
for h in range(0, height):
# get the diff of the pixel. Conversion to int
# is required to avoid unsigned short overflow.
diff = abs(int(data1[h][w][1]) - int(data2[h][w][1]))
if diff > threshold:
diffCount += 1
if diffCount > sensitivity:
break; #break outer loop.
if diffCount > sensitivity:
motionFound = True
# print "Sum of all pixels=", pxCnt
data2 = data1
return motionFound
def scanMotion(width, height, daymode):
motionFound = False
data1 = takeMotionImage(width, height, daymode)
while not motionFound:
data2 = takeMotionImage(width, height, daymode)
diffCount = 0L;
for w in range(0, width):
for h in range(0, height):
# get the diff of the pixel. Conversion to int
# is required to avoid unsigned short overflow.
diff = abs(int(data1[h][w][1]) - int(data2[h][w][1]))
if diff > threshold:
diffCount += 1
if diffCount > sensitivity:
break; #break outer loop.
if diffCount > sensitivity:
motionFound = True
data2 = data1
return motionFound
def getFileName(imagePath, imageNamePrefix, currentCount):
rightNow = datetime.datetime.now()
if numberSequence :
filename = imagePath + "/" + imageNamePrefix + str(currentCount) + ".jpg"
filename = "%s/%s%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d.jpg" % ( imagePath, imageNamePrefix ,rightNow.year, rightNow.month, rightNow.day, rightNow.hour, rightNow.minute, rightNow.second)
return filename
def motionDetection():
print "Scanning for Motion threshold=%i sensitivity=%i ......" % (threshold, sensitivity)
isDay = True
currentCount= 1000
while True:
if scanMotion(testWidth, testHeight, isDay):
filename = getFileName(imagePath, imageNamePrefix, currentCount)
if numberSequence:
currentCount += 1
if isDay:
takeDayImage( imageWidth, imageHeight, filename )
takeNightImage( imageWidth, imageHeight, filename )
if verbose:
print("MotionDetection - Saved %s" % filename)
if ftpOn:
if __name__ == '__main__':
print ""
print "+++++++++++++++"
print "Exiting Program"
print "+++++++++++++++"
print ""