在Snap Handler中捕获HTTPException

时间:2016-05-02 23:47:26

标签: haskell haskell-snap-framework httpexception


assignCategories' :: String -> [String] -> Handler App (AuthManager App) String
assignCategories' l_id cats  = do
            let baseAttribs = M.fromList [("id",l_id)]                                                            
            let saveQuery = WMSaveObject {baseAttributesSO= baseAttribs ,relatedSO=relatedObjects}

            -- this is the function that can throw an HTTPException            
            -- runWMSave :: WMQueryObj -> Handler App (AuthManager App) String

            saveresponse <- try $ H.runWMSave saveQuery
            return $ case saveresponse of
                Left  e -> show (e :: HttpException)
                Right r -> r



   No instance for (Control.Monad.Catch.MonadCatch
                       (Handler App (AuthManager App)))
      arising from a use of ‘try’
    In the expression: try
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      saveresponse <- try $ H.runWMSave saveQuery
    In the expression:
      do { liftIO $ putStrLn l_id;
           let baseAttribs = M.fromList ...;
           let relatedObjects = concatMap makeRelatedRow cats;
           let saveQuery = ...;
           .... }

谢谢, 尼尔

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